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2 nd /4 th Quarter Review

2 nd /4 th Quarter Review. Who were the midnight judges? Judges who received their appointments only hours before John Adams left office. What law did the Supreme Court use in deciding Marbury v. Madison? Judiciary Act of 1789.

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2 nd /4 th Quarter Review

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  1. 2nd/4th Quarter Review • Who were the midnight judges? • Judges who received their appointments only hours before John Adams left office. • What law did the Supreme Court use in deciding Marbury v. Madison? • Judiciary Act of 1789. • What motivated Thomas Jefferson to send Lewis and Clark to the Louisiana Purchase? • To learn about the West and find a river route to the Pacific Ocean. • What was the function of the Indian Removal Act? • To open land in the Southeast to American farmers. • How would you express why Jackson vetoed legislation to renew the Second Bank of the United States? • He believed the bank was too powerful.

  2. How, with the technical advances of the 19th century, could workers more easily assemble products and replace defective parts? • Because of interchangeable parts. • During the 1800’s, what made the growth in communication, trade and travel possible? • Steamboats, railroads, and the expansion of roads and canals. • What best describes the occupations of most people in Europe and the US in the early 1700’s? • Farmers • Before the War of 1812, why were Americans reluctant to build new factories and machinery? • Because British manufacturers could produce large amounts of goods and charge lower prices. • How would you explain how Eli Whitney contributed to the Industrial Revolution? • He introduced mass production and interchangeable parts.

  3. Why did southern leaders refer to cotton as “King Cotton?” • Because of the importance of the Cotton trade to the South’s economy. • Why did cities grow rapidly during the mid-1800’s? • Immigration and the migration of rural inhabitants to urban areas. • How would you classify the roles of Douglass, Truth, and Tubman in the abolition movement in relation to their race? • Key, since all were former slaves who spoke for the movement. • From 1836 to 1844 in the US House of Representatives, what discussion was prevented by the Gag Rule? • Antislavery petitions • What is the main idea of Transcendentalism? • To encourage people to follow their personal beliefs and rise above influence. • How would you describe the views of Horace Greeley and William Lloyd Garrison relating to abolition? • Both were abolitionist.

  4. Why did the American Anti-Slavery Society split in 1840? • Over the role of women in the abolition movement. • What was the purpose of the American Temperance Society and the American Temperance Union? • To urge people to give up or to limit the consumption of alcohol. • How would you classify the movement led by Harriet Tubman? • She led the Underground Railroad Movement, a network of people who arranged transportation and hiding places for fugitive slaves.

  5. How did German immigrant Levi Strauss earn his fortune in California? • By making durable denim work pants to sell to miners. • What treaty ended the Mexican War? • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo • When Stephen Douglas introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, how did southern senators react? • They agreed to abandon their plan for a southern railroad route if the new territory west of Missouri was opened to slavery. • How would you describe the Fugitive Slave Act? • A part of the Compromise of 1850 • What happened after John Brown seized the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry? • He hoped slaves in the region would join him, but none did.

  6. Which presidential candidate opposed the spread of slavery but promised not to support abolishing slavery where it already existed? • Abraham Lincoln. • Which was the fort that controlled the entrance to Charleston Harbor? • Fort Sumter • How did suspending habeas corpus allow President Lincoln to silence the Copperheads? • By withdrawing constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment. • What best identifies where Lee’s attempt to launch an offensive into Union territory ended in defeat? • Gettysburg • How would you classify people known as carpetbaggers? • Northern born Republicans who came South after the war • What best describes the sharecropping system? • Sharecroppers provided landowners with their labor in exchange for part of the crop.

  7. What were the features of Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction? • Lenient and fair treatment for the South • What was the purpose of the Freedman’s Bureau? • To aid poor whites and former slaves in the South • How would you describe when Reconstruction ended? • 1877, when President Hayes removed the last federal troops from the South. • What was the location of the first capital of the Confederacy? • Montgomery, AL • What influenced the works of James Fenimore Cooper and Washington Irving? • Nationalism • Who turned the fight for women’s rights into a political movement? • Susan B. Anthony

  8. Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe write her powerful antislavery novel? • After reading slave narratives and meeting fugitive slaves in Ohio, where she lived. • How would you describe the people John Brown intended to arm as a result of his raid on Harper’s Ferry? • Enslaved people and begin an insurrection against slaveholders. • How would you explain the Southern reaction to the abolition movement? • Uniting in their defense of slavery. • How would you identify the major issue dividing parties in the election of 1860? • Slavery • Which party was united by its followers’ opposition to the expansion of slavery? • RepublicanParty

  9. How would you express the reason Angelina and Sarah Grimke joined the antislavery movement? • They rejected the views of their southern, slaveholding family. • Who was the Underground Railroad designed to aid? • Slaves • How would you describe the issue which led to the Civil War and resulted in the Compromise of 1850? • Maintaining the balance of power of slave and free states in the Senate. • How would you generalize the Dred Scott decision? • Slaves were property and property could be taken to any territory.

  10. What was the main idea of the Morrill Act of 1862? • The grant of public lands to states for land grant colleges • What was the main result of Lincoln suspending writs of habeas corpus? • A person could be imprisoned indefinitely without trial. • Robert E. Lee did not accept command of the Union troops because… • He could not fight against Virginia. • What was the purpose of General William Tecumseh Sherman’s “March to the Sea” through Georgia? • To destroy everything that might be of use to the enemy. • How would you summarize the importance of the capture of Chattanooga by Union forces during the Civil War? • They would then control a major railroad running South to Atlanta. • What was the most important transportation advantage held by the North during the Civil War? • More miles of railroad tracks.

  11. What was the theme of Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction? • To reconcile with the South rather than punishing it. • How would you describe the attitude of the Radical Republicans toward the citizenship of former slaves? • They should be granted citizenship, including the right to vote. • What abolished slavery in the North? • The adoption of the 13th amendment. • What laws was the 14th amendment designed to protect? • Civil Rights Act of 1866 • What amendment protects the suffrage of African American men? • 15th amendment

  12. What role did Alabama play in establishing the CSA? • Six of the Seven seceding states met in Montgomery to establish the CSA. • What happened Feb. 1, 1861? • AL, MS, LA, FL, GA, TX had seceded from the Union.

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