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4 DIY Shampoo Recipes to Clean Carpets

Shampooing a carpet is a great way to get a much deeper clean than vacuuming, and it extends the life of your carpet. Lets have a look 4 successful DIY shampoo recipes to clean your carpets.<br>Read more: http://www.drimasters.net/blog/diy-homemade-carpet-shampoo-recipe

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4 DIY Shampoo Recipes to Clean Carpets

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  1. 4 DIY Shampoo Recipes to Clean Carpets

  2. 1. Synthetic Carpet Cleaner at Home You’ll need the following • 1/2 gallon of water • 1/2 gallon vinegar (white)

  3. 1. Synthetic Carpet Cleaner at Home Now follow the procedure below • Take a bucket and mix both the ingredients. • Make sure they are well combined • As per the manufacturer's instructions, add this solution to your carpet cleaning machine and begin to clean • Make sure not to wet your carpets too much as they may shrink.

  4. 2. Shampoo for Lighter Colored Carpets You’ll need the following • 1.5 quarts hot water • One tbsp dish soap • 7-8 drops of essential oil • 4 tbsp, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide

  5. 2. Shampoo for Lighter Colored Carpets Now follow the procedure below • It is important to check if the solution is compatible with the carpet or not • Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl. Stir them until combined • Pour this solution into the water reservoir along with hot water • Use it to clean carpets

  6. 3. Carpet Shampoo for Carpet Cleaning Machine You’ll need the following • 2 tbsp ammonia • 1 tsp liquid dish soap • 2 cups of rubbing alcohol • 10-12 drops of essential oil

  7. 3. Carpet Shampoo for Carpet Cleaning Machine Now follow the procedure below • Take an empty gallon sized container. • Combine all the ingredients in the container, along with lukewarm water. • Add this solution to the reservoir of the cleaning machine.

  8. 4. DIY Enzyme-Citrus Cleaner You’ll need the following • 7 tbsp brown sugar • 1.5 cups of lemon and orange zest • 1-liter water • A container like a bottle to hold the liquid and peels

  9. 4. DIY Enzyme-Citrus Cleaner Follow the steps below • Add brown sugar, lemon and orange zest in the container. • Pour water and place the cap tight. • Shake it thoroughly for the ingredients to mix well. • Now leave the cap half open so that the gases formed are released to make sure your container doesn't explode. • Keep the solution untouched for about three months. • After three months, it is ready to use • Spray it directly onto the stain, and with a clean cloth pat the area • Let it dry and vacuum like usual.

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