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Pre-K Collaborative Learning Community

Tuesday, October 14, 2010 Tiffany Giannicchi Tessa Schmidt. Pre-K Collaborative Learning Community. Welcome and Overview . Pre-k NYS Core Curriculum Developmental Milestones Promoting Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Literacy strategies for comprehension and building schema.

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Pre-K Collaborative Learning Community

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tuesday, October 14, 2010 Tiffany Giannicchi Tessa Schmidt Pre-K Collaborative Learning Community

  2. Welcome and Overview • Pre-k NYS Core Curriculum • Developmental Milestones • Promoting Phonological and Phonemic Awareness • Literacy strategies for comprehension and building schema. • Literacy Centers vs. Learning Centers • Make-and Take Fall Activities

  3. How familiar are you with the NYS Pre-K Performance indicators? • How familiar are you with the developmental Milestones chart?

  4. Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Phonological Awareness Phonemic Awareness Part of Phonological awareness (higher level) Ability to notice, think about and work with individual sounds in spoken words (b-u-g) -songs, chants, rhymes, syllable clapping games Listening skill Hear, Identify and manipulate sounds associating a letter symbol with the sound it makes (can hear parts or syllables, blending sounds) Phonics-connecting sounds to letters (print skill) -songs, chants, rhymes, syllable clapping games

  5. Activity #1 Rhyming Names Rhyming Names Brainstorm a list of rhyming name games you do with children (at least 5 per table). What other games do you play with rhymes?

  6. Activity #2 Songs. Chants and Finger Plays Make a list of finger plays you do with children. Edit the list to include those that support phonological and phonemic awareness.

  7. Schema and Comprehension • Clay boy book and activities

  8. Literacy And Learning Centers • Compare the two. • In your groups, write down characteristics of a literacy center and characteristics of a learning center.

  9. Literacy Centers vs. Learning Centers Literacy Centers Learning Centers Choice Time Open-ended Social interaction Independence Numerous objectives Many curriculum areas Often represented in distinct areas of the room (block center) Can have a literacy focus (ie. alphabet puzzles) Content Specific Product Orientated Prescribed Support ELA goals Done during LA block (while teacher works with small groups. ) Provide skill reinforcement • Phonics • Phonemic Awareness • Fluency (oral reading) • Comprehension • Vocabulary development

  10. Tying it all together Llama Llama Misses Mama Llama Llama Red Pajama Llama Llama’s Mad at Mama

  11. Extending Read Alouds to Centers Your task… • Choose a read aloud with your group. • Read the story • Talk about ways to extend the book into centers. How you extend the book to a literacy center? How can you extend the book to a learning center? • Identify materials, ideas for extending and standards being addressed.

  12. Creating a literacy area In your groups… • Look at your personal area (table, purse, bags, etc.) and gather all of the items that are literacy related. • What are some things children might be doing at a learning center that includes these items? • Make a list of possible activities that you might see?

  13. Key Elements of Learning Centers Each center should Include: • well defined boundaries and traffic patterns. • Quiet zones • Soft areas • Storage • Labeled bins, shelves, etc. • Make materials accessible • Separate teachers materials and student materials • Writing materials and books should be in many areas. • Avoid clutter • You should see all parts of the room

  14. Written Language • Functions (environmental, occupational, informational) • Forms (menus, lists, thank you notes, letters, etc.) • Features (linear, predