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Global: of the 12 latent variables observed over 9 entrepreneurial framework conditions. only 3 appear as enough adequate for entrepreneurs. The firsts are the commercial and professional infrastructure along with the internal market dynamics evaluated as nor bad nor good. The third is the access to physical and services infrastructures. which is better valued near the qualification of good. The school E&T continues appearing as the worst valued condition. although the average qualification is over the 2 points. It seems to begin to improve. The R&D transfer follows in the ranking and is qualified of non sufficient. The governmental policies about bureaucracy and taxes follow and are also qualified as non adequate. Finance for entrepreneurs shows also a non sufficient qualification. Internal market burdens. governmental policies of support and priority are the next presenting very similar values (around 2.6) and also qualified as non adequate for entrepreneurs. After school E&T and social and cultural norms are more near of being qualified as nor bad nor good. Summarizing. experts continue considering that entrepreneurs are facing a quite difficult environment the year 2012 in most of the world.
Financing: Financing for entrepreneurs does not show a good evaluation in any of the groups. The worst situation is for efficiency driven nations. The experts of: Belgium. Switzerland. Malaysia. Singapore. India and Algeria. are those that considered this condition in a relative good state. The US. Germany and Pakistan are near the nor bad nor good qualification. but under the average value of 3 points. So. in many developed countries it appears as difficult the availability of funds for entrepreneurs. which can be slowing to some degree the entrepreneurial activity (negative correlation between TEA12 and NES12_ASUM of -0.263* significant at 95% for 68 nations) In fact. experts of some nations very affected by the crisis as Greece and Spain lead their evaluation to figures under the averages of developing nations which affects very much to the evaluation of the innovation group that shows a high spread Greece shows the worst evaluation of GEM 2012 with an average score of 1.65 for this latent variable
Government support policies and priority: Experts consider non sufficient the governmental compromise toward entrepreneurship. The worst evaluation is for efficiency driven nations. followed by factor driven and innovation Again Greece shows the worst average (1.59) which affects the overall average of the innovation group. The mix of nations in which experts consider there is governmental support for entrepreneurs are: Ethiopia. France. Singapore. Tunisia. Switzerland. Korea. Alegria. Malayisia. Finland. and Colombia. Chile and Ireland are near of the situation nor bad nor good. There is a negative correlation between TEA12 and NES12_B1SUM (of --0.220) but it is no significant for 68 nations. But there is a significant and negative correlation with the TEA12 by necessity (-0.305*). Thus. unemployment influences this part of the TEA and their rates are high in developing nations and in some affected by the crisis. which. at the same time is indirectly associated to more active governments in supporting entrepreneurship as a way to generate employment and eliminate necessity entrepreneurship
Government policies: taxes and bureaucracy Again the worst situation is for efficiency driven countries as a group. Several nations of all types show evaluations under 2 points. including Greece. The worst score is for Argentina. On the contrary. the best situation is for Singapore that shows an average score higher than 4 points. It is followed by Switzerland. Estonia. Finland. the Netherlands and Tunisia. In the limit of nor bad nor good they are Macedonia and Ethiopia. Correlation of this variable is negative and non significant with TEA12 and TEA12 by necessity. but with this last the analysis is significant at 90%. Interpretation can be similar to the previous variable: governments who tend to simplify bureaucracy and taxes to foster entrepreneurship foster the elimination of necessity entrepreneurship
Governmental programs: In this case. the averages improve from the factor driven to innovation driven countries. but in all of them there is no sufficient action The worst cases. under an average of 2 points are: Greece. Iran. Egypt and Palestine They show good evaluations higher than 3 points: France. Germany. Austria. Switzerland. Singapore. Ireland. the Netherlands and Malaysia. Denmark. Algeria. Latvia and Korea are just over the nor bad nor good score This variable shows a significant negative correlation with the TEA12. A regression model tells that as the experts evaluation on governmental programs improves the TEA 12 decreases. result that is consistent with the less TEA rate of developed nations
