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Advance your professional career in finance with live hands-on investment banking classes at the International Finance Institute. Our accredited international banking school offers convenient global locations to hone your skills in investment banking. Join our seasoned experts for quality investment banking training in financial modeling, corporate valuation, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), leveraged buy-outs (LBO) and more.
Investment Banking Training at International Finance Advance your professional career in finance with live hands-on investment banking classes at the International Finance Institute. 1 2 Life Investment Banking Training 20 3 4 Want to advance your career in investment banking? A leader in providing capable employees in finance. Our live training sessions enable our banker/instructors to transfer skills that you? ll be ready to apply from your first day on the job. So you? ll be a valuable hire to employers in the investment banking industry. The International Finance Institute is a global leader in financial modeling training that is professionally recognized by top-rated organizations. Many of our graduates have not had banking experience but they? re still successful in finding the kind of coveted job for which we? ve trained them. www.financeinstitute.com
A P P R O VE D FIN A N C IA L TR A IN IN G P R O VID E R International Finance Institute (IFI) is registered with CFA Institute as an Approved Provider of continuing education programs for CFA Institute members. As a participant in the CFA Institute Approved-Provider Program, International Finance Institute (IFI) has determined that this program qualifies for 30 credit hours. If you are a CFA Institute member, CE credit for your participation in this program will be automatically recorded in your CE tracking tool. LIVE INVESTMENT BANKING TRAINING C FP board continuing education credits D IS C O V E R T H E A D V A N T A G E S O F T H E IN T E R N A T IO N A L F IN A N C E IN S T IT U T E T R A IN IN G IN IN V E S T M E N T B A N K IN G . O U R C O N V E N IE N T G L O B A L L O C A T IO N S O F F E R IN V E S T M E N T B A N K IN G T R A IN IN G F R O M R E A L -W O R L D P R O F E S S IO N A L S IN S M A L L C L A S S R O O M S E T T IN G S T O P R O V ID E T H E B E S T P E R S O N A L L E A R N IN G E X P E R IE N C E . International Finance Institute (IFI) is an approved Continuing Education Provider by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc (CFP Board). IFI? s Financial Modeling and Corporate Valuation continuing education (CE) training program has been submitted to and accepted by CFP Board, granting you a total of 28 CE credit hours. Our live training sessions enable our banker/instructors to transfer skills that you? ll be ready to apply from your first day on the job. So you? ll be a valuable hire to employers in the investment banking industry. simply isn? t possible in an online environment. 3. Our classes are limited to 18 students, so our instructors can give you the personal attention you need to maximize your learning. N A S B A C O N TIN U IN G E D U C A TIO N C R E D ITS 4. Since many of our students already work in investment banking and other areas of finance, you can network to build relationships. Some of our students even land their first job before they finish our course. International Finance Institute (IFI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. THE MANY ADVANTAGES OF IFI? S LIVE TRAINING 1. Our students learn the most current methods in the banking industry, taught with examples from the real-world experience of our bankers. 5. You? re invited to ask questions and can be assured that they? ll be answered thoroughly. Since the subjects are complex, follow-up 2. Live sessions provide the focused interaction with your instructor that www.financeinstitute.com
C O R P O R A T E T R A IN IN G Interested in custom finance training for your organization? The International Finance Institute is proudly part- nered with multiple organizations to offer corpo- rate finance programs in specialized areas of fi- nance such as private equity, venture capital, and asset management. For more information on our custom finance training for your organization, please contact us. Our instructors have the real-world experience that enables them to provide immediately applicable training to professionals in investment banking and, in fact, in any other field of finance. As a result, many investment firms send their employees to us to enhance their practical skills. We can customize our training program to assure that your employees achieve the professional development goals you? ve set for them. We? ve partnered with many finance and investment banking firms to provide continuing education in specialized areas of finance, including: - Investment banks - Private equity firms - Hedge funds - Venture capital organizations - Asset management firms - Advisory and consulting companies - Real estate investment and development - Commercial banks - Insurance and reinsurance companies - Technology companies L O C A T IO N S Join us for an exciting career in investment bank- ing. Our investment banking institute classrooms are staffed by qualified finance professionals and equipped with state- of- the- art technology. Find out more about our prestigious International Fi- nance Institute locations, conveniently located in major financial cities across the globe from New York to Hong Kong. You? ll find they all provide the professional environment and financial-modeling training that can optimize your learning. So upon completion of your studies, you? ll have the skill set to be a highly desirable hire to employers in the investment banking industry. OUR LOCATIONS Take a look at our international locations and choose the one that? s most convenient for you to attend. www.financeinstitute.com
