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REIMS II/East KAM. Meeting 16 October 2009, Magyar Posta HQ. Opening remarks-Approval of the agenda. 1 Opening remarks – Approval of the agenda 2 Minutes from the previous meeting – 17 February 2009 3 Feedback from the REIMS II/East S.C meetings 11 March, 03 June and 16 September 2009
REIMS II/East KAM Meeting 16 October 2009, Magyar Posta HQ KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Opening remarks-Approval of the agenda 1 Opening remarks – Approval of the agenda 2 Minutes from the previous meeting – 17 February 2009 3 Feedback from the REIMS II/East S.C meetings 11 March, 03 June and 16 September 2009 Information on REIMS IV Agreement 4 Follow up on action points from minutes from the previous KAM meeting – 17 February 2009 5 Follow up on the work plan for KAM for 2008 Relaxation of domestic conditions (incl. discussions and results in 2007) Improvement of use of Level 3 Integration of REIMS East PPOs in exchange of Level 3 mails Presentations at meetings (opportunities in other countries) Cooperate with PostEurop Customer forum working group (take advantage of each others’ experiences) Access to address services of others Develop a high definition printable PPI database on IPC web Develop a web based user friendly interactive Level 3 database 6 Acceptance of the PPI of the sending DO 7 Dematerialization of returns 8 REIMS & Third party Operational Guides (Level 3 and IDM) 9 PREDES v 2.1 as basis for IDM accounting 10 Change in tariffs at the end of the year 11 Presentation “Domestic terms and conditions” in Estonia 12 Presentation “Domestic terms and conditions” in Finland 13 Presentation “Destination Hungary” 14 Date of next meeting 15 Reports on changes of domestic conditions and other Level 3 related issues 16 Any other business Level 3 list of problems Domestic treatment of returns of empty cartridges Exceptional event reports to the KAM? 17 Closing remarks KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Minutes from the previous meeting - 17 February 2009 • Comments submitted by TNT, included in Proposed Final minutes. • Any other comments? • If not, the Proposed Final Minutes will be the approved as Final Minutes to be distributed and put on the IPC website KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Feedback from the REIMS II/East S.C meetings 11 March, 03 June and 16 September 2009 11 March 2009 Items for info noted without comments Items for decision • IDM items not conforming…=> approved • Additional information in L3 database=> approved • Specification of CN32 fields => approved as optional • Return address for IDM (from “should” to “must”)=> approved 6 June 2009 • Forwarding IDM items as “postcards”=> approved (postcards with machine-readable addresses) KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Feedback from REIMS IV Negotiations (1) • Negotiations finalized per 15 September • Final Agreement on the table, changes cf. to REIMS III • From “PPO” to “DO” • TDs level Priority (75% in 2010, 74% in 2011 and 73% thereafter) • VAT excluded from domestic tariffs as a rule • TDs level Non-Priority (87.5% of Prio in 2010 and 85% thereafter) • Exceptions: CZA, EEA, ISA, IEA, LUA and SIA (90% of Prio) • TDs level outbound Postcards GRA: (87.5% of Prio in 2010 and 85% thereafter) • Minimum rates as per UPU until 2013. To be reviewed in 2013 for 2014 • Triple QoS incentives • Ambitious standards • Penalties when minimum target is not reached (penalty curve, amended for REIMS East and ELTA) • Bonus if bonus target is reached (increase by one percentage point) • Clarification of ETOE conditions • Entry into force: 1st January 2010 or at the beginning of a quarter or any other day even retroactively (SC unanimous consent) KAM meeting Budapest 16102009
Feedback from REIMS IV Negotiations (2) • Final Agreement on the table, changes cf. to REIMS III • QoS standards and targets (inbound) • Minimum Target Prio: 90% J+1 • REIMS East and ELTA: 88% J+1 • Minimum Target Non-Prio: 93% J+5 • CZA, EEA, ISA, IEA, LUA and SIA: 93% J+3 • Poste Italiane: 85% J+5 in 2010, 87% J+5 in 2011 (evaluation in 2011 for 2012 and onwards) • Bonus target for Prio: 93% J+1 • Bonus target for Non-Prio: 97% J+5 • CZA, EEA, ISA, IEA, LUA and SIA: 97% J+3 • Format E to be measured from 1 January 2010 onwards • 10% of all items measured • Non-Bulky E format (Bulky after successful negotiation of standards and targets) • Only included in reports in the 3rd and 4th quarter (one single result) • Non-Priority can be measured (optional) • Either one or several Sending DOs or a receiving DO • If not measured, Non-Prio QOS based on Prio result (two Non-Prio QoS results possible) KAM meeting Budapest16102009
Feedback from REIMS IV Negotiations (3) • Final Agreement on the table, changes cf. to REIMS III • REIMS East transitional period • Stock: 67.5% in 2010 and 72% in 2011 • ROA and BGA: 60% in 2010 and 70% in 2011 • Inbound to REIMS East: 75% in 2010, 74% in 2011 • Normal rules apply as of 2012 (73% both for in-, and outbound) • Outbound QoS standards and targets • Common: 85% J+1 • BGA, CZA, EEA, GRA, HUA, ISA, LVA, LTA, PLA, ROA, SKA and SIA: 80% J+1 • IBRS • Bulky IBRS explicitly in the Agreement • Rules for opt-out and opt-in • Current opt-outs to be re-confirmed? KAM meeting Budapest16102009
Feedback from REIMS IV Negotiations (4) • Final Agreement on the table, changes cf. to REIMS III • IDM • PO2: Equal to Non-Priority TDs rates • In 2010 Non-Prio minus 5.45% • In 2011 Non-Prio minus 1.35% • Use of brand name “IDM” and common PPI optional • Minimum volume 100 items • Return of undeliverable items (return address in Sending country) • Free of charge except for • Itella Corporation and Poste Italiane (right to charge) and • Deutsche Post (0.22 EUR per return of each undeliverable item) • Return of undeliverable items (local return address) • If any other local return address than the standard mail box provided by the Receiving DO is used, that return address has to be approved in advance by the receiving DO KAM meeting Budapest16102009
