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On the efficient tracking of grid point storm issues. Ilia Bermous 13 October 2011. Grid point storm issues. The right modelling of physical processes and finite difference parameter settings to avoid grid point storm issues Task of efficient handling/tracking grid point storm issues
On the efficient tracking of grid point storm issues Ilia Bermous 13 October 2011
Grid point storm issues • The right modelling of physical processes and finite difference parameter settings to avoid grid point storm issues • Task of efficient handling/tracking grid point storm issues • Informative diagnostic to be able to track grid point storm issues • Efficient usage of computer resources when numerical analysis becomes unstable and produces rubbish
Ineffiency of the UM TRAP_W subroutine Practical aspects Implementation aspects
Ineffiency of the UM TRAP_W subroutine:practical aspects UM model uses the following capping condition trap_option flag (0|1|2): 0 – reset, no diagnostic; 1 – reset + diagnostic 2 – diagnostic only if trap_option=2 => additional meaningless (based on a free choice of Cw) output is produced, so nothing new seen so far if trap_option=0|1 => the model uses artificial resetting (“cooking” in numerical analysis have not seen before), this kind of actions may only be useful for debugging purposes of the implemented algorithm NOTE: in tracking down the grid point storm issue we have not been interested on how condition (1) was fullfield, we are interested on a max value of the vertical wind component w. (1)
Ineffiency of the UM TRAP_W subroutine:practical aspects (cont #2) Cw=1000 – default setting; Cw=2&4 – in Gary’s last meeting report Let’s consider 2 cases for the “Jan 13” original crash job Cw=1 (job completes making 900 time steps => 75hour) w_max level proc position run w_max level timestep 0.377E+01 44 113 42.3% East 60.1% North 0.553E+01 46 872 Cw=10 (job completes) w_max level proc position run w_max level timestep 0.479E+01 41 160 40.4% East 81.9% North 0.186E+02 40 174
Ineffiency of the UM TRAP_W subroutine:implementation aspects Let’s take a piece of a UM code referred by Gary: IF ((k>Cw_test_lev).OR.(ic_xy(i,j)>0)) THEN ic_xy(i,j) = 1 ic = ic + 1 w_adv(i,j,k) = w_test(i,j) k>Cw_test_lev condition should be moved outside and merged with the loop Do k=model_levels-1,1,-1 & k>Cw_test_levcondition => Do k=model_levels-1,max(1, Cw_test_lev+1),-1 Condition ic_xy(i,j)>0 is redundant There is a number of other redundant statements in the subroutine
Concepts of a new design 2 new terms have been introduced w_soft_limit – value to trigger a diagnostic to be produced if |w| > w_soft_limit w_hard_limit – value to stop execution if |w| > w_hard_limit condition is achieved on a PE New development has been included in the sources by using a pre-processor logic with #if defined (BOM_TRAP) statements Only 4 Fortran files have been modified ./atmosphere/dynamics_diagnostics/trap_w.F90 ./control/top_level/atm_step.F90 ./control/top_level/readlsta.F90 ./include/common/cruntimc.h
Results New implementation was tested using UM7.5 R12 sources Chris R12 xbawqjob (13 Jan 2011 case) has been used Here is some output with w_soft_limit=20 and w_hard_limit=100 setting ( “soft_limit” output string was used for an easy grapping) w_max level proc position N points timestep soft_limit 1.5E+02 56 149 48.7% East 78.4% North 4 218 On each PE a single output line for each level is produced with a k_total number of points for which the soft limit condition was fulfilled Execution in this run was stopped after reaching w_hard_limit at time step 218 and 1407 soft_limit messages were produced from all PEs . . ./dataw1 > grep "soft_limit " *fort6* | wc -l 1407
Some numerical/algorithm aspects R12:Δt=300sec, 70 levels, 400m< Δzk<8000m, k>29 where grid point storm starts capping Cw=1 for k=70, Cw=10 for k=30 Semi-implicit finite-difference schema stability Δt=600sec => |w| > 100 m/sec at T=3*Δt as |w| may grow during integration this shows that the chosen Δt is not small enough to satisfy the stability requirement of the finite-difference operators used in the modelling ran case with Δt=60sec using “tip” from Stuart’s presentation (it takes ~9.5hours for 75h integration on 192 cores), note that for this value of Δt a different range of Cw values should be used for trap_w condition (1) w_max level proc position run w_max level timestep 0.886E+01 42 162 41.1% East 87.4% North 0.218E+02 37 700
Conclusions A new developed version of TRAP_W subroutine produces useful information on tracking relatively large values of w vertical wind component A moderate size of the output data is produced Numerical analysis is stopped when “unreal” values of vertical wind component w are produced One of the possible ways to avoid a grid point storm problem is to use a relatively small time step Δtaccording to the stability requirement of the finite-difference operators used in the modelling Results comparison between Cw=10, Δt=300sec “cooked” case and Δt =60sec shows some large instability near the domain boundary