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Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation. Inspiring the Physician- Scientists of Tomorrow. Medical Student Research Fellowships. Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation. Founded in 1980 by Stanley J. Sarnoff, M.D.
Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation Inspiring the Physician- Scientists of Tomorrow Medical Student Research Fellowships
Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation • Founded in 1980 by Stanley J. Sarnoff, M.D. • Provides medical students an opportunity to pursue research in biomedical science
Sarnoff Mission To engage medical students and young investigators in a personalized research experience with preeminent cardiovascular scientists, and to foster the next generation of leaders in the field.
Sarnoff Objective • Although applicants may have prior research experience, applications are also encouraged from students without extensive prior research experience. • Sarnoff Fellows spend a year conducting intensive work in a research laboratory.
Medical Schools of Sarnoff Fellows Ohio State University Oregon Health Sciences University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School SUNY Buffalo Temple University Texas A & M HSC Tulane University of Alabama UC-Davis UC-Irvine UCLA UCSD UCSF University of Chicago University of Connecticut University of Florida University of Illinois University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Nebraska University of North Carolina University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of Southern California University of Texas-Galveston University of Texas-Houston University of Texas-San Antonio University of Texas-Southwestern University of Toledo University of Utah University of Virginia University of Washington Vanderbilt University VCU/MCV Wake Forest Washington University Wayne State University Yale University Albert Einstein Baylor College of Medicine Boston University Bowman Gray Brown University Case Western Reserve Chicago Medical School Cleveland Clinic College of Med Columbia University Cornell University Creighton University Dartmouth Medical School Drexel University Duke University George Washington University Harvard Medical School Johns Hopkins Mayo Medical School Mount Sinai New Jersey Medical School New York Medical College NYU Northwestern University
Top Residency Programs of Sarnoff Alumni Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center Brigham and Women’s Hospital Columbia Cornell Duke University Johns Hopkins University Massachusetts General Hospital New York University Ohio State University Stanford University UCLA UCSF University of Pennsylvania University of Texas-Southwestern University of Washington, Seattle Washington University, St. Louis Yale University
Sarnoff Each Fellow is paired with a member of the Foundation’s Scientific Committee who will: * Provide guidance during the research year * Visit the Fellow’s lab during the year * Aid in overall career development
Alumni Programs • Webinars (advice on residency and fellowship applications, grant writing, careers in academia and industry, etc.) • Regional networking receptions • Leadership Training Retreats • Alumni-specific programs at Sarnoff Annual Meeting • Grant Review Network
E. Dale Abel, M.D. Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry, University of Utah School of Medicine Eric Adler, M.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Diego Mark Anderson, M.D., Ph.D. Chair, Cardiology, University of Iowa H. Scott Baldwin, M.D., Vice Chair Chief, Pediatric Cardiology, Vanderbilt Nanette Bishopric, M.D. Professor of Medicine, University of Miami Daniel Garry, M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Cardiology Division, University of Minnesota Charles Hong, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Vanderbilt University Daniel Levy, M.D. Director, Framing ham Heart Study, NHLBI Ronglih Liao, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital Jonathan Linder, M.D. Professor of Medicine Oregon Health and Science University Agustin Melian, M.D. Merck & Co., Inc. Joseph Metzger, Ph.D. Chair, Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of Minnesota Sarnoff Scientific Committee
Sarnoff Scientific Committee Wendy Post, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Michael Regnier, Ph.D. Vice Chair, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington Philip Tsao, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Medicine, Stanford University Catherine Wong Resident, Internal Medicine, Columbia Alberta Yen Medical Student, University of Michigan Alan Moskowitz, M.D. Co-Director, International Center for Health Outcomes and Innovation Research, Mt. Sinai Javid Moslehi, M.D. Co-Director, Cardio-Oncology Program, Brigham & Women’s Hospital James Mudd, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine, Oregon Health Science University David Pinsky, M.D. Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Michigan Jorge Plutzky, M.D. Director, Vascular Disease Prevention Program, Harvard Medical School
Sarnoff Benefits • Lifetime commitment to the Fellow • Fellows have continued interaction with other Fellows, Scholars, Alumni and Scientific Committee members at the Foundation’s Annual Scientific Meeting and other conferences.
Sarnoff Benefits • Annual stipend - $28,500 • Fellowship Allowance - $7,000
Sarnoff Benefits • Financial support to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting, the annual Clinical Investigator Student Trainee Forum at NIH, and the AHA Scientific Sessions • Additional funds to present research at up to two national conferences
The Sarnoff Advantage • Can conduct research any where in the US • Lifelong Alumni support and offerings • Large Alumni Network • Lifelong mentoring by top physician scientists in the country
Sarnoff Application • Personal Statement • Essay • Curriculum Vitae • Transcript • Sponsor’s Endorsement (Member of applicant’s medical school faculty) • Letters of Recommendation
Sarnoff Information Dana Boyd, Executive Director Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation 731 G-2 Walker Road Great Falls, VA 22066 dboyd@SarnoffFoundaton.org (703) 759-7600 www.sarnofffoundation.org