Follow up on action points from the previous meeting (1) Questionnaire on the ease of use of Level 3 Action – The members not having replied are urged to do so as soon as possible (IS, LU, LV) Exchange information and find best practices • Action – None. Remove this items from the agenda? Cooperate with PostEurop Customer Relations Working Group Action – None. Concrete proposals from members, otherwise drop from the agenda. Consolidation domestically Action –Members to submit responses: CZ, GR, IS, LU, LV Develop a high definition printable PPI database on IPC web • Action – None. The members to include hyperlinks and check compliance with the rule. KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Follow up on action points from the previous meeting (2) Relaxation of domestic conditions/Problem Finding Questionnaire (PFQ) • Action – None, Agenda item 5, Proposal: Mandate the Subgroup to work on solutions based on existing replies. Develop a web based user friendly interactive Level 3 database • Action: None. It is up to the members to include the excel spreadsheet New Vas chapter in L3 database Action – None. Members to include the VAS chapter and check compliance with the rule. Acceptance of the PPI of the Sending DO Action –Agenda item 6 Dematerialization of returns Action –Agenda item 7 KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Follow up on action points from the previous meeting (3) REIMS &IDM TP OGs • Action – Circulated on 18 March. Additional work needed to include later decisions PREDES v2.1 as basis for IDM accounting • Action –Agenda item 9 Any other business KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Follow up on the work plan • Relaxation of domestic conditions/problem finding questionnaire • Proposal: Mandate the Subgroup to work on solutions based on existing replies. • Presentations at meetings • EEA, FIA and HUA at today’s meeting • Cooperate with PE CRWG • Up to the members to propose ways of cooperation • Develop a web based user friendly interactive L3 db • Up to the members to present tools they use internally • ..\..\Action List_KAM_20090626.doc KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Acceptance of the PPI of the sending PPO • IPC paper to the Subgroup • Subgroup meeting, outcome and proposals: • Ask the Lawyer regarding the “legal hierarchy” between the Operational Guide and the Agreement. • Rebuild the questionnaire to indentify concrete hurdles. The question regarding unaddressed mail should disclose if the use of a PPI for undressed mail is allowed, and if so, if the foreign PPI is allowed. • List PPI_07072009.xls • Present the answers and the outcome of this meeting to the KAM group at their next gathering • Organize a meeting of the members of the PPI Subgroup with the PPOs that do not accept the foreign PPOs PPI. KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Dematerialization of returns • The KAM have expressed interest in investigating the possibility to introduce dematerialization of returns. • Return of undeliverable (DM) items is costly and environmentally unfriendly. However even destruction of paper is costly and sometimes destruction of mail items is only permitted under certain strict conditions. • At least one DO is already offering this service (for a fee) and another has reported a growing customer demand for it. • Proposal: DOs already offering this service as VAS present their rules and processes as additional input for the discussion. • Subject to prior agreement of the customer and notification of the receiving party, it is optional for any DO to offer this service for cross border mail at the rates and conditions applicable for domestic customers. • Operational details will have to be worked out at a future meeting. • The Members are requested to discuss and elaborate on the proposal for dematerialization of returns and decide whether or not to recommend it for the SC KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
TP Operational Guides IDM, Level 3 • Additional decisions on IDM*) need be included, updated versions to be circulated after the meeting. • *) Should => Must • IDM as Postcards KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
PREDES v2.1 as basis for IDM accounting? • Weight per item not to be included in the specification • IPC has notified UPU DCG/EXG that a proposal for inclusion of IDM in PREDES v2.1 will be presented at their next meeting (December) • Inclusion in iPep (electronic exchange of IDM accounting forms)? • E-accounting Subgroup approves the principle but wishes to wait with IDM KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Change in tariffs at the end of the year • Correos proposal • “All dispatches pre-alerted (by fax, email, etc…) before a change of tariffs comes into effect, will be invoiced as per the price of the dispatch date” • Lawyer: Unclear rule to be settled by a SC majority decision. • IPC proposal: Recommend to the SC that dispatches sent before a change of domestic tariffs of the destination DO but arriving after the change has come into effect (i.e. in most cases after the end of the year) are accounted for at the tariffs applicable by the time of dispatch. KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Domestic terms and conditions in Estonia Presentation by Eesti Post KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Domestic terms and conditions in Finland Presentation by Itella Corporation KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Destination Hungary Presentation by Magyar Posta KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Next meeting Proposal: XX February 2010 Location: IPC Brussels KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Reports on changes of domestic conditions and other Level 3 related issues Open floor - KAM reports KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Any other business • Level 3 list of problems Please start using the Level 3 list of problems! • Domestic treatment of returns of empty cartridges • PosteItaliane request for a roundtable • Exceptional event reports to the KAM? (Correos proposal) • UPU interpretation of MSC codes for Direct Entry? • Changed from “Direct Entry” to “Direct Access” • The relevant § of the Level 3 OG will be amended accordingly • AT proposal • Include info in the L3 DB whether it is possible to dispatch less than the minimum volume paying for the minimum volume. • Example: if minimum is 1000 items can the Sending DO dispatch 600 but still pay for 1000? KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009
Closing remarks • Thank you all for a fruitful meeting! • Special thanks to Magyar Posta for hosting and organising the meeting • Special farewell extended to Ulla and Quinten! We will miss them! KAM meeting, Budapest 16102009