Education and training at the school: 30 countries (43.47%) do not reach the average score of 2 points. There is only one nation who approves: the Netherlands with an average score of 3.07 This continues being the worst valued condition and the average score increases as the development group does This variable is not correlated with the TEA12 or the TEA12 by necessity Education and training after the school: Average evaluation improve and the best group is efficiency driven nations The worst evaluation is for Egypt under the 2 points. There are 48 nations under the 3 points average and 21 over. The best evaluation is for the Netherlands followed by Switzerland There is no lineal correlation with the TEA but. if it was. it would be positive
R&D transfer: It is not sufficient for any group and it improves the average evaluation as it increases the group of development There are 12 countries under an average of 2 points. The worst evaluation is for Angola. The best evaluation is for Switzerland followed by the Netherlands. the only nations that show an average over 3 points This variable explains a 25% of the TEA12. shows a negative linear correlation (-0.50) and indicates that as countries develop and increases the R&D transfer. the TEA tends to decrease. A result that is consistent with the present conclusions on TEA and development Commercial and professional infrastructure: This condition is not so critically evaluated. The worst situation is for Korea. 33 countries show average scores higher than 3 points. The best evaluation is for the Netherlands followed by Switzerland. Correlation is negative and some significant (-0.276*) and indicates that as countries develop they are more able to provide these services and at the same time as countries develop. the TEA tends to decrease
Internal market dynamics: 32 countries show evaluations under the 3 average point. The worst situation is for El Salvador (2.17) and the best for Korea. over the 4 points. This variable is not linearly correlated with the TEA12. There is an abnormal situation due to the crisis in several developed countries and experts of factor driven nations perceive their markets as more opened in average than those of developed nations. The high group average score is for the less developed nations. Internal market burdens: In the same line. several efficiency and innovation driven countries are perceived as with higher burdens to enter in the internal market. The worst situation is for Bosnia &H and the best for the Netherlands only 8 nations report a good evaluation of this condition The variable is not linearly correlated with the TEA12
Physical and services infrastructure: This variable is approved in all groups and increases evaluation score as countries develop. It is one of the basic requirements of development and it is negatively associated to TEA12 (negative and significant correlation of -0.465**. and R2 of 21.6%) This variable explains part of the TEA12 and the regression model tells that as physical infrastructure improves the countries are more developed and the TEA decreases. The worst situation is for Angola and the best is for Switzerland. 23 nations report evaluations of 4 or more points Social and cultural norms: Differences among the three groups of development are scarce. but average evaluations tend to increase as countries develop. The worst situation is for Croatia (1.98) and the best for Israel (4.25) This variable is significant and positive correlated with the TEA12 (+0.280) and has little power of explanation (7.8%). In any case. as the social support for entrepreneurs increases so does the TEA12 22 countries show average scores over the 3 points while 47 are under this score. There is still much to do on social and cultural norms in several countries
A stepwise regression model on the core conditions selects. for the year 2012. the following evaluations as explanatory of the TEA (for 68 nations): 57.3% of explanatory capacity Two of them: low internal market burdens and social and cultural norms support push the TEA. and two constraint it: the better is the state of R&D transfer and the better is the access to physical infrastructure and services. These two last indicate that as countries develop the TEA decrease. The most important for developed nations is to count with a high quality entrepreneurship: the quality and innovation must be over the quantity
Experts are globally considered more optimistic about this set of variables. Thus. they lead to positive evaluations on the innovation from the consumer’s point of view. the valuation and motivation for entrepreneurs. the opportunities perception. the women’s entrepreneurship support. the innovation from the companies point of view. They stated the support for high growth businesses as nor bad nor good except for factor driven countries were it is worst valued. and they only found not sufficient the state of intellectual property rights and less good the skills of the populations to start up. But this evaluation is not uniform and here follows a more accurate analysis.
