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Is Flossing Essential Part of Oral Hygiene

While there are alternative methods to flossing, I will begin with the guidelines for the effective traditional flossing technique.

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Is Flossing Essential Part of Oral Hygiene

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  1. Is Flossing Essential Part of Oral Hygiene Flossing Flossing – – your first your first defense in defense in minimizing minimizing interdentally decay!!! interdentally decay!!! The question your dental professional probably asks you at every dental visit –are you flossing? which is directly related to poor oral hygiene, and the lack of flossing. Also, toothbrushes cannot completely remove plaque and other debris that gets lodged between teeth, and thus the lack of flossing also causes interdentally decay. What many people do not realize is that there are several alternatives to the traditional method of flossing – which tends to be the primary deterrent to flossing. While there are alternative methods to flossing, I will begin with the guidelines for the effective traditional flossing technique.

  2. Guidelines For Eff Guidelines For Effective Traditional ective Traditional Flossing Flossing 1.Using approximately 18 inches of floss and holding hands 5 inches apart, pinch the floss with your middle finger and thumb and wind the floss around your fingers until there is 2 inches between both hands. 2.Carefully glide the floss between the teeth and hold the floss snug around the tooth in a c-shape. 3.Carefully glide the floss under the gingival (gums) until you feel some resistance. 4.Using an up and down motion you will remove any debris caught between the teeth. 5.Using a clean piece of floss, use steps 1-4 on each tooth surface. Article originally published on Flossing dental health and dental hygiene you can go to Ottawa dental service Flossing. To know more information about Ottawa dental service. .

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