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Frederick Douglas

Colleen Busch, Jackson Carney, Desiree Prieur. Frederick Douglas. FREDERICK DOUGLASS’S LIFE.

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Frederick Douglas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Colleen Busch, Jackson Carney, Desiree Prieur Frederick Douglas

  2. FREDERICK DOUGLASS’S LIFE Frederick Douglas was born into slavery in 1818 in Talbot Country, Maryland. He lived with his grandmother, Betty Baily , because his mom died when he was ten. After the death of his master, Douglas was given to the Auld family, where Sophia Auld taught him to read and write. Through reading, his hatred towards slavery grew. He told the other slaves what he learned . Fredrick Douglas died February 20, 1895 of massive heart attack or stoke, know one knows which. Frederick Douglas did a lot of great things for antislavery. These are his greatest accomplishments.

  3. Accomplishments • He shared his knowledge of the cruel treatment that they were receiving with other slaves. • He wrote a powerful autobiography and book on human rights • He tried to escape twice before finally succeeding with Anna Murray

  4. Fredrick Douglass tried to escape twice AND wrote an autobiography. He also was a threat to slave owners. SUMMARY

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