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Interactive Vocabulary Quiz: The Game of Definitions

Test your team's vocabulary skills with this engaging game where you choose the correct meaning of words. Have fun while expanding your word knowledge!

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Interactive Vocabulary Quiz: The Game of Definitions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Game of Definitions • A word will appear on the screen along with three meanings. • In your teams decide which is the correct meaning. Form filling vocabulary

  2. Maiden Name A) Your middle name B) The name a woman has before she is married C) Mr/Mrs/Miss

  3. Not Applicable or N/A A) Something does not apply B) Something is very important C) Something must not be ignored

  4. N I Number A) Your Bank Account Number B) Your Pin Number C) Your National Insurance Number

  5. Signature A)How you sign your name B) Your Surname C) Password

  6. Address A) An item of clothing B) The place where you live C) How old you are

  7. Occupation A) If you are married B) The job you do C) What you like doing in your spare time

  8. Home Telephone No. A) The phone number at work B) The phone number at your house C) Your mobile phone number

  9. Marital Status A) Say if you have children B) Say if you have a job C) Say if you are married or not

  10. D.O.B A) When you were married B) When you were born C) When you left school

  11. Forename A) Your last name B) Your middle name C) Your first name

  12. Spouse A) Your child B) Your husband or wife C) Your brother/sister

  13. Convictions A) If you have ever been guilty of a crime B) Make someone believe what you say C) Your relations

  14. Delete A) To add information B) To ignore C) To cross out

  15. Reference A) A person who can speak on your behalf about your skills B) Someone you play football with C) A dictionary

  16. P.T.O. A) Please Tick Off B) Please Take One C) Please Turn Over

  17. Next of Kin A) Your nearest or closest relative B) Your doctor C) Your next door neighbour

  18. Direct Debit A) No cost B) A payment from you bank account C) A guarantee

  19. Dependants A) Any family members B) Elderly family members C) Any family members who rely on you for financial support or help with money

  20. Block Capitals A) Capital letters (upper case) B) Small letters (lower case) C) A certificate

  21. Authorise A) To refuse or say ‘no’ B) To allow or say ‘yes’ C) To write down

  22. Title • The name of your favourite book B) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Sir etc. C) Yours sincerely

  23. Provisional A) You must provide information B) Something has been provided C) Something is temporary

  24. NB • Short for Not Bold which means do not type in bold type B) Short for the Latin words Nota Bene which means note well C) Short for not bound which means that you are not bound by an agreement

  25. Countersignature • A countersignature is a second signature on a document • A countersignature is a person whose job is to check all signatures on documents C) Countersignature means to count all signatures on a document

  26. Correspondence Address • The address where you would like to live • The address where you wish mail to be sent C) The address where your parents live

  27. Guidance Notes • Notes written for the Girls Guides B) Notes which are difficult to understand C) Notes which help you to complete a form correctly

  28. Confirm • Support something that is true B) To work for a small firm C) To tell someone something in confidence

  29. Strictly Confidential • Information is not private B) Information must be passed to other people C) Information is not to be shared with any other person, that it is private

  30. Renewal • To receive a gift • To replace something with a newer one C) To gain a reward

  31. SAE • Stands for ‘stick all envelopes’ B) Stands for ‘stamped addressed envelope’ C) Stands for ‘send all envelopes’

  32. Parents’ details • Details such as their name, where they were born, their date of birth and their nationality • Details such as height, weight and the colour of their eyes • Details such as where they were brought up and which schools they attended

  33. Present employer • An employer who gives you presents B) The employer who interviews you C) The person who employs you at the moment

  34. Registration • You MUST complete • To read something very carefully C) To add to an official list e.g. yourself, (births, deaths and marriages) or your car

  35. Venue • To print something • A French word which means the place where something takes place C) To write only in black ink

  36. Current address • The address at which you live at the moment • The place where you last lived C) The address where you hold your current account

  37. Declaration • A celebration of something B) To deny something C) A statement in which you sign to state that it is true

  38. Gender • To graduate from college B) Whether you are male or female C) To translate something

  39. Exchange • To order something to be done B) To give change to somebody C) To change something for something else

  40. Naturalisation • To give a person from another country citizenship to live in this country B) To use products which are made from natural sources C) To act naturally

  41. Office use only • Something can only be completed by using Microsoft Office B) You can only fill it in if you work in an office C) You must not fill it in, the staff checking the forms will complete that section

  42. Previous address • The address of your neighbour directly behind you B) The place where you lived last C) The address where you preferred to live

  43. Alternative telephone • You can choose to phone or not B) Another number you can be contacted on other than your main number C) A new telephone system

  44. Duplicate • An exact copy of the original B) To comfort somebody C) Your twin

  45. Guardian • Someone who guards your property B) Someone whose favourite newspaper is the Guardian C) A person who has legal custody of another person especially a child

  46. Enclosed • To put something inside e.g. an envelope B) To add more information C) To be allowed to do something

  47. Replacement • Where you live temporarily B) To receive an amount of money in the post C) Something that takes the place of something else

  48. Last name • Your name before you were married B) Your family name C) Your middle name

  49. Applicant • A person who gets the job B) A person who gets sacked from a job C) A person who is applying for something

  50. Fee • There is no charge being made • A payment given to you tax free C) A payment charged for professional services

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