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Clean Carpets Chester

Clean Carpets Chester, 01244 293 049, https://www.cleancarpetschester.co.uk/mattress-cleaning/

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Clean Carpets Chester

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Presentation Transcript

  1. S U P E R B C L E A N I N G C O M P A N Y Clean Carpets Chester tel: 01244 293 049 cleancarpetschester.co.uk

  2. There are some jobs that you should never trust to amateurs. You need competent cleaners who will select the correct cleaning method on an individualised basis and deliver it without damaging delicate materials. Suitable services for home owners, tenants, hotels and hostels.

  3. Our Services Carpet Cleaning 1 Upholstery Cleaning 2 Mattress Cleaning 3     Our clients can choose from steam and dry cleaning for impeccable results

  4. Benefits From Working With Us Licensed Cleaners Many Discounts Eco-Friendly Detergents Fully  Insured Icons credits: icons8.com

  5. Book Our Services 24/7 on 01244 293 049 www.CleanCarpetsChester.co.uk

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