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Minghsin University of Science and Technology Office of Student Affairs International Students Service Section. Notice During the Winter Vacation. 2011/12/21. 明新科技大學 學 務 處 國際學生服務組. 寒假 Winter Vacation. 寒假開始時間 Winter vacation 2012/01/08~2012/02/19
Minghsin University of Science and TechnologyOffice of Student AffairsInternational Students Service Section Notice During the Winter Vacation 2011/12/21 明新科技大學 學務處 國際學生服務組
寒假 Winter Vacation • 寒假開始時間 Winter vacation2012/01/08~2012/02/19 • 開學日 School Opening Day 2012/02/20 • 學雜費列印下載開放日 Tuition payment bill print out date 2012/01/12 請上學生服務系統自行列印please log-on the Student Service System to print out your own tuition payment bill. • 下學期開始選課時間 Next semester curriculum arrangement 2012/02/15 請至各系辦公室選課 please go to your department office to arrange your curriculum. • 學雜費繳費期限 Tuition payment deadline 2011/02/17
寒假 Winter Vacation • 寒假中,學校工作時間: During Winter Vacation, the school office hour will be as follow: Mon.~Thur. 09:00~16:00 • 過年春節期間學校暫無上班,休息時間為: The school will be close during the following time 2012/01/19~2012/01/29 如在國內有任何警急事件發生,請連繫本校軍訓室 If any emergency please contact the military education office: 03-5593142ext.2321 or 0937623842
居留證時效 ARC Expiry Date A、居留證有下列的狀況 Your ARC might have the following situations: • 時效超過下學期開學的時間 The expiry date has passed the next semester opening day. • 時效沒超過下學期開學的時間 The expiry date has not passed the next semester opening day.
居留證時效有超過下學期開學的時間ARC expiry date has passed the school opening day • 有回國的:務必在開學前回來,並在居留證到期之前註冊完畢,並至國服組辦理居留證延期。 For those who will return to your home country, please come back to Taiwan before the school opening day, and register before the expiry date of your ARC, so that you can apply for extension. • 沒回國的:請同樣在期限前繳完學費,並在居留證過期前完成,並至國服組辦理居留證延期 For those who stays in Taiwan, please register before the expiry date as well. So you can apply for extension.
居留證時效有超過下學期開學的時間ARC expiry date has passed the school opening day • 在國外過期: 回不來,重新辦簽證、居留證 If your ARC has expired outside of Taiwan, youwon’t be able to enter Taiwan, you might need to apply for new visa with local embassy. • 在國內過期: 罰款 2000~10000元不等,過期超過30天,強制離境。 ARC expired while you in Taiwan, the Immigration agency will charge you from 2,000~10,000 NTD fine, if your ARC is expired over than 30 days, you will be force to leave Taiwan.
時效沒超過開學日expiry date shorter than school opening day
居留證時效沒超過下學期開學的時間ARC expiry date is shorter than school opening day • 請提早註冊 ,2012/01/12就可以上學生服務系統列印繳費單,在居留證到期之前繳費註冊完成後,再到國服組辦理居留證延期。 You’ll be able the register since 2012/01/12, you may print out your tuition fee payment bill, please register before the expiry date, then apply for extension
居留證時效沒超過下學期開學的時間ARC expiry date is shorter than school opening day • 在國外過期: 回不來,重新辦簽證、居留證 If your ARC has expired when you are outside of Taiwan, you won’t be able to enter Taiwan, might need to apply for new visa and ARC with local embassy. • 在國內過期: 罰錢 2,000~10,000新台幣不等。過期超過30天,強制離境。 ARC expired inside Taiwan, will charge you from 2,000~10,000 NTD fine, expired over 30 days will be force to leave Taiwan.
注意事項 Notice • 特殊狀況的(實習、旅遊 …etc) special occasion ; travel, intern. 出去旅遊請注意自身安全並隨身攜帶可證明身分之文件。 並記下學校的聯絡方式及國服組電話。 when you travel, please carry any of the identity document with you. (passport, ARC, student ID) and remember the following phone number if any emergency incidents has occurred. • 03-5593142 ext. 2321 or 0937623842 drillmaster 教官室、校安中心 • 03-5593142ext. 2318 國服組; 或是 William 的電話 0912323813
注意事項 Notice • 實習、打工 Intern, work, part time job 實習的學生跟在校外打工同學都一定需要申請工作證 For those who’s having an internship as well as work outside of the school, must apply for work permit. 每年寒、暑假警察都會出來抓非法打工的學生。抓到會罰15,000~30.000元,並且強制離境。 Policewill search for illegal worker during the summer vacation frequently. If you get caught, you’ll be charge a 15,000~30,000 NTD fine, and will be force to leave Taiwan.
注意事項 Notice • 申請工作證需要 護照、居留證、學生證、2吋照片、一年的成績單,以及郵局的劃撥收據。 Require documents for apply work permit: passport, ARC, student ID card, photo , transcript for the past 1 year, and a receipt from post office. • 實習的工作證還需要系上開立的實習證明書及實習單位在申請書上戳章並註明工作性質。 For internship purpose, it will request another certificate from your department office and indicate work type in the application form.
宿舍注意內容:Dormitory Information • 星期二、四為值日寢時間,被安排寢室請於10點找社長安排打掃工作。 Tuesday and Wednesday are the cleaning time of the shifting room. Go to the dormitory cadre to arrange cleaning work. • 星期一~四 10:30 請派1名代表至白板簽到。 Each room should send one person to the white board to sign up from Monday to Thursday 10:30 pm. • 11點過後關閉寢室大燈,走廊房間內講話小聲,洗澡禁止喧嘩。 Lights off at 11:00 pm. Keep voice down and no shouting in bathroom. • 自己的垃圾不要丟到廁所垃圾桶,上完廁所請沖水,廁所及浴室不要留垃圾。Do not disposal your own trash into the toilet trash can, do flush after using the toilet, no trash shall leave in the bathroom and restroom. • 宿舍內禁止抽菸、喝酒 No smoking or drinking alcohol in the dorm.
宿舍注意內容:Dormitory Information • 茶水間、洗手台禁止倒廚餘 No Kitchen waste in kitchen sink. • 學期結束、個人物品要清空並且將寢室打掃乾淨。 Clean room and personal items at the end of the semester. • 並請遵守宿舍規定:禁止抽菸、喝酒、拖鞋於晚間17:00過後才能穿,異性朋友只能進入交誼廳,必須在21:00前離開 The regulation of dormitory :no smoking, drinking alcohol, and slipper can only be wear after 17:00, friends of opposite sex can only enter the dormitory lounge, and must leave before 21:00. • 若違反以上規則,舍長有權請同學做宿舍打掃,屢勸不聽者及情節嚴重者,將由住服組裁定是否可繼續住宿。Violation of the rules above repeatedly, will be determine suitable of living in the dorm by the Housing Center .
重要訊息Important Information • 在2012/01/22~01/23兩日是除夕中國新年 2012/01/22~01/23 is the Chinese new year. Shops and restaurants will be closed. Storage some food.
Enjoy your winter break