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Interim Assessment Administration Guidelines

Learn how to administer the Interim Assessment for Smarter Balanced Tests step-by-step, from accessing the interface to approving students for testing. Get detailed instructions for setting up sessions, guiding students through logins, and managing test settings.

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Interim Assessment Administration Guidelines

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  1. How to administer the Interim Assessment Smarter Balanced. Test Administrator (TA) and Student Directions

  2. Before Testing: Set up your schedule for interim assessmenthttp://www.caaspp.org/about/smarter-balanced/index.htmlThere is not a classroom activity for the Interim Assessment.

  3. Before testing: Have staff sign Smarter Balanced Affidavit http://californiatac.org/administration/forms/index.html

  4. Before Testing: Know which Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) you are giving each day: • Interim ELA (ICA) • Interim Performance ELA • Interim Math (ICA) • Interim Performance Task Math We are not giving the Smarter IAB (Block Assessments).

  5. Before testing: Accessibility Supports are available on the interim assessment once they are inputted into the TOMS system by special education staff. • Universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations are modifiable on the TA Interface for the interim tests also once the students log in. • Provides an excellent opportunity to try out accessibility supports with students and actual test items

  6. Step 1. Test Administrator (TA) Interface is on the caaspp.org website:

  7. Step 2. Log in using your username and password: (e.g. kathy.harris)

  8. Select the test category or grade and content area. Step 3. TA selects the assessment the students will be taking. You can filter the different assessments by grade and subject.TA can select more than one assessment to give (e.g. combo class with two grade levels)

  9. . Step 3 continued: or select the assessment from the full list. The G 11, G3 or G4 indicates the grade level before the test name.

  10. Create a test session by selecting the [Start Session] button. Step 4. Once you select the assessment(s), click on Start Session

  11. You will now wait until the students have logged in. Step 5. Write the Session Id on the board for students. Let them know which test they are taking.

  12. At the bottom left corner on the Chromebook, students look for the word Apps.This process to upload to the sign in page, could be done prior to students using the Chromebooks by the teacher.

  13. The AIRSecureTest will appear. Students click on it.

  14. It may take a little time to upload so ask students to wait.“Please Select Your State” will appear with a drop down screen. Student select California.

  15. The California Assessment System will now appear. Students click on OK. It will take a while for the test to upload. So they wait for the next screen. It will come up.

  16. Students might get this screen. Have them click on Reload.

  17. Confirmation Code: Student’s first name as it appears in CALPADS. State-SSID: “CA” followed by a hyphen and the student’s Statewide Student Identifier (SSID). Session ID: Unique ID generated by the TA on the TA Interface. Step A. Students will select the CAASPP website on the Chromebook. It will appear as an App at the bottom of the ChromebooksStep B: Students type in:

  18. B. Upon logging on, students will see the Is This You? screen. Upon confirming the identification information, students will select [Yes].

  19. Step C. Upon selecting [Yes], the student will see the Your Tests screen, which will display all grade-level tests that the student is eligible to take. Note: Only the test(s) that the TA has activated in the session will be selectable by the student.

  20. Step D. Student will now wait until the TA approves them for the test.

  21. As students select tests, the tests will be displayed in the Approvals list. Step 6. Students’ names will begin to appear on the TA screen for assessment approval.

  22. Select the [Approvals (#)] button to access the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen. Ensure students have logged on to the correct test and review students’ test settings by selecting the [See/Edit Details] button. This is where you can change a designated support for the interim assessment.

  23. Student test settings window on the TA Interface: Step 8. Designated Supports from TOMS will appear if already inputted. You can changed them here. This will NOT be available for changing on the Summative Assessment only the Interim.

  24. Step 9. Upon confirming that students have selected the correct test(s) and appropriate test settings have been set, approve students to begin testing.

  25. Step E. After the TA has approved the student for testing, the student will need to verify the test information and settings on the Is This Your Test? screen G03 Interim ELA Test (ICA)

  26. Step F: To begin testing, the student will select [Yes, Start My Test] button. G03 Interim ELA Test (ICA)

  27. To hand score the Interim Assessment Items, you also log into caaspp.org and click on a tab. We have that information in a different PowerPoint. Requires TOMS logon credentials Data Warehouse Receive and view student reports TOMS Verify student demographic data 1 Requires same logon credentials used for the Digital Library Test Administrator Interface Administer assessments 2 4 Interim Handscoring System Handscore students’ constructed responses 3

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