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LEVEL 3. informal presentation to RNE workshop. response to mega. emergency and FAO. standard operating. procedures. Matt Keil / Nathan Morrow. Recognition of FAO ’ s important work in humanitarian response.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LEVEL 3 informal presentation to RNE workshop response to mega emergency and FAO standard operating procedures Matt Keil / Nathan Morrow

  2. Recognition of FAO’s important work in humanitarian response • “FAO has an important role to play in emergency response and rehabilitation and it is fundamental to the Organization’s objective of tackling acute hunger and poverty” (Independent External Evaluation, p. 154) • Massive impact on Agriculture and Food Security in recent mega-emergencies • Indian Ocean Tsunami • Haiti • Pakistan • Horn of Africa • Sahel Regional Crisis

  3. FAO’s commitments • To populations affected by crises around the world • to be a consistent partner to these populations in supporting lives and livelihoods. • To FAO’s member states • FAO will be a reliable partner when crises threaten to overwhelm capacities. • To FAO partners, including our commitments to the Interagency Standing Committee, IASC. • Prepare a full range FAO staff in advance of when their skills and experiences will be required in times of emergencies

  4. FAO RESPONSE 4 PAKISTAN FLOODING resumption of fisheries and forestry production delivering critical farming inputs and restoring basic irrigation infrastructure 4 restoring productive livestock assets JULY / AUGUST 2010

  5. JANUARY 2010 FAO RESPONSE coordination of the response in agriculture support to food security of earthquake-affected families 5 reduction of risks related to natural disasters HAITI EARTHQUAKE

  6. FAO’s time critical emergency agriculture response activities (CERF) • Provision of seeds, fertilizers and tools to restore food security and production capacity • Emergency livestock vaccination campaigns to ensure survival of productive animals • Livestock de-stocking and restocking • Provision of water and supplementary feeding for livestock to ensure their survival • Control of transboundary pest (i.e. locust) • Spot repairs of agricultural infrastructure and flood-control embankments

  7. SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures for Emergency Response • Absolutely the correct organizational tool to enable FAO to meet commitments • Predictable and dependable set of actions are vital to the success of preparedness and response measures in crisis operations • Clear communication about what is expected from different actors is crucial for coordinated and timely response • Most organizations and governments write down ‘how’ they respond to emergencies in management-approved SOPs • UNDP, UNICEF, WFP, WHO… • Member states (e.g. national disaster authorities) • IFRC • INGOS – World Vision, CARE, CRS, Oxfam, Mercy Corps, Save the Children, MSF…

  8. What are SOPs? • Corporate operating procedures to direct personnel in preparedness and response actions in a range of agriculture and food security crisis contexts • Sequence of minimum essential activities • Identification of key roles/functions • Links to essential documentation, guidance, policies • Tools and associated training • grounded in the realities of the field context • an easily accessible ‘road map’ for all personnel • Endorsed by management: mandatory when triggered • Accountablity • Support to personnel • Strong corporate engagement

  9. Benefits of SOPs for FAO • grounded in best practice identified through systematic review of previous responses • DRM/livelihoods approach building on existing technical guidelines • articulate roles and responsibilities: improve efficiency and effectiveness of individuals, teams and operations • link processes, organizational structures, and decision-making functions across the Organization • strengthen role in the Inter-agency world (e.g. Global Food Security Cluster, IA coordination etc) • makes FAO a more reliable and systematic partner from inter-agency level to the communities we serve • critical for a decentralized structure

  10. FAO and SOPs to date • Crisis Management Centre – rapid response to animal health outbreaks • Alert and readiness • Surge of personnel • Rapid technical and operational support to Member States • Partnership with other agencies • ECLO – locust control

  11. The current SOP initiative • Launched by TCE Director (April 2011) • Support from OFDA (2011) • Strategic Objective I, Organizational Result 1 • DRR FNS framework programme (pillar III) • Our approach • Organic network of ‘volunteers’ with individuals taking leadership of development for specific areas (>30) • Cross-organizational outreach and consultation • Identification of priority areas for SOPs to replace ‘ad hoc’ approaches • Next Steps • OAWG – Corporate endorsement of SOP • DG Bulletin (August 2012) • 2-year Capacity Development and Rollout Plan

  12. SOP: Emergency response level • For the UN, crises come in three sizes: • Level 1 -- managed by country offices, under the authority of the FAOR; • Level 2 -- when multiple countries are involved or when a country is overwhelmed, under the authority of the FAO RR; and • Level 3 (or L-3) -- when crises of such magnitude occur that • require the full resources of an organization to respond, • under the authority of the DG or his delegate.

  13. Proposed DG Bulletin - Corporate L3 SOP (August 2012) • Reiterate FAO’s commitment to • IASC system-wide process • Corporate preparedness and corporate response to mega-emergency • Process and criteria for declaring Level 3 • Relation to: • Crisis and Disaster Response Planning • Food Chain Crisis Management Framework • Roles and Responsibilities • Leadership, management, operations • Technical support to emergency response • Corporate support to emergency response • Level 3 response accountability with Director General • TCE – key role in Level 3 response • Level 2 accountability with RR • Level 1 accountability with FAOR • Appropriate support to develop and maintain L3 response capacity

  14. Building Blocks of Preparedness • Pre-conditions to effective Level 3 response • Sustainable financing of capacity – a business model to support emergency response capacity at regional level • Pre-released and trained staff on global roster • Early warning monitoring capacity • Contingency planning at country level • Pre-position of limited number of emergency response assets • Field Guide: Emergency Operations Procedure

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