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Educational Webinar: Communication with Multiple Stakeholders. Tuesday, April 14 th , 2009 National Network of Public Health Institutes Fostering Emerging Institutes Program Call in Number: (800) 504-8071 Code: 3019823. Please mute your line by pressing *6 You can un-mute your line by
Educational Webinar: Communication with Multiple Stakeholders Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 National Network of Public Health Institutes Fostering Emerging Institutes Program Call in Number: (800) 504-8071 Code: 3019823
Please mute your line by pressing *6 You can un-mute your line by pressing *7 Do not put your phone on hold.
FEIP Focus on Sustainability Emotional Intelligence & Collaborative Leadership October 2008 Evaluations tied to ROI January 2009 Communication with Multiple Stakeholders April 2009 New Orleans Conference – Sustainability: Focus on Special Topics of Interest May 2009
Principles of the Communication Strategy Dina Wolfman Baker Vice President of Communications
Integration • The first key to effective communication is an integrated strategy • Each level flows from and supports the levels above • All elements work effectively with and in support of each other 5
Structure • The structure leads you through the development of your strategy and helps ensure integration 6
Level 1: Background / Context • Organization-level mission and goals • Positive position and challenges • Aspirations • Market context • Situational analysis 7
Level 2: Audiences / Stakeholders • Identify and segment audiences based on the organizational context provided in Level 1 • Example: 8
Level 3: Key Messages • This is the centerpiece of the strategy • All communications will draw from the key messages 9
Level 3: Key Messages • Overarching message • Proof point • Supporting message • Proof points • Supporting message • Proof points • Proof point… 10
Levels 4-6: Objectives, Strategies & Tactics • Objectives = what we want to accomplish • Strategies = how we want to accomplish it • Tactics = with what we will move forward 12
Levels 4-6: Objectives, Strategies & Tactics • We can explicitly trace: • every objective as a goal to reach at least one identified audience • every strategy as a means to achieve at least one objective for at least one audience (preferably multiple) • every tactic as a tool to achieve at least one strategy, in support of at least one objective, for at least one audience (preferably multiple) It can be helpful to develop a visual device that clearly shows these relationships 13
Level 4: Objectives • Examples: • Communicate that we are a nonprofit public health institute, what that means, and the benefit it brings • Highlight the strength and value of our management role and capabilities • Build cohesion across the organization 14
Level 5: Strategies • Examples: • Develop visual representations that aid in communicating our messages to all stakeholders • Develop effective internal communications, share standards and messages, build cohesion through an inclusive process, engage the workforce as organizational advocates 15
Level 6: Tactics • Consider indicating audience(s) served 16
Definition • What is an elevator speech? 18
Consistency + Flexibility • Standard language • Modular • Use or draw from messaging architecture 19
Messaging Architecture • As the architect, you lay out the verbal “space” but others must be able to use it as needed 20
Disseminate the Message • Training • Role-playing • Modeling 22
Discussion 23
NNPHI FEIPCommunication Community Health System Development Team Georgia Health Policy Center
Positioning for Sustainability Communication Leadership Evaluation Return on Investment Strategic Vision Organization Capacity Efficiency and Practicality
The Need for Communication You define perceptions Purposeful Communication Identify Audiences Involve Leaders Build a Plan Leverage current success Awareness facilitates the “ask”
An exercise in identifying audiencesIdentify all of the groups and/or individuals important to your program and your long-term sustainability. Purposeful Communication Identify Audiences Involve Leaders Build a Plan
Communication as Leader Purposeful Communication Identify Audiences Involve Leaders Build a Plan Strategic Transformation LeaderSpeak
Purposeful Communication Identify Audiences Involve Leaders Build a Plan Speech Acts Powerful Expression Declaration ……………Assertion ………………Accountable …………. Calling Together ……..Framing ……………….Mission Empathy…….. Request & Offer ………Acknowledge …………Say “Yes” …………….. Effective Questions …..Active Listening ………“And,” not “Or”………… “The future I stand for is …” “A ‘model that works’ is …” “By next June we will have …” “Our pacing event will be on …” “In this talk listen for …” “A person who’s life is about …” “Would you do x by Friday?” “Thank you for …” “I’ll find a way to support that.” “What worked? What to add?” “What I hear you say is …” “We can do both.”
Why Leaders? Purposeful Communication Identify Audiences Involve Leaders Build a Plan Access Influence Advice Connections One primary goal of your communications effort should be to involve leaders in your vision and leadership.
Communication Methods and Tools Purposeful Communication Identify Audiences Involve Leaders Build a Plan Need to consider methods and tools available when designing plan. Choose the methods most appropriate and feasible for your organization.
Develop Initial Strategy Purposeful Communication Identify Audiences Involve Leaders Build a Plan • Develop an initial communication strategy that will support sustainability efforts. Begin to define the following: • Audience • Key Messages • Method of Communication • Frequency of Communication • Who Delivers the Message
Communication Plan SAMPLE
Bringing Communications to Life • Paul Quinn, Health Policy Institute of Ohio Communicating with your Board • Hollis Cohen, Public Health Solutions (NY) Communicating the Brand
Communicating with Your Board Paul Quinn, Health Policy Institute of Ohio
What’s In It For Me?
