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Leadership. America’s Strong Leadership. America is the most powerful nation on Earth because historically we have historically had strong leadership. The U.S. Constitution creates a government of checks and balances of power.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leadership

  2. America’s Strong Leadership America is the most powerful nation on Earth because historically we have historically had strong leadership. The U.S. Constitution creates a government of checks and balances of power. Former President Ronald Reagan was able to inspire a nation with his State of the Union Address. After he passed away, they asked his lifelong Secret Service Agent what he would remember the most about President Reagan? Without hesitation he responded, “President Reagan treated everyone the same. If he was speaking to the Queen of England or the gardener at the White House he gave every person the same genuine attention and made them feel important.” We can learn about strong leaders by learning from those great Americans that help build America.

  3. President Ronald Reagan “Not everybody aspires to be a bank president or a nuclear scientist, but everybody wants to do something with their life that will give them pride and a sense of accomplishment.”

  4. President Ronald Reagan “You can and should listen to and learn from criticism, but you can’t let it paralyze you.” “You have to just make the best decisions you can and keep moving forward.”

  5. General Norman Schwarkopf “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”

  6. Sam Walton “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”

  7. President John Quincy Adams “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more You are a leader!”

  8. Harvey Firestone “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”

  9. Abraham Lincoln “Whatever you are…be a good one.”

  10. General Colin Powell “Leadership is solving problems. The day your employees stop bringing you problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.”

  11. General Colin Powell “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.”

  12. Brian Tracy “Become the kind of leader people would follow voluntarily: even if you had no title or position.”

  13. “T-Boone” Pickens Jr. • “Show me a good loser…and I will show you a loser!”

  14. Richard Kinder CEO Kinder Morgan • You need to make sure everybody gets credit … that’s extremely important to me.

  15. Roe Patterson President & CEO “After every contact with your employees ask yourself…what kind of impact did I just have…positive or negative?”

  16. Ken Huseman former President and CEO Basic Energy Services “Successful managers need to be able to identify the talented people in the company and move them into a position that will benefit the company the most.”

  17. Exceeding Expectations We ask our field employees to: “Provide a service that exceeds our customers expectations.” As leaders we must challenge ourselves to: “Provide the leadership that exceeds our employees expectations.” Give our employees the same effort we are asking of our field employees to give our customer

  18. Oil and Gas Work Place • Field employee’s work in one of the most dangerous industrial environments in the world, all hours of the day and night and in all kinds of weather. • Weekends and holidays generally go unnoticed. • It takes tough people to do this work long term.

  19. Value of Field Employees • I have a great deal of respect for our field employees. • Where they work and how hard they work. • When you shake hands with a field employee its like grabbing a fence post. • Six days a week…12-14 hours a day. • Sweat through clothes covered in dirt and oil and think nothing of it.

  20. Value of field employees • Every employee that is not tripping pipe or shifting gears is supporting the field employees who are. • If our field employees fail…we all go home. • They are the men and women who are “ringing the cash register”…generating revenue for the company. • They bring oil and gas to the surface.

  21. Value of Field Employees • Their ability to provide a safe professional service that exceeds expectations is critical to the success of the company. • It is very impressive to watch an employee or crew who take pride in their work. • They know what they are doing and they are very good at controlling a dangerous work environment all day, everyday. • These are the crews where management take potential customers, senior management and investors.

  22. Old School Management • Fear and Intimidation. • Get the job done or leave. • I’m not a baby sitter…get to work. • Accept my work ethic or go home. • Force new generation into their work ethic. • Unconditional work ethic. • If you can’t…you can’t stay. • Safety is second to getting job done.

  23. Strong Leadership = Success • Surround themselves with good people. • Make every employee feel that their job is important to the success of the company. • Positive self-esteem motivates exceptional job performance. • Respect their employees and inspire them to be their best.

  24. Integrity • Walk the walk…or…talk the talk. • Not just in safety meetings…in the field. • Is safety a priority with every decision everyday? • Employees believe more of what they see than what they hear. • Silently rushing employees with gestures…looking at your watch…sighs… • Some need motivating…we can’t set in the shade of dog house all day. • Safe and steady.

  25. Strong Field Supervisors • Knowledgeable and experienced. • Dedicated hard worker. • Patient when training new employees. • Helps new employee feel connected with coworkers. • Dependable…on time everyday. • Ensures employees have safe tools and equipment. • Spends time on location impacting behavior of crews. • Ultimate goal: Gain employee’s unsupervised compliance with policies and procedures…safe work practices.

  26. Company Reputation • Your employees build Basic’s reputation in your area of operation by the quality of service they provide…right the first time, no accidents…no environmental issues. • The phone rings or is silent because of the quality of service your field employees provide. • The quality of service we provide defines the quality of Basic’s leadership and management team.