INVESTMENT BANKING COURSE SYLLABUS Receive education you need to advance your career in finance. Our investment banking courses are offered in a convenient, fast-track schedule with personalized instruction by senior investment bankers. Contact us for an investment banking seminar or for more information on our investment banking courses. the hands-on investment banking classroom training. The services are designed to enhance your classroom learning and to provide expert assistance in your search for your first job. The following services are provided at no additional charge: PRE-CLASS MATERIALS These materials, which have been developed by our experienced instructors, are delivered to each student electronically before your class sessions. As a result, you can prepare for your live training sessions and get more out of them. The materials include overviews of corporate finance and financial accounting, along with Excel basics and shortcuts. LIVE TRAINING Our leading-edge course features live training in classrooms with instructors who have world-class experience in investment banking. FAST-TRACK SCHEDULE INDIVIDUALIZED HELP WITH YOUR RESUME AND WITH INTERVIEW SKILLS Our course is designed to teach you the skills you need in a concentrated, convenient way: An industry professional will work with you one-on-one to help you optimize your resume and prepare for job interviews. Interview preparation includes participation in mock interviews, as well as prepping with common interview questions. 3 Weeks in duration held on Saturdays and Sundays6 Days of live instruction by senior investment bankers30 Hours of total classroom instruction5 Hours each day with comprehensive up-to-date case studies CLASS DESIGN The classes at IFI are designed to provide expert, personalized instruction. Your instructor will guide you through the learning process with the aid of financial models that are projected on a large Boardroom/Training Room at the location you select. screen in the VALUE BEYOND THE CLASSROOM AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE OUR SYLLABUS We? re dedicated to the professional success of every student. To achieve our goal, we offer supplemental services that go beyond your www.financeinstitute.com
Why Do People Become Investment Bankers? While some might consider this a rhetorical question, with some of the reasons being quite obvious, there are in fact quite a few factors besides the massive bonuses and pay- checks which might make one choose a career in invest- ment banking. What is more, some of the reasons behind such a decision might be less obvious than others. Read more... The Benefits of Working in Asset Management When considering a career in finance, investment banking is usually the first choice, not just on account of the money and prestige that go with the job, but also because of the flashy lifestyle associated with being an investment banker. This image is partly the reason why a lot of graduates opt for the sell side of Wall Street without giving the issue much thought. Read more... How Much Do Investment Bankers Make If you? re interested in working in finance in general and in- vestment banking in particular, chances are that to a large extent, you? re in it for the money. And rightfully so, once you manage to break into the industry, the rewards are quite handsome and more than make up for the efforts as- sociated with the much feared application process as well as the stress which goes with the job. Read more... Career Paths After Investment Banking It is a well-known truth that all good things must come to an end. While it? s arguable how good investment banking careers are with its 100-hour work weeks and constant stress, in a way it also fits into that category. Although in- vestment banks have been easing working conditions for junior investment bankers. Read more... 5 www.financeinstitute.com
Finance and Investm ent B anking Training North America New York (Click for Schedule) Toronto (Click for Schedule) Chicago (Click for Schedule) San Francisco (Click for Schedule) Los Angeles (Click for Schedule) Europe London (Click for Schedule) Frankfurt (Click for Schedule) Zurich (Click for Schedule) Sofia (Click for Schedule) Please select your desired location for the upcoming class schedule World Singapore (Click for Schedule) Hong Kong (Click for Schedule) Johannesburg (Click for Schedule) Sydney (Click for Schedule) 6 www.financeinstitute.com