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eBackpack. Tech Tuesday July 30, 2013. Classroom Workflow. iPad Annotations. Students on their iPad. eBackpack Free App. Student Log In. Account Name : Cozad User Name and Password is same as PowerSchool login info. Student Dashboard. Student Folders. Shared Classes and Groups.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. eBackpack Tech Tuesday July 30, 2013

  2. Classroom Workflow

  3. iPad Annotations

  4. Students on their iPad

  5. eBackpack Free App

  6. Student Log In Account Name: Cozad User Name and Password is same as PowerSchool login info

  7. Student Dashboard

  8. Student Folders

  9. Shared Classes and Groups

  10. Class Folders

  11. Assignment Folder

  12. Switch Easily between Assignment Views

  13. Add to eBackpack

  14. Integrated with Google Drive and DropBox

  15. Mark within App

  16. Or Take to another App

  17. Adding Video and Photos

  18. Lets Try from Student’s View

  19. eBackpack for Teachers • Safely store files online • Workflow made easier for iPads • Files available anywhere • Create a paperless classroom

  20. Using Web Browser Website: cozad.ebackpack.com Username & Password: Same as PowerSchool

  21. Teacher Dashboardin Browser

  22. Teacher Dashboard • Add and manage assignments • Manage users • Manage classes • View student dashboard as a student • Upload files • Return files to students • Annotate student work • Manage and organize folders

  23. Create an Assignment Folder

  24. Add Files for Students Now integrates with Google Drive and DropBox

  25. Grade & Review Student Work

  26. eBox • An eBox is like an email inbox and outbox combined together into one. You will see all interactions between people related to files in your eBox. Whether you have sent files to others or have received files from others, your eBox helps keep this communication organized. • Files can be in two locations in your eBox: • Received - Files that you RECEIVED from another user. These files can be commented on and returned to the original user. • Submitted - Files that you SENT to another user. These files show any messages that you might get back from the other user. • In either case, a copy of the communication remains in your eBox forever!

  27. Assignment can be given to 1 student

  28. Add Groups or Class

  29. View as a Student

  30. Integrates with PowerTeacher Export Grades

  31. Lets Try from Teacher’s View in Web Browser First

  32. Teacher Dashboard on iPad

  33. Teacher Folder

  34. Add Info to eBackpack

  35. Add Assignment with Instructions

  36. Switch Views

  37. Mark Turned in Work

  38. Grade and Review

  39. Lets Try from Teacher’s View on iPad

  40. Resources on eBackpack • http://pwolfe.wikispaces.com/Summer+2013+Tech+Tuesday

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