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Efficacy and Safety of Tacrolimus Ointment Ira D. Lawrence, M.D., F.A.C.P. Senior Vice President Research and Development Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc. Five Core Phase III Studies. Study 12-Week, Double Blind (12W, DB) 12-Month Open-Label (OL). Age Group Pediatric Adult Adult
Efficacy and Safetyof TacrolimusOintmentIra D. Lawrence, M.D., F.A.C.P.Senior Vice PresidentResearch and DevelopmentFujisawa Healthcare, Inc.
Five Core Phase III Studies Study 12-Week, Double Blind (12W, DB) 12-Month Open-Label (OL) Age Group Pediatric Adult Adult Pediatric Adult Study # #37 #35 #36 #25 FG-12 # Patients 351 304 328 255 316
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Controlled Study Design 0.03% Tacrolimus Ointment (twice daily) 0.1% Tacrolimus Ointment (twice daily) Vehicle Ointment (twice daily) Randomization BL W1 W2 W3 W6 W9 W12 2W F/U
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Eligibility Criteria • Atopic dermatitis: moderate to severe, > 10% BSA • Concomitant therapy restrictions and washout requirements: • Emollients to treatment area • Topical antihistamines and antimicrobials • Topical or systemic corticosteroids • Non-sedating systemic antihistamines • Light treatments • Non-steroidal immunosuppressants
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) CombinedPatient Disposition Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Vehicle 328 36% 64% 43% 11% 10% 0.03% 328 74% 26% 9% 6% 11% 0.1% 327 79% 21% 7% 4% 10% Intent-to-Treat Completed Treatment Discontinued Lack of Efficacy Adverse Event Administrative Reason ‡ ‡Lost to follow-up, treatment noncompliance, patient refusal, etc.
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) CombinedPatient Demographics Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Vehicle n=328 55% 45% 66% 26% 8% 22% 13% 65% 0.03% n=328 54% 46% 67% 27% 6% 23% 13% 64% 0.1% n=327 57% 43% 65% 27% 7% 21% 15% 64% Total n=983 55% 45% 66% 27% 7% 22% 14% 64% Gender: Female Male Race: Caucasian African American Other Age: 2 - 6 7 - 15 16 - 79 36% No statistically significant differences among groups.
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) Combined Baseline Disease Characteristics Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Vehicle n=328 29% 30% 20% 21% 47 + 27 0.03% n=328 33% 28% 21% 18% 45 + 27 0.1% n=327 28% 30% 22% 20% 46 + 26 Total n=983 30% 29% 21% 20% 46 + 27 % BSA Affected >10 - < 25 >25 - < 50 >50 - < 75 >75 - < 100 Mean + SD 41%
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) Combined Baseline Disease Characteristics Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Severity Moderate Severe With Head/Neck Involvement Vehicle n=328 44% 56% 88% 0.03% n=328 42% 58% 86% 0.1% n=327 39% 61% 83% Total n=983 42% 58% 86%
Three, identically designed, 12 week, randomized, double-blind studies Efficacy
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Primary Efficacy Endpoint • Physician’s Global Evaluation ofClinical Response at End of Treatment Assessment Cleared Excellent Improvement Marked Improvement Moderate Improvement Slight Improvement No Appreciable Improvement Worse % Improvement 100 90 - 99 75 - 89 50 - 74 30 - 49 0 - 29 < 0
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) Analyses Performedfor Success • In each of the three pivotal studies, overall tests of equal proportions were performed • Since overall test (among three treatments) was significant in each of the three studies, each pairwise comparison was performed. First comparisons 0.03% tacrolimus ointment vs. vehicle 0.1% tacrolimus ointment vs. vehicle Second comparison 0.1% vs. 0.03% tacrolimus ointment
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) Analyses Performedfor Success • Analyses were performed • For each individual study • For data from the three studies combined • Intent-to-treat population • Last observation carried forward
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Success(>90% improvement) ***p < 0.001 for either concentration of tacrolimus ointment compared with vehicle in all 3 studies. *** *** *** *** *** *** % Patients N = 351 N = 304 N = 328
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Combined Success(>90% improvement) ***p < 0.001 for either concentration of tacrolimus ointment compared with vehicle *** % Patients 38% *** 30% 7% Vehicle 0.03% 0.1% N = 328 N = 328 N = 327
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)>50% Improvement ***p < 0.001 for either concentration of tacrolimus ointment compared with vehicle *** 75% *** 66% % Patients 22% Vehicle 0.03% 0.1% Cleared/Excellent (> 90%) Marked/Moderate (> 50%)
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)>50% Improvement at Week 1 and End of Treatment (EOT) % Patients wk1 EOT wk1 EOT wk1 EOT