Talking Points Board Talking Points 8-08 The Health Policy Institute of Ohio is an independent, nonpartisan, statewide center that informs Ohio health policy by forecasting health trends, analyzing key health issues, and communicating current research to policymakers, state agencies and other decision-makers. Vision Advancing the health of Ohioans through informed policy decisions. Mission To serve as a catalyst for health policy leadership and transformation that advances the health of Ohioans through non-partisan research, analysis, education and dialogue. Core Values: Collaboration and Diversity – finding common ground Objectivity -- non-partisan, data-driven, and evidence-based Integrity – a trusted, independent, and knowledgeable voice Relevance -- focused on the major health policy issues facing Ohio Innovation -- thoughtful and stimulating dialogue for solutions The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has shown leadership in the following: The Ohio Health Information Partnership Advisory Board charged with formulating policies and programs addressing health information technology issues. The State Coverage Initiatives (SCI) Program. Ohio is one of just 14 states participating in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program to formulate strategies for decreasing the ranks of the uninsured. The State Quality Institute (SQI), which is developing tactics for developing a high performance health care system in Ohio. The Practice-Based Epidemiology courses, co-sponsoring the program designed to enhance the applied epidemiology skills of state and local public health practitioners. The Ohio Family Health Survey, which provides data enabling local health agencies to identify needs and request grants to serve those needs. The Ohio Employer Health Survey, which provides data on the scope of employer insurance and health benefit offerings by Ohio’s businesses.Providing expert testimony to the House and Senate health committees and assisting in the development of health reform legislation. Hosting the annual Ohio Health Data and Research Conference, where the Awards for Health Policy Research are presented. Providing impartial analysis of current and emerging health trends, issues, and policy outcomes. Serving as the state’s primary source for communication on health-related issues through policy briefings, forums, white papers and media outreach. Editing the The Ohio Health Policy Review, an online publication and media aggregator providing nonpartisan and objective summaries of state health policy news and information. Providing technical assistance and collaborative services to more than 150 organizations seeking information, data and analysis on health-related issues. Contact Information: The Health Policy Institute of Ohio 37 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-224-4950 Fax: 614-224-2205 Web site: www.healthpolicyohio.org Staff: William Hayes, President, whayes@healthpolicyohio.org Janet Goldberg, Policy Analyst, jgoldberg@healthpolicyohio.org Jill Huntley, Director, Strategic Management, jhuntley@healthpolicyohio.org Philip Powers, Director of Technology, plpowers@healthpolicyohio.org Paul Quinn, Director of Communications, pquinn@healthpolicyohio.org Timothy Sahr, Director of Research, tsahr@healthpolicyohio.org Nicholas Wiselogel, Senior Health Communications Coordinator, nwiselogel@healthpolicyohio.org
Web Site • List Board members • Include contact info
FYI e-mails To: Board members Please find below several articles from today’s Columbus Dispatch. Uninsured Ohioans have lots of company Survey finds most lacked health coverage for 6 months-plus Wednesday, April 8, 2009 3:08 AM By Jack Torry THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH WASHINGTON -- A new study by an organization that champions health-care coverage for all Americans found that nearly 30 percent of Ohio residents younger than 65 were without insurance for at least part of the past two years. Released yesterday by FamiliesUSA of Washington, the report also showed that nearly 71 percent of the 2.8 million uninsured Ohio residents went more than six months without any health insurance. The survey of Ohio and other states likely will intensify pressure on Congress to approve a major overhaul of the U.S. health-care system to extend insurance to the nearly 50 million Americans without coverage.The new report does not necessarily contradict the Ohio Family Health Survey released last month. That survey of 51,000 households in Ohio showed that 17 percent of Ohio adults between ages 18 and 64 were uninsured. For example, FamiliesUSA examined the uninsured in Ohio for a two-year period while the Ohio Family Health Survey dealt with just one year. Authors of the Ohio health survey also asked respondents whether they had been without health insurance during the previous month."It's not an apples-to-apples comparison," said Paul Quinn, director of communication for the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, which conducted the Ohio Family Health Survey. "There's no real way to compare our numbers." But Quinn said that the two surveys make it clear that health coverage in Ohio is "getting worse, and there's a lot of reasons for that. The economy is bad, unemployment is up, and fewer employers are offering health care."The vast majority of Americans obtain their health insurance in one of three ways. Most working adults are insured through their employer. People older than 65 receive coverage from Medicare, while Medicaid covers children and adults in low-income families. But there is a pool of Americans who either work for small companies that do not provide insurance or who have lost their jobs from companies that did insure their workers. As a result, people often are moving in and out of the category of uninsured.According to the FamiliesUSA survey, which relied on statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, 30 percent of those without coverage in Ohio were uninsured for less than six months, suggesting that they had found jobs from companies that cover their workers. The survey also showed that African-Americans were far more likely to be without insurance than whites. Thirty-nine percent of African-Americans lacked health coverage at some point in the past two years, compared with 26 percent of white Ohioans. jtorry@dispatch.com
Board Member Publications
Board Members • Ambassadors • 30-second • commercial