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Solar Orbiter. Sami K. Solanki Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research with thanks to Richard Marsden and Eckart Marsch. Introduction to the Solar Orbiter. Mission in ESA’s science program with a strong NASA contribution (launch plus instruments)
Solar Orbiter Sami K. Solanki Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research with thanks to Richard Marsden and Eckart Marsch
Introduction to the Solar Orbiter • Mission in ESA’s science program with a strong NASA contribution (launch plus instruments) • It will orbit close to the Sun & will leave the ecliptic • It will carry a strong suite of in-situ and optical instruments. • Strong interaction with NASA’s Inner Heliosphere Sentinals mission Solar Orbiter + Sentinals = HELEX • Currently scheduled launch of Solar Orbiter in 2015, Sentinals to follow in 2017
Solar Orbiter Top-level Science Goals • Determine the properties, dynamics and interactions of plasma, fields and particles in the near-Sun Heliosphere • Investigate the Links Between the Solar Surface, Corona, and Inner Heliosphere • Explore, at all Latitudes, the Energetics, Dynamics, and Fine-scale Structure of the Sun's Magnetized Atmosphere • Probe the Solar Dynamo by Observing the Sun's High-Latitude Field, Flows, and Seismic Waves
Localize Sources of Energetic Particles Problem: Multiple SEP events easily separated close to the Sun as demonstrated by Helios, but are all mixed together by the time the SEPs reach Earth orbit 0.3AU 1 AU Wibberenz & Cane, ApJ, 650, 1100, 2006
Linking Corona and Heliosphere Global solar corona and solar wind SOHO Ulysses Solar Orbiter will enable us to link specific sources to their in-situ manifestations and to discriminate between spatial and temporal variations, especially through quasi-heloisynchronous observations
High Resolution & Coupling Science SOHO SOHO/EIT TRACE Solar Orbiter 1850 km pixels350 km pixels80 km pixels Owing to proximity, Solar Orbiter will resolve scales ~150 km in the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona highest resolution ever reached in the EUV ideal for studying the coupling between these layers
Polar Convection and Dynamo • Solar Orbiter will allow us to study the: • magnetic structure and evolution of the polar regions • detailed surface and subsurface flow patterns in the polar regions • the workings of the polar dynamo through these investigations SOHO
Mission & System Requirements • Orbit: • Reach orbit with perihelion between 0.2 and 0.25 AU • Increase inclination with respect to solar equator to: • 30º minimum for nominal mission • 35º minimum for extended mission • Launcher: • 2 options studied (2015 with 2017 back-up): • Soyuz-Fregat 2-1b from Kourou • NASA-provided launch • Payload: • Mass: 140 kg max. incl. maturity margins • Power: 180 W incl. maturity margin
Science Payload • Instruments selected via a competetive process (AO was open to the international scientific community) • Philosophy: • Resource-efficient instrumentation (e.g., remote-sensing instruments to be "1 metre, 1 arcsec resolution" class) • Constrained resource envelope • Successful proposals have been selected by ESA and NASA, but not yet publicly announced
VIM: Visible-light Imager and Magnetograph • 2 telescopes that provide: • High resolution & full-disk • magnetic vector and intensity. • Local helioseismology data Hinode images: same resolution as VIM
Extreme UV Imager (EUI) High-resolution coronal & chromospheric imaging (75 km pixels) vs. 350 km pixels of TRACE & AIA Full-Sun (174Å & 304Å) and high-resolution telescopes (Lyα& 174Å)
EUV Spectrometer (EUS) High-resolution plasma diagnostics (150 km pixels) 5 times higher resolution than SUMER Diagnostics cover broad temp. range Off-limb capabilities out to 3 R
Global strategy - Goals High latitude [polar processes and dynamo, 3-D star/CMEs] Close up/co-rotation [link Sun and inner heliosphere] Out of Sun-Earth line/multi-point observations [3-D star, Earth-directed ejecta] High resolution, Earth Orbit [fundamental processes]
Global strategy - Missions Solar Orbiter NASA STEREO [2006] Solar Orbiter Sentinels NASA STEREO [2006] Hinode [2006] SDO [2009]