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Belgrade, Serbia 21 st & 22 nd May, 2012. Ins & Outs of European & National level Advocacy in Enlargement Countries. Goals or why (and how) EU is important for lobbying & advocacy: Over 50% legislative acts are directly regulated or “inspired” by the EU
Belgrade, Serbia 21st & 22nd May, 2012 Ins & Outs of European & National level Advocacy in Enlargement Countries
Goals or why (and how) EU is important for lobbying & advocacy: Over 50% legislative acts are directly regulated or “inspired” by the EU Even in countries on the way to join the EU (accession means harmonization & alignment of the national legislation & practice to that of the EU ~ Acquis communitaire) Finding Your Way in the EU System
Finding Your Way in the EU System EU institutions or how to find your way around the EU machinery when you want to lobby?
Finding Your Way in the EU System European Commission = motor of the EU system 5 main functions:
European Parliament=the only directly elected body in the EU Legislative powers The power of the purse shared with the Council of Ministers (the Member States) Oversight powers Finding Your Way in the EU System
Finding Your Way in the EU System Council of Ministers (6 functions): • Legislative body (shared with the EP) • Coordination of economic policies • Decides on the budget (together with the EP) • Responsible for CFSP (under Commission/EEAS) • Responsible for JHA
Finding Your Way in the EU System European Council
Advisory bodies: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) = rep. of organized civil society (employers, employees & other interest, i.e. CSOs), members nominated by the Gov Committee of Regions = rep. of local and regional authorities Finding Your Way in the EU System
Exercise/Quiz: Which institutions is most important for Serbia as EU candidate country? Which institutions/bodies have representative from civil society? Which institutions decided on the Enlargement policy? Which institutions decides about the advancement of Serbia in the EU accession process? Which institutions is in charge of managing IPA funds? Which institutions decided on the level of IPA funds? Finding Your Way in the EU System
From informal to structured lobbying (civil dialogue): Relevant documents The Commissions White Paper on Governance Minimum Standards on Consultation (Constitutional Treaty) Art. 47 of European Constitutional Treaty (participative democracy) Art. 11 of the Lisbon Treaty (European Citizens’ Initiative) Civil Dialogue at the EU Level
From informal to structured lobbying (civil dialogue): Characteristics: “soft” approach No strictly written rules Focus on the Commission No strict accreditation, although Register of Interested Representatives Unclear/specific definition of CSOs Civil Dialogue at the EU Level
From informal to structured lobbying (civil dialogue): Forms: (Biannual) meetings; Open e-consultations (Your voice in Europe portal) Panel discussion; Parliamentary (lobby) group; Hearings. Civil Dialogue at the EU Level
Exercise/Quiz: Do you need to register to lobby the EU institutions? Name 2-3 forms of lobbying at the EU? What does the Art. 11 of the Lisbon Treaty talk about? Which of the institutions would be most effectively to lobby on increasing funds for your cause? Which of the institutions would be most effective to lobby on the policy toward your cause in Serbia? Civil Dialogue at the EU Level
CSO & EU: Networks as most effective mechanism to influence/lobby the EU: EU networks as added-value of national, regional, local-level lobbying: EU office of national CSOs or international CSOs (e.g. Amnesty Intern’l, Greenpeace, Care, Polish platform) Umbrella organization on the same topic/problem (e.g. European Environmental Bureau, European Anti-Poverty Network) EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
CSO & EU: Networks as most effective mechanism to influence/lobby the EU: EU partnerships for specific activities/problems (e.g. Social Platform, HR and Democracy Network, Green 10) “transversal groups” of CSOs = EU Civil Society Group EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
