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The signs of the times (4) [Sings and Wonders/ miracles]. Yoshinobu Namihria , MD , FACG 3000 halls ferry road Vicksburg MS 39180 Phone: 601 638 9800 ; fax 601638 9808 E mail: namihira@earthlink.net. Sermon detail. Opening hymn: 304 faith of our father Scripture reading: luke 21:25-28
The signs of the times (4)[Sings and Wonders/ miracles] Yoshinobu Namihria, MD , FACG 3000 halls ferry road Vicksburg MS 39180 Phone: 601 638 9800 ; fax 601638 9808 E mail: namihira@earthlink.net
Sermon detail • Opening hymn: 304 faith of our father • Scripture reading: luke 21:25-28 • Special music: the namihira’s • Sermon: the signs of the times (4) [signs and wonders] • Closing hymn: 590 trust and obey
Memory verse • .28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”luke 21:25-28
The main summary 1 • it must be recognized that Satan can also perform lying signs and wonders. Not everything supernatural is of God. {this is important • If you totally (100 % ) put your trust in Signs and wonders,Miracles,You can be easily deceived • as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. • when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”luke 21:25-28
The main summary 2 • The signs and wonders He wrought in behalf of His people showed His power over nature • Physical laws are : True,Universal.Absolute,Stable.Omnipotent • There is link between symmety and beauty • we should see forms of evil angels around us, trying to invent some new way to annoy and destroy us • we should also see angels of God guarding us from their power
(Text: Matthew 24:23,24,26) Christ warned about the false • Christs and false prophets who would appear to deceive His • people: “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is Christ,’ or • ‘There,’ do not believe it.
Take home point • For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great • signs and wonders to deceive
Questions • Signs and wonders • Miracles • Is it safe to follow signs and wonders?
The bottom line • If you totally (100 % ) put your trust in • Signs and wonders • Miracles, • You can be easily deceived. • Why ? • Jesus performed miracles , showed signs and wonders. • Satan also can perform signs , wonders, miracles.
Watch out for miracles • In the Exodus story, the Pharaoh's magicians were able-to a point-to counterfeit the power and miracles of God (Exodus 7:10-12). Likewise, Satan is most dangerous and effective when he is imitating God's miracles and messengers. "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Satan will impersonate Jesus towards the end? • is there any place in the Bible that says Satan will impersonate Jesus towards the end? • you have in Matthew 24, when the Disciples asked Jesus to give them the signs of the end, the first thing He said was that ‘Beware, many will come in My name saying I’m Christ’ and ‘There will arise false christs’. So it may be Satan appearing in multiple ways through different individuals. But you can also look in 2nd Corinthians 11:14: ‘And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.’ And then of course 2nd Thessalonians 2:4, it tells us about the devil sitting in the Temple of God showing himself that he is God.
There’ll also be great miracles performed too • you can read in Revelation chapter 16 where it talks about the spirits of devils working miracles – that’s plain enough – and they deceive the leaders of the world by the miracles which they have power to do. So we know Satan has power to do signs and wonders. That’s what he did with the magicians of Pharaoh in Egypt. So yes I do believe Satan is going to seek to impersonate Christ.
how to keep from being deceived? • that’s the best question! 1)Through knowing the Word, 2) knowing the Lord, and 3) a relationship with Him through prayer. Jesus said if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived; and that’s Matthew 24. And so if you know the Word, you’ll be able to identify when something is wrong and measure all things by the Word of God. So the more you know the Lord and pray for discernment, God will help you to be able to distinguish the true from the false.
Exodus 7:10-12 (NKJV) • 10 So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and they did so, just as the LORD commanded. And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent. 11 But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers; so the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. 12 For every man threw down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods.
Signs and Wonders • A miracle is the occurrence of any event apparently 1) contradictory to and 2) unexplainable by the laws of science, and usually attributed to God.
Natural event vs. miracle Occurrence – the law of science = natural event Occurrence -- the law of science = miracle What are the physical laws ? • The law of gravity • the law of entropy • The law of thermodynamics • The law of centrifugal /centripetal forces
Physical law • A physical law or scientific law is a scientific generalization based on empiricalobservations of physical behaviour (i.e. the law of nature[1]). Laws of nature are observable. Scientific laws are empirical, describing observable patterns. Empirical laws are typically conclusions based on repeated scientificexperiment and observation, over many years, and which have become accepted universally within the scientific community.
Physical law • The production of a summary description of our environment in the form of such laws is a fundamental aim of science. These terms are not used the same way by all authors. Some philosophers e.g. Norman Swartz use "physical law" to mean what others mean by "natural law"/"law of nature".[2]
Physical laws • Physical laws are: • True, at least within their regime of validity. By definition, there have never been repeatable contradicting observations. • Universal. They appear to apply everywhere in the universe. (Davies, 1992:82) • Simple. They are typically expressed in terms of a single mathematical equation. (Davies) • Absolute. Nothing in the universe appears to affect them. (Davies, 1992:82) • Stable. Unchanged since first discovered (although they may have been shown to be approximations of more accurate laws—see "Laws as approximations" below), • Omnipotent. Everything in the universe apparently must comply with them (according to observations). (Davies, 1992:83) • Generallyconservative of quantity. (Feynman, 1965:59) • Often expressions of existing homogeneities (symmetries) of space and time. (Feynman) • Typically theoretically reversible in time (if non-quantum), although time itself is irreversible. (Feynman)
a connection between beauty and symmetry. • Often those who understand the mathematics and concepts well enough to understand the essence of the physical laws also feel that they possess an inherent intellectual beauty. Many scientists state that they use intuition as a guide in developing hypotheses, since laws are reflection of symmetries and there is a connection between beauty and symmetry. However, this has not always been the case; Newton himself justified his belief in the asymmetry of the universe because his laws appeared to imply it.
Physical laws and theories • Physical laws are distinguished from scientific theories by their simplicity. Scientific theories are generally more complex than laws; they have many component parts, and are more likely to be changed as the body of available experimental data and analysis develops. This is because a physical law is a summary observation of strictly empirical matters, whereas a theory is a model that accounts for the observation, explains it, relates it to other observations, and makes testable predictions based upon it. Simply stated, while a law notes that something happens, a theory explains why and how something happens.
Examples of • symmetry and beauty
Back to • physical law and miracle
Melting ice • Consider the above picture. Melting ice makes a perfect example of entropy. As ice the individual molecules are fixed and ordered. As ice melts the molecules become free to move therefore becoming disordered. As the water is then heated to become gas, the molecules are then free to move independently through space. For both of the above reactions the entropy (DS) would be positive
Here are some good examples of reactions that would have positive entropy. • Formation of gases • CO2(s) g CO2(g) • H2O(l) g H2O(g) • Formation of ions in solution • NaCl(s) g Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) • More molecules of product than reactants • 2NH3(g) g N2(g) + 3H2(g) • NH4Cl(s) g NH3(g) + 3HCl(g) • The temperature of a substance is increased. • H2O(l, 25oC) g H2O(l, 50oC)
Law of entropy • The second law of thermodynamics is that ALL things lead to entropy. What this means is that with all spontaneous reactions, entropy increases. • Within you, your community, country, world, solar, system, and universe things are speeding toward increasing disorder (absolute chaos!).