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What B2B Marketers Can Expect From the New Linkedin Business Manager

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What B2B Marketers Can Expect From the New Linkedin Business Manager

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  1. What B2B Marketers Can Expect From the New Linkedin Business Manager LinkedIn is not just a platform for professional networking platform. It has proved its worth as one of the leading social networks worldwide, including in Singapore. In a recent report published by the company, it has over 3 million users in Singapore and growing. Now that might seem like a small number compared to the worldwide 830 million, but if you want to geo-target, underutilizing it can become a marketing bane for your business. When used to its maximum potential, LinkedIn marketing can generate the desired traction for your business and brand. That’s why enterprises inquire about the expertise in using LinkedIn as a marketing tool when hiring a social media marketing agency. So, what can LinkedIn do for you? Enhance brand awareness Help you build a robust business network Increase lead generation and conversions

  2. Guarantee notable ROI through sales boost No wonder B2B marketers are so enthralled by the platform and eager to learn and use tools and techniques that would augment their social media content strategy. Speaking of its tools and techniques, LinkedIn Business Manager is the latest buzzworthy upgrade that has created a lot of anticipation among social media marketers. Still, in its beta stages, the LinkedIn Business Manager is all set to streamline the marketing approach and execution on the platform, benefitting B2B marketing. What is LinkedIn Business Manager? LinkedIn defines a business manager as a uniform or centralized platform created to simplify the management of ad accounts, business pages, and people (followers) for businesses and marketers. It intends to streamline the tracking of the different accounts set up by the marketers. Here’s what it does for you: There is a single central dashboard to connect, track, and manage all your teams, pages, ad accounts, and business partners. Simplification of admin tasks like billing and permissions. Easy management (share, update data, etc.) of Matched Audiences across multiple ad accounts. With the LinkedIn business manager, you will be able to track and access the Pages and ad accounts even after the marketer-in-charge leaves the organization. Moreover, it enables you to connect with the business manager of a partner company or any other independent enterprise (agencies, clients, etc.) for shared access to Pages and ad accounts, all the while maintaining complete ownership. It streamlines the task of a social media marketing agency, handling all your LinkedIn marketing accounts. When announcing the imminent arrival of the LinkedIn Business Manager, the social media platform clarified that they built the Business Manager to enhance the efficacy of B2B marketing. The core idea is to improve the marketing efficacies of the platform by enabling the simple creation and execution of highly-engaging campaigns that drive lead generation and conversion without any additional cost.

  3. During the test stage, the Business Manager was used by companies like Merkle B2B, VMware, GroupM Canada, and Xero. All of these companies reportedly experienced immediate benefits, cementing the potential of this new LinkedIn upgrade. This is all the more reason why everyone, including all leading companies in Singapore, is eagerly waiting for the global launch of Business Manager. How does LinkedIn Business Manager Work? The LinkedIn Business Manager allows social media marketers to run multiple campaigns through a single account simultaneously and manage the same with ease for high productivity. While adopting Business Manager you need to; Use work emails to invite all admins to access the Business Manager. Add the Pages and ad accounts to the centralized platform. Set up a Business Manager Partnership to facilitate the accessibility of Pages and ad accounts of partners or other organizations associated with you. Invite all teams to the Business Manager via work emails. Use the platform to get permissions for the ad accounts (if necessary). The integration of the Business Manager will not require resetting of ad accounts, and all the ongoing campaigns, data interfaces, etc., will remain unbothered. Why should B2B Marketers Use LinkedIn Business Manager? It was back in 2014 that Facebook launched its Business Manager to simplify the task of B2B marketing and multiple accounts handling on the platform. LinkedIn might be late by almost eight years, but the intention remains similar. The launch of Business Manager will help B2B business owners and marketers invested in social media marketing in the following ways: It will give you a unified view of all your marketing efforts on the platform, simplifying running ad campaigns on LinkedIn. You will be able to add organizations and people to the ad accounts effortlessly, enabling them to promote your brand. Easy accessibility to ad accounts (permissions open to people and organizations of your choosing). Align the marketing target and maximize its potential for better results. Share data across multiple accounts.

  4. Wrapping Up! Considering all the pre-launch promises made by LinkedIn, the anticipation surrounding its Business Manager upgrade is reasonable, especially for B2B business owners and marketers. What it does in terms of social media marketing for businesses in Singapore is something that we will have to keep a close watch on post-launch. However, one can expect a pivotal change in Linked marketing with the advent of Business Manager. Sources: https://fenzodigital.com/what-b2b-marketers-can-expect-from-the-new- linkedin-business-manager/

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