  27. Strong Leadership • Every encounter with employees ask yourself “What kind of impact did I have?” Positive or Negative? • Stay connected with employees at all levels. • Recognize employee when job exceeds expectations. • Discipline in private…praise in public. • Ask yourself: “Would I want to work for me?” • You can’t push a chain…leader is in front…all links pull together • Important to supervisor – Important to employees.

  28. Field Employee Accountability • Policies and procedures are not a buffet. • Employees don’t get to pick and choose which ones they want to comply with. • “That’s not the way I do it…We did it different at brand X.” • When they came to work, they agreed to follow Basic policies and procedures. • It’s not unfair to ask them to do their job. • Supervisor must use disciplinary processes to correct unacceptable and unsafe work practices. • Retrain, discipline and then remove.

  29. Strong Leadership • Nothing is more important than safety of our employees. • Company comes first…the employees are the company. • Without employees, idle equipment, empty buildings. • Strong supervisors help those under them succeed. • Someone helped you promote into a leadership position. • Those under you need you to help them be successful. • Career path to promote…or career field employee. • Opportunities for promotion reduce turn over. • Reduce turn over, reduce accident rate (30%).

  30. Strong Leadership • Your employee’s success reflects on your leadership skills. • As your employees succeed, youropportunities for promotion increase. • Upper management is watching and listening. When the opportunity comes your performance as a leader will qualify you to be considered for promotion. • Upper management’s responsibility is to identify the talent in the workforce and move them into a position that will benefit the company the most.

  31. Qualities of Supervisor • Treat all employees with respect, even when they are terminated. • Gain the respect of their employees. • Good communication skills. • Organized. • Courteous professional demeanor “yes sir – no sir”. • Genuine concern for coworkers and their families.

  32. Employee's are Watching and Listening • Jerry Femester Rig Manager Contract Drilling • Three years no recordables BBQ • All employees present for all three years received a Yeti cooler ($500 value) • One employee was short two months • During presentation at rig, Jerry gave his cooler to his employee and recognized his hard work • Jerry had many other day to day examples that has lead to his success as a strong successful leader that has resulted in his crew working 3 years no recordables

  33. Everyone has Reputation • They are talking behind your back…coworkers and supervisors. • Those conversations build your reputation good or bad. • Reputation reflects on your family name. • Awesome hard worker…top hand • Never complains. • On time • Energetic • Positive • Self Motivated • Hard worker (unsupervised) • Respected by coworkers • Admired by supervisor • Requested by company man • Next to be promoted

  34. Who are we hiring? • Is the applicant currently unemployed? • Terminated by previous employer? • How many previous employers…why? • Five employers in two years? • Why would they stay with you? • They could be the problem? • You could be hiring your next accident? • Do they have physical agility for job? • Experience with hard work?

  35. Who are we hiring? • Pressure on managers to hire • Pressure from customer to crew out rigs • Poor or no background check • “Job Hoppers” know what to say to get a job, but they can’t perform consistently to keep a job. • No substantial work history • Cost Basic time and money

  36. Most field employees… • Come to work everyday on time, drug free and they don’t have accidents. • They provide a service that exceeds our customers expectations everyday. • These employees have helped build Basic into a very successful Energy service company. • These are the employees who keep working during the down-turn in business.

  37. Everyone has Reputation • Lazy-Lazy-Lazy • Ugly word to read, say and hear. • Dishonoring to your family’s name. • Sloppy lazy work performance. • No one wants to work with lazy coworker. • Constant complaining. • Always has excuse to get out of work. • Late…undependable. • Not “do their share of the work.” • Interferes with work of other crew members • Bust and Boom – Who goes home … Who keeps working?

  38. Leadership Frustrations • One crew clean, neat location, all safe work practices followed, no damaged property, no environmental issues, no accidents and praised by customer. • Next crew rag tag location, short-cuts, hit and miss with following safe work practices, frequent accidents. • Supervisor must retrain, discipline or remove before someone is injured.

  39. Operator Sets Work Standard • Operators most important responsibility is the safety of his crew. • Operators leadership is key to the professional conduct of his crew. • Operator is the day to day leader and has more influence on crew than supervisor. • Operator should not begin work until safe conditions exist. • Operator should “stop work” when he observes an unsafe behavior or a hazard has developed.

  40. Nothing is more Important than safety of our employees Their families need them at work everyday to provide for them and Basic needs them at work everyday to continue to build a successful energy service company.

  41. Nothing is more important than safety of our employees Make a personal commitment at the beginning of each day, to yourself and to your employees that your going to continue to develop the professional leadership skills that will encourage safe work practices and get your employees home each day.

  42. Nothing is more important than the safety of our employees Your strong leadership skills will produces safe professional employees. Their children are expecting them home.

  43. The sounds inside a funeral

  44. Nothing is more important than the safety of our employees.

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