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Planning. Radio play analysis. The Archers 12/05/10

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  1. Planning

  2. Radio play analysis The Archers 12/05/10 The Archers is a radio drama about people living in the countryside. The extract I analysed of 1o minutes showed the various ways in which the actors spelt out the view towards the listener to make a picture of what they were doing. This is first shown in the first scene where a builder and Jennifer describe a wall that is being constructed by the builder saying how much he has drilled off and how much he needs to do and what it will look like when it is done. Not only is the place described by the actors, but signs have been purposefully added there for the listener to easily guess where the characters are. For example, Jennifer’s voice echoes when she first enters the room so the listener could tell that the area was closed and spacey however, the biggest clue was where the builder said “you can’t be in here without a hard hat” showing that the characters are inside a constructive site on the inside. Between each scene there is a short gap of silence to show that it is the next scene. In the second scene, the listener was put in a position in the conversation as being a part of a group. There were three people talking from different sides of the microphone; one in front of the microphone, one on the left and one on the right and all facing the other person while talking. This makes it seem like the listener is within the conversation instead of just listening to a radio drama.

  3. Potential target audience The potential target audience for my radio drama can be any person of any age; it does not limit the audience to specific segments where they must be of a certain gender, age, race, sexuality or socio-economic group. However, the most likely people to listen to this radio drama may be teenagers because the character relates more closely to them however, most of the population who listen to radio drama are people aged in their 50’s. So this radio drama may not be as successful in its market as it potentially could be however I am hoping that it can attract a younger audience in order to broaden the medium to a wider audience.

  4. Research about theme • I conducted research regarding single parenting and anger management issues. • My research showed me that single parent families are more likely than any other family to be in poverty. • This inspired me to set my radio drama in London within a working class family. • My research into anger management revealed that there are certain signs that connote anger such as loud sounds, offensive or defensive behaviour and harsh language. • I used this as a basis to the main character Georgina’s behaviour.

  5. Narrative, layout, direction • I plan to have the narrative be in the point of view of the main character: Georgina. I want the audience to be firmly on her side and I will set the story firmly in the domestic setting. The structure will be straight forward in a linear way . • The script follows conventions of script layout although the first was a bit crowded. • I have a clear idea of the way that I want the characters to be acted out. For example. Georgina has to be angry and has to show a tough attitude whereas her younger siblings must be carefree and happy.

  6. Actors and equipment • I plan to use two little boys who have not gone through puberty and broken their voices yet. They will most likely be two year 7 boys. This is because they need to sound five years old and real five-year-olds will be more difficult to control and have the proper effect on the radio play. If it is too hard to find two little boys, then I will look for two little girls to do the roles and change the characters to two little girls. • The mother can be played by any woman who can sound strict and stern, yet motherly • The ice cream man should sound like a middle-aged man. I plan to use my media teacher for him. • The cyclist is not necessary to have however, if I do have one, then he needs to have a deep voice to show that he is a man. He would need to be light and cheerful. • The equipment I will use to record will be a Sony UX 60 recorder and a Sony 907 microphone. The microphone is easy to carry around and the recorder is easy to use to store recordings and to upload them straight from the USB

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