Efficacy Confirmation:Secondary Endpoints • Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) • Percent Body Surface Area (%BSA) affected • Physician’s Assessment of Signs of Atopic Dermatitis • Patient’s Assessment of Pruritus
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Success(>90% improvement) Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Pediatric (37) Adult (35) Adult (36) Adult Studies Combined All Studies Combined 0.03% 36% 29% 26% 27% 30% 0.1% 41% 35% 38% 37% 38% p-value 0.03% vs.0.1% 0.401 0.369 0.060 0.041 0.038
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36)Success in Adults by Concentrationby Baseline Disease Severity 40% 38% 35%* % Patients 19% * Significantly (p = 0.009) greater improvement - 0.1% vs 0.03%
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36)Success in Adults by Concentration by %BSA Affected at Baseline 48% 45% 34% 31% 30%* 28% % Patients 19% 5% 10 - < 25% BSA >25 - < 50% BSA >50 - < 75% BSA >75 - < 100% BSA * Significantly (p = 0.004) greater improvement - 0.1% vs 0.03%
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36)Success in Adults 40%* 29% 27% % Patients 16% * Significantly (p = 0.029) greater improvement - 0.1% vs 0.03%
Efficacy Summary • Both concentrations of tacrolimus ointment are effective • Rapid improvement (1 week) • In adults, 0.1% concentration more effective than 0.03% • Effectiveness is maintained for periods up to 1 year
Three 12 week, randomized, double-blind studies Each concentration versus vehicle Between two concentrations Two (up to 1 year) open-label safety studies Five core studies Hazard rates Laboratory profile data Safety Presentation
Five Core Phase III Studies Study 12-Week, Double Blind (12W, DB) 12 Month, Open-Label (OL) Age Group Pediatric Adult Adult Pediatric Adult # Patients 351 304 328 255 316 Study # 37 35 36 25 FG-12 983 571
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) CombinedMedian Treatment Days Median Days
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) CombinedAdverse EventsAdjusted Incidence Rates ‡ Treatment Group p - value Overall AE Application Site AE Non-applications Site AE Infections AE Resulting in Discontinuation Vehicle n=328 84% 60% 68% 54% 13% 0.03% n=328 90% 75% 70% 56% 7% 0.1% n=327 89% 72% 68% 58% 5% 0.03% vs vehicle 0.065 <0.001 0.766 0.670 0.019 0.1% vs vehicle 0.158 0.001 0.880 0.522 0.002 ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12.
Observed Difference Confidence Interval Comparison of Active and VehicleUsing 95% Confidence Interval 0 -10 5 10 -15 -5 15 Active > Vehicle (significant) No Apparent Difference (not significant) Active < Vehicle (significant)
0.03% minus vehicle 0.1% minus vehicle 12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) CombinedCommon Adverse Events (> 5%)‡Treatment Difference with 95% CI 35 25 15 5 -5 -15 Skin Burning Pruritus Flu- like Symptoms Skin Erythema Headache Skin Infection Fever Allergic Reaction Pharyngitis Cough Increased Asthma Accidental Injury ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12.
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) CombinedSkin Burning Prevalence % Patients D4 W1 W2 W6 W9 W12 W3
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Adverse Events of Clinical InterestAdjusted Incidence Rates ‡ Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Overall Infections Flu-like Symptoms Headache Fever Cough Increased Pharyngitis Vehicle (n=328) 54% 22% 10% 8% 7% 6% 0.03% (n=328) 56% 25% 14% 10% 7% 4% 0.1% (n=327) 58% 31% 17% 7% 6% 5% ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12.
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Cutaneous Events of Clinical InterestAdjusted Incidence Rates ‡ Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Skin Infection + Folliculitis Herpes Simplex Skin Tingling Alcohol Intolerance Hyperesthesia Vehicle (n=328) 12% <1% 3% 2% 0% <1% 0.03% (n=328) 12% 5% 4% 3% 2% 2% 0.1% (n=327) 7% 3% 4% 5% 4% 4% ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12. + Majority presumed bacterial.
0.03% minus vehicle 0.1% minus vehicle 12W, DB Studies - Pediatric (37)Common Adverse Events in Children‡Treatment Difference with 95% CI -20 20 30 -10 0 10 Skin Burning Pruritus Flu-like Symptoms Fever Cough Increased Skin Erythema Skin Infection Headache Otitis Media Pharyngitis ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12.
0.03% minus vehicle 0.1% minus vehicle 12W, DB Studies - Pediatric (37)Common Adverse Events in Children‡Treatment Difference with 95% CI 15 10 0 5 -15 -10 -5 -20 Asthma Infection Allergic Reaction Sinusitis Vomiting Rhinitis Pustular Rash Abdominal Pain Accidental Injury Bronchitis ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12.