Opportunities’ perception by experts: 12 countries report situations of few opportunities for entrepreneurs. (under 3 points) The worst situation is for Greece and the best for Uganda and Estonia (4). The crisis affects this evaluation for various countries of the Eurozone as Spain. France and Italy. 57 countries report acceptable or good situations. information that must be profited for internationalization from the more affected countries. Factor driven nations show the best evaluation as a group This variable explains a 13.3% of the TEA12. shows a significant and positive correlation of 0.365*. As opportunities increase so does the TEA Population skills to start up: Experts are more critical than population to evaluate this condition. Its evaluation is consequent with their perception about E&T. There are 67 evaluations under the 3 points and only Israel and the Netherlands obtain scores over 3 points. The worst situation is for Japan. Efficiency driven nations show the worst evaluation as a group and innovation the best. This variable shows no explanatory capacity on the TEA12
Valuation of the entrepreneur and its role: Factor driven experts are those who better evaluate this condition. The other two groups are very similar. The role of the entrepreneur is quite well valued so. experts feel that their societies appreciate them There are 8 nations with averages under 3 points. The worst case is for Iran and the best for Israel. There are 6 countries with averages of 4 or higher than 4 points. This variable explain an 11.3% of the TEA12. They show a positive correlation of 0.336* which is significant. As the entrepreneur’s role is more supported and valued the TEA increases Intellectual property rights: As development level increases so does the experts’ evaluation on this condition. As this depends on development. the relationship with the TEA12 is negative: as this condition improves the TEA decreases. This variable is negatively and significant correlated with TEA12 (-0.389*) and explains a 15.2% of it. Iran. which shows the worst situation is under 2 points along with Palestine. There are 41 countries in which this condition is valued under 3 points. The rest are over this score. The best case is for Switzerland (4.41)
Perception on women’s support: The worst average is for factor driven nations followed by efficiency and innovation driven. For the first group the evaluation is near the nor bad nor good evaluation but under the average of 3 points. The other two approve. There are 15 nations in which this condition is not good. The worst situation is for Iran. followed by Japan. The best case is for Norway followed by the Netherlands both over the 4 points This variable shows no explanatory capacity of the TEA12 Perception of high growth support and encouragement: The averages of evaluation increase as development. Only innovation driven countries show an average over 3 points. 37 countries show averages under 3 points. The worst situation is for Iran and the best for Ireland. the only over 4 points The variable shows no explanatory capacity of the TEA12
Innovation from the companies point of view: The evaluation of this condition increases as development does. but differences are scarce. All groups show averages higher than 3 points. 18 countries show averages under 3 points. The worst evaluation is for Greece and the best for Algeria near the 4 points This variable shows no explanatory capacity of the TEA12 Innovation from the consumer point of view: The evaluation of this condition increases as development does. but differences are more scarce than in the previous case. All groups and all countries show averages higher than 3 points. Experts report the importance of innovation for consumers in all kind of countries. The lowest evaluation was for Bosnia & H (3.04) and the highest was for Israel (4.22) This variable shows no explanatory capacity of the TEA12
A stepwise regression model selects three of this set of variables as explanatory of the TEA12: opportunities existence reported by experts. degree of motivation and valuation of the entrepreneurs’ role (both positive) and intellectual property rights situation (negative). As opportunities and motivation increase so does the TEA. As intellectual property rights are better protected. this is equivalent to more development and thus. the TEA decreases. The model is able to explain a 31.6% of the TEA12. Testing if any of these variables could improve the previous stepwise model. the result is negative. These variables correlate with some of the used in that model and they are rejected. The first model is more powerful than this one.