EU networks (thematic list): Refugees, migration; Human rights (European Solidarity Towards Equal Participation of People -EUROSTEP, HR and Democracy Network, Transparency Intern’l) European integrations (ECAS, EFC, EPC) Disabilities(Association for Creativity by and with Disabled People, Disabled People Intern’l, European Disability Forum, European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) Development Cooperation(CONCORD, Eurostep) EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
EU networks (thematic list): Youth, children (AEGGE-Europe, European Children’s Network-EURONET, European Youth Forum, AISEC Intern’l) Environment (EPHA, Green 10, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace Intern’l, WWF) Women/Gender (European Network of Women-ENOW, Europan Women Lobby-EWL, Network Women in Development Europe-WIDE) Social security (EAPN, European Social Actio Network-ESAN) Old, religious communities, health, humanitarian help, education EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
Lobbying in Enlargement countries: EU integration brings new opportunities/mechanisms for lobbying & advocacy Harmonization of the legislation with the EU Fulfillment of Copenhagen political criteria requires functioning democratic institutions (structured inclusion/dialogue with CSOs) Establishment of consultation structures (possibility to influence on priorities, issues, budget allocations) Experiences ? EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
Advise/steps for action: Define your interest and responsible institution/department etc. (national vs. EU level); Power of exchange of (specific) information (newsletters, mailing lists etc.) Define goals & targeted institutions/departments/decision-makers EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
EU institutions: MEPs (directly elected = directly responsible), possible lobbying on national & EU level; EC (use of technical vs. political arguments, preparation of reports, studies !) Council (added-value on national lobbying) EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
Group work: Vlаdаvinе prаvа (uklјučuјući prаvdu i unutrаšnjе pоslоvе, zаštitu lјudskih i mаnjinskih prаvа i sl.) Rеfоrmе držаvnе uprаvе (uklјučuјući izgrаdnju instituciја i usvајаnjе acquis-а, uprаvlјаnjе јаvnim finаnsiјаmа, dеcеntrаlizаciјu vlаsti, stаtistiku, еlеktrоnsku vlаdu) Grаđаnskо društvo, mеdiјii kultura Kоnkurеntnоst (mаlа i srеdnjа prеduzеćа, istrаživаnjе i rаzvој, infоrmаciоnо-kоmunikаciоnе tеhnоlоgiје, turizаm, pоslоvnа infrаstrukturа, industriја i trgоvinа) Rаzvоја lјudskih rеsursа (zаpоšlјаvаnjе, оbrаzоvаnjе, društvеnа inkluziја, uklјučuјući оmlаdinu) Pоlјоprivrеdai rurаlni rаzvој Sаоbrаćаја Zivоtnе srеdinе i еnеrgеtika(uklјučuјući оtpаd, оtpаdnе vоdе, vоdоsnаbdеvаnjе, rudаrstvо i sl.) EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them
Studija na slu~aj: Direktiva za uslugi na vnatre{no tr`i{te na EU 21 maj, 2003 DG vrabotuvawe i socialna politika objavuva Green Paper on Services of General Interest GO se pokaneti da dadat komentari (razgrani~uvawe me|u generalni ekonomski vs. socialni uslugi) EK objavi White Paper, koj vo golem del gi prifati zabele{ki na GO paralelno (i ne-koordinirano) DG vnare{no tr`i{te gi opfati socialni uslugi so svojata direktiva (t.e. kako ekonomski aktivnosti) EU & zastapuvawe i lobirawe
GO lobirat i najdat zavezni vo Sovetot i (predse) Evropskiot parlament (2004-6) Komitet za vrabotuvawe i socialna politika pratenici (i nac’l nivo) na 16 fevruari, 2006 Parlament izglasa socialni uslugi da ne bidat del od Direktivata ustanoven Evropski forum za uslgi na vnatre{noto tr`i{te na EU (ograni~en pristap samo za EPHA) problemi, prepreki? EU & zastapuvawe i lobirawe
Studija na slu~aj: Iskustvata na MCMS vo EU lobirawe i zastapuvawe u~estvo vo programa za gradwe kapaciteti za EU lobirawe i zastapuvawe (2004-5) studijska poseta i organizacija na regionalna konferencija informacii za nacrt IPA politika (do EK) EU Networks & Your Strategy to Use Them