12W, DB Studies - Pediatric (37)Adverse Event of Clinical Interest in ChildrenAdjusted Incidence Rates ‡ Concentration of Tacrolimus Ointment Overall Infections Flu-like Symptoms Skin Infections Sinusitis Herpes Simplex Chicken Pox + Vehicle (n=116) 48% 25% 14% 8% 2% 0% 0.03% (n=118) 57% 28% 10% 3% 2% 5% 0.1% (n=118) 55% 32% 11% 1% 5% 1% + COSTART term Herpes Zoster. ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12.
12W, DB Studies - Pediatric (37)Adverse Event Profile inYoung Pediatric Patients -- Age 2-6(n=215) • Similar profile to overall pediatric patient population • No apparent difference in the 0.1% tacrolimus ointment and vehicle groups • Only statistically significant difference in 0.03% tacrolimus ointment group, versus vehicle • Pruritus • Chicken Pox (normal clinical course)
-10 10 -20 20 0 Skin Burning Pruritus Flu-like Symptoms Skin Erythema Headache Skin Infection Fever Allergic Reaction Pharyngitis Cough Increased Asthma Accidental Injury 12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37) Combined0.1% minus 0.03% with 95% CICommon Adverse Events‡ ‡Adjusted incidence rates based on Kaplan-Meier estimates at week 12.
12W, DB Studies - Adult (35/36) / Pediatric (37)Adverse Events Summary • No apparent difference • Overall incidence adverse events • Overall non-application site events • Infections • Higher incidence of local irritation events • Short duration • Occur early in treatment • Both 0.03% and 0.1% concentrations are safe
Open-Label StudiesAdult (FG-12) / Pediatric (25) • Applied 0.1% tacrolimus ointment for 87% of days on study • Severe disease 48% children 53% adults • Head/Neck 80% children 95% adults • > 6 months on study 465 patients> 12 months on study 248 patients
OL Studies - Adult (FG-12) / Pediatric (25)Summary of Raw Incidence ofAdverse Events Number of Patients Overall Adverse Event AE Application Site AE Non-Application Site AE AE Resulting - D/C Pediatric n=255 87% 54% 77% 4% Adult n=316 92% 78% 75% 9%
OL Studies - Adult (FG-12) / Pediatric (25)Common (>10%) ApplicationSite Events* Skin Burning Pruritus Skin Infection Skin Erythema Pediatric n=255 26% 23% 11% 9% Adult n=316 47% 24% 11% 12% *> 5% incidence in both studies (also occurring at > 5% -10% incidence in FG-12: folliculitis, herpes simplex)
OL Studies - Adult (FG-12) / Pediatric (25)Common (>10%) Non-ApplicationSite Adverse Events Flu-Like Symptoms Headache Fever Asthma Allergic Reaction Increased Cough Accidental Injury Infection Pediatric n=255 35% 18% 18% 16% 15% 15% 11% 8% Adult n=316 22% 10% 2% 5% 21% 3% 4% 14% Occurring > 5% to <10%: in 25, pharyngitis, sinusitus, bronchitis, diarrhea, vomiting, otitis media; in FG-12, pharyngitis, rhinitis, herpes simplex.
OL Studies - Adult (FG-12) / Pediatric (25)Non-Application SiteAdverse Events • No increase in non-application site adverse events with • cumulative length of exposure • cumulative ointment use
Open-Label Safety Studies • Tacrolimus 0.1% ointment is safe in the long-term treatment of atopic dermatitis when used for up to 1 year in children and adults.
Five Core StudiesHazard Rates • 5 core studies • 898 patients - 0.1% tacrolimus ointment • Local irritation events excluded • All 898 patients included days 1- 89 • Only long-term patients included > 90 days
Five Core StudiesDaily Hazard Rates+ (SE) Over Time0.1% Tacrolimus Ointment Flu-like Symptoms Headache Herpes Simplex Folliculitus Lymphadenopathy Day 1-90 2.792 (0.211) 1.687 (0.163) 0.710 (0.105) 0.537 (0.091) 0.075 (0.034) Day 91-182 0.986 (0.169) 0.292 (0.088) 0.248 (0.079) 0.219 (0.073) 0.093 (0.047) Day 183-366 0.999 (0.173) 0.183 (0.069) 0.191 (0.068) 0.093 (0.047) 0.111 (0.050) + Rate (SE) should be multiplied by 10 –3 to get actual rate.
OL Study – Pediatric (25)Lymphadenopathy Hazard Rates+ (SE)Over Time0.1% Tacrolimus Ointment - Pediatrics Hazard Rate (SE) Wks 0-12 0.133 (0.0769) Wks 12-26 0.048 (0.048) Wks 26-52 0.147 (0.0737) + Rate (SE) should be multiplied by 10 –3 to get actual rate.
COSTART Code“Lymphadenopathy” • Most are secondary to concurrent inflammatory processes (tonsillitis, skin infections) • Short-lived enlargements • Shotty cervical lymph node • Small cervical enlargement • Common in atopic dermatitis • Not associated with significant pathology