SPECIAL TOPIC IMMIGRATION 1) Adequateness of laws and regulation to promote foreign entrepreneurship (coming from developing or developed nations) 2) Perception on: foreigners from developing or developed nations must confront a greater number of formalities to start up than natives 3) Perception on: foreigners from developing or developed nations have worse access to private sector finance and support programs to start up than native 4) Perception on: migration and integration policy explicitly identifies the potential of entrepreneurial activity
Experts of 68 countries (Turkey did not the immigration questions) state that the adequateness of laws and regulations to promote foreign entrepreneurship (coming from developing or developed nations) is some poor. In factor driven nations as a group the experts show a more optimistic perception while it is some worst at efficiency and innovation driven countries At the same time. experts tend to think that foreigners. no matter where they come from. must confront more formalities than natives to start up businesses. The opinions is stronger among experts of innovation countries and more relaxed in efficiency driven countries. Factor driven experts fall in the middle Also. experts tend to report that foreigners. no matter where they come from. have worse access to finance and programs to start up businesses than native. The opinions is stronger among experts of innovation countries and more relaxed in factor driven countries. Efficiency driven experts fall in the middle Finally. experts tend to think that the immigration integration policy is poor explicitly identifying the potential of foreign entrepreneurship . The opinion is stronger among experts of factor driven countries and more relaxed in efficiency driven countries. Innovation driven experts fall in the middle
Adequateness of laws and regulations: For the adequateness of laws and regulations. the worst situation is for Japan (under 2 points)and the best if for Romania (near the 4 points). Only 14 countries report some positive evaluations on this topic. 4 are in the nor bad nor good point, and the rest under the 3 points. It appears that the development level is not determinant of this topic This variable has explanatory capacity of the TEA12. In fact. there is a positive and significant correlation: 0.336* and the R2 = 11.3%. Thus. if the laws and regulations increase their adequateness for foreign potential entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial activity of the receptor country would increase This is an important result for policy makers in a globalized world, because each time more people is moving and it is important to facilitate part of this immigration to start up wherever they go Also, several foreigners act as cultural transmitters and as innovation promoters: their experiences can enrich the receptor country
Confront more formalities: 29 countries tend to report that it is more false than true that foreigners must confront more formalities to start up than natives. The best evaluation is for Uganda and the worst for Iran This variable has notable power of explanation of the TEA12: 23.9% with a negative correlation coefficient of -0.489*. The more true is this realty the less increases the TEA12 This is another interesting result for policy makers as difficulties for foreigners to start up slow their entrepreneurial activity and receptor countries lose human capital that can help their economies Less access to finance and programs: 30 countries report that it is more false than true that foreigners have less access than natives to finance and programs for entrepreneurs. The best evaluation is again for Uganda, and the worst is also for Iran This variable has also notable power of explanation of the TEA12: 32.9% with a negative correlation coefficient of -0.573*. The more true is this realty the less increases the TEA12 This is another interesting result for policy makers as difficulties for foreigners to access finance and programs slow their entrepreneurial activity and receptor countries lose potential entrepreneurs that can help their economies
Perception on migration and integration policy explicitly identifies the potential of entrepreneurial activity: 10 countries report that this is almost false (average scores under 2 points), while 51 state that this is more false than true. Only 5 countries report positive results and two fall in the situation: nor true nor false. So. the best evaluations are for: France, Singapore, Malaysia, Ethiopia and Ghana, while the worst are for Greece, Brazil, Argentina, Estonia and South Africa This variable has no explanation power on the TEA12 Testing a stepwise regression model using the four summary variables of immigration results in a simple regression in which it only enters the third variable that is, less access to finance and programs for foreigners. The rest are correlated with this one and do not enter to the model Thus, this is the most powerful variable and the best of this set of items to explain the TEA12
SPECIAL TOPIC SOCIAL RELATIONS -Efforts and actions of the public agents to foster business relations and collaboration (fairs, courses...) -Perception of experts about business owners' beliefs of the goodness of informal agreements and collaboration with other firms and businesses
Experts of all groups of countries consider that public agents develop sufficient but not brilliant efforts and actions to foster business relations and collaboration (fairs, courses...) The average qualification relies on the 3 points and there is not a significant difference by development level. The best evaluation is for the Netherlands and the worst for Greece. There are 26 countries in which experts evaluate this condition under the 2 points. Informal agreements and collaboration among business owners are evaluated as some positive, especially in innovation countries. There are little differences among countries with respect to this variable. Only four countries rely under the 3 points average and are very close to this value: Chile, Greece, South Africa and Ghana. Of these two variables, only the second is some correlated with the TEA12. It shows a negative relationship (-0.255*) because the perception on informal agreements and collaboration increases as countries develop and the TEA decreases as countries develop.
