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Safe High Voltage Power Supply Operation Guide for CROP Detectors

Learn how to safely power up CROP detectors with high voltage, including checking rates, light leak tests, threshold scans, and efficiency scans. Follow step-by-step instructions and use cheat sheets for oscilloscope settings. Ensure a gradual voltage increase for optimal operation.

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Safe High Voltage Power Supply Operation Guide for CROP Detectors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1st of year Checkout Power supply safety • Powering up detector(s) • 1st in the DARK • Ramping up voltages slowly in 50 v steps • 2. Look for signals • 3. Check rates • 4. Light leak tests Oscilloscope “cheat sheets”

  2. 5. Check rates in LIGHTS ON/LIGHTS OUT test 6. Threshold scans 7. Efficiency scans (plateauing)

  3. How to Correctly and Safely Use the CROP High Voltage Power Supply Supplying high voltage to the CROP detectors: Step 1: Make sure the power supply is turned OFF Step 2: Turn the blue knob on top of the supply (the potentiometer) counter-clockwise all the way (to reduce the voltage to zero) Step 3: Connect the detector(s) to the power supply (with the supply turned OFF) Step 4: Turn the power supply on Step 5: Slowly and gradually increase the voltage until you read the desired value on the display screen (take about 10 - 15 seconds to increase the voltage) You can change (increase or decrease) the voltage while the detectors are plugged in and the supply is turned on

  4. On-Line Oscilloscope Cheat Sheets

  5. Setting Discriminator Thresholds Events counted:

  6. Telescoping the Detectors

  7. Typical efficiency of counters 85% - 95%

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