Special topic youth To read and interpret the youth results take in consideration the sample of countries that made this part of the questionnaire In the next slide there is a list of countries for each block of items Special cases are Israel which only made the first blocks of items. Croatia and Italy which only made the last blocks, and France that left the last block So, there are 14 factor driven nations that completed the whole questionnaire; 21 efficiency driven nations that completed the whole questionnaire and 1 efficiency nation that made the adult youth blocks; 11 innovation driven nations that completed the whole questionnaire and 3 innovation driven countries that made different parts of it
-Access to formal education. e-ship training and opportunities for youth -Necessity of youth to be involved in e-ship -Efficiency of bank and micro credit finance and incubators as factors that foster youth e-ship -National environment tends to be constraining for youth e-ship and youth general professional development
At the global level, experts qualified the statement that youth have access to formal education, e-ship training and opportunities as nor true nor false. The best evaluation is for the factor driven group and the worst for innovation driven countries. The crisis seems to influence this result as entrepreneurial education begins to be seriously implemented in several developed countries while youth unemployment increases dramatically in many countries Also at the global level experts perceive that the necessity of youth to be involved in entrepreneurship as more true than false. By the moment this variable increases as development decreases and the statement is more true in factor driven nations, followed by efficiency countries while in innovation driven this is still considered more false than true On the other hand, at global and groups of countries level experts consider that it is more false than true that banks, micro credit finance and incubators are factors that foster youth entrepreneurship. These factors can help to develop youth entrepreneurship, but their existence does not determine that youth take this professional alternative This is corroborated by the final experts’ evaluation which tells that it is more true than false that national environments are tending to constraint youth entrepreneurship and youth general professional development. This credence increases as development decreases but there are few differences among the two first groups of countries’ development
Access to formal education, e-ship training and opportunities for youth: Of 47 nations, there are 23 in which experts consider more false than true that youth have access to formal education, entrepreneurship training and professional opportunities. The worst situation of this sample of countries is for El Salvador (2.30) and the best is for Algeria (3.95) This variable does not show any linear relationship with the TEA12 (take in consideration that we work with less sample) Necessity of youth to be involved in e-ship: Of 47 nations. there are 35 in which experts consider that youth have the necessity to be involved in entrepreneurship to develop a professional life. In one country this is not true nor false and in 11 this is considered more false than true. The statement is especially considered more true in Angola (4.01), Zambia, Malawi, Algeria and South Africa, with averages over the 3.8 points, while it is considered as almost false in Norway (1.67) This variable is significantly and positively correlated with the TEA12 (+0.376*). It explains a 14.2% of the TEA12 telling us that as it increases the necessity of youth to be involved in entrepreneurship the TEA increases: a logic result
Efficiency of bank and micro credit finance and incubators as factors that foster youth e-ship: Of 48 countries, only experts of 4 considered some true this statement: France (the best with 3.57 points), Algeria, Tunisia and Malaysia (very near of the nor true nor false situation). For the rest, the statement is more false than true. The worst evaluation is for Greece (1.85) This variable is significantly and negatively correlated with the TEA12 (-0.341*). It explains a 11.7% of the TEA12 telling us that, as it is more true that there is an efficiency of bank and micro credit finance and incubators that foster youth e-ship the TEA decreases. A logic result if one thinks that this will be associated to a major development and consequently as much development less TEA National environment tends to be constraining for youth e-ship and youth general professional development: Of 47 nations, only experts of 4 considered some false this statement: Angola, USA, Switzerland and Norway. The rest consider that is more true than false that their national environments are constraining the youth entrepreneurship and general professional development. The best evaluation is for Norway (2.29. more near to false), while Angola and the US are more near the situation nor true nor false (2.96, 2.82). The worst evaluation is for Iran (4.08). This variable shows no linear relationship with TEA12
So, for the available sample of countries, the TEA12 is explained in a 25.4% by the necessity of youth to be involved in entrepreneurship and by the efficiency of bank and micro credit finance and incubators as factors that foster youth entrepreneurship. In the present global situation, the first variable pushes entrepreneurship, especially by necessity as can be seen in the next slide, while the second variable understood as synonym of more development when it works constraints the youth entrepreneurial activity
The same analysis using the TEA12 by necessity gains in power of explanation until a 30.8% with a similar explanation but applied to necessity TEA. Thus. if there is a more sophistication of tools to foster youth entrepreneurship, an expected result is to get low levels of youth necessity entrepreneurship and consequently to gain in opportunity entrepreneurship
Some preliminary remarks about the youth topic: From the previous results it is clear that the youth topic is a very relevant one that must be analyzed in detail. The present crisis is evidencing the precariousness around youth employment and professional development in many countries The sample of countries involved in the NES youth questions is quite wide to justify that this topic is not only of interest of developing nations, but of interest for all participating countries in GEM There is more information to capture and the 2012 tentative shows the potential and interest of this topic and that all groups of nations are affected by youth matters The next slides show more detailed information about youth and experts opinions
In my country, youth have easy access to primary and secondary education. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Although results for this item are expected as very positive for innovation and efficiency countries and less for factor driven nations, there appear some surprising cases like France and Israel at the innovation group, and the situation for developing nations is perceived as vey positive in average: only Angola falls under the 3 points but very close to them
In my country, most of the youth have no option other than to find work. Average results by nation and GCR classification: The experts’ evaluation of this item in participating countries indicates that it is more true as economic development decreases. In the factor driven countries the highest evaluation is for Algeria and the lower for Iran. In the efficiency driven countries stacks Turkey as more closer to true and Lithuania as some false. Finally, among the innovation countries the statement is near to be considered as true in Israel and almost false for Switzerland and Norway.
In my country, youth are pushed into business activity out of necessity. Average results by nation and GCR classification: At the global level, experts evaluated this item as some true. The scores go down as economic development increases so the statement is considered as some true in the factor nations, also more true than false for efficiency driven nations and some false for innovation driven countries. The worst evaluation is for Angola and the more favorable is for Iran within the factor group. South Africa is almost at the same level as Angola but in the efficiency group , where the best evaluation is for Estonia. Israel shows an almost true qualification and the best situation is for Norway and Switzerland. Spain, Greece and Slovenia show relevant positions.
In my country, families expect youth to contribute to the family’s economy and finance. Average results by nation and GCR classification: At the global level, experts evaluated this item as some true. The scores go down as economic development increases so the statement is considered as some true in the factor nations, also more true than false for efficiency driven nations and some false for innovation driven countries. The worst evaluation is for Angola and the more favorable is for Iran within the factor group. South Africa is almost at the same level as Angola but in the efficiency group, where the best evaluation is for Romania. Israel shows the highest qualification and the best situation is for Norway and Switzerland. The UK, Slovakia and France are close to the 3 points.
In my country, the youth involved in business activity are more likely to be self-employed than an employee (work for someone else). Average results by nation and GCR classification: Globaly considered the experts tell that the statement is not true nor false. The average score decreases as economic level increases. In the factor driven group this is considered almost true for Zambia and almost false for Iran. In the efficiency group the situation is almost true for Peru and some false for Turkey. In the innovation group it is almost true for France and almost false for Norway and Korea.
In my country, self-employed youth learn to develop their business activities largely through their own experience and relationships. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Globally considered the experts tell that the statement is somewhat true. The average score slowly decreases as economic level increases. 8 factor driven countries show evaluations higher than 4 points being Angola at the top. The efficiency driven countries show average scores higher than 4 being Estonia at the top. Israel has the highest score in the innovation group (4.22) and Korea the lower (2.61). Greece, Spain, Slovenia and Ireland follow Israel with high scores.
In my country, there are many opportunities to develop “micro business” for youth. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Globally considered the experts tell that the statement is nor false nor true. The average score decreases as economic level increases. India (3.94) shows the highest average among factor driven nations and Iran the lower (2). Malaysia is at the top of efficiency countries (3.69) and El Salvador at the bottom (2.3). Norway is at the top of innovation countries (4.03) and Korea at the bottom (2.04). Peru, Estonia, Barbados, Namibia, China, the UK and Israel show stacked positions along with most of developing nations. This is a key result for youth seeking opportunities
In my country, governmental programs effectively train and support youth entrepreneurs. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Experts consider that there is still much to do in this field: the average states that this item is more false than true and the average scores decrease as economic development increases. In the factor driven group they only approve 4 countries; 3 in the efficiency and 1 in the innovation group. Algeria appears as the best evaluated followed by Barbados and Norway is the single country of the innovation group that has a qualification of just approved.
In my country, conflict situations form a substantial barrier for youth/young adults to start and grow a business. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Unfortunately, experts evaluated this item as more true than false. Average scores slow down as economic development increases, but all groups show affected countries. In the factor driven nations Iran shows the worst situation followed by Algeria and Palestine. Only 3 countries begin to show that the item is more false than true: Malawi, Ethiopia and Angola. Mexico is at the top of efficiency countries (3.71): all countries are some affected and those under the 3 points barrier are close to it. Among the innovation driven, Korea is the worst (4) followed by Spain, Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia and the UK. The rest are less affected
In my country, the young adults are significantly involved in entrepreneurship. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Experts evaluated this item as some false for the global sample. The average scores show that efficiency driven nations are at the top, followed by factor driven nations and at some distance by innovation driven countries. Youth is still few involved in entrepreneurship. The best rank is for China and Argentina at the efficiency group. In the factor driven group it stacks Nigeria and in the innovation group only France and the UK are some over the 3 points.
In my country, youth and young adults face greater constraints to entrepreneurship relative to the general adult population. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Experts evaluated this item as some true for the global sample. Average scores decrease as economic development increases, but group differences are little. Iran is a the top of factor driven nations (3.89) near a somewhat true score. Angola is at the bottom of the group (3.06). At the top of the efficiency group there stands Trinidad & Tobago (3.88) and at the bottom Estonia (2.18). France (3.69) is at the top of innovation countries followed by Korea, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Spain and the UK. The less affected is Norway (2.6)
In my country, there is an adequate system of business incubators that can be accessed by youth entrepreneurs. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Experts evaluated this item as some false for the global sample. Average scores increase as economic development increases. Tunisia is a the top of factor driven nations (3.27) near a somewhat true score. Angola is at the bottom of the group (1.71). At the top of the efficiency group there stands Lithuania (3.43) and at the bottom El Salvador (1.67). France (4.03) is at the top of innovation countries followed by Ireland. Switzerland and Slovenia. The rest show poorest scores. especially Greece (1.74)
In my country, most of young adults that become entrepreneurs have been helped to start up by their families, close relatives or friends. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Experts evaluated this item as some somewhat true for the global sample. Average scores are very similar for all economic groups. This is a cultural behavior that seems to be extended worldwide with some exceptions. Thus, Ethiopia and Zambia show significant lower values in their group and so does Romania and especially France in the innovation group
In my country, financiers (banks, informal investors, business angel…) fund young adults business initiatives. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Experts evaluated this item as some somewhat false for the global sample. Average scores are very similar for all economic groups but tend to increase as development does. This is a structural behavior that seems to be extended worldwide with some exceptions. Thus, France shows the best evaluation(3.44) followed by Algeria (3.4). India, Lithuania and Slovakia show around 3 points. The rest show lower scores
In my country, micro-credit facilities for young adults to start a business are efficient. Average results by nation and GCR classification: Experts evaluated this item as some somewhat false for the global sample. Average scores are very similar for all economic groups. This is a behavior in the same line of the previous that seems to be extended worldwide with some exceptions. Thus, Algeria shows the best evaluation(3.69) followed by France (3.54), Tunisia (3.26), Poland (3.24) and Malaysia (3.07). The rest show lower scores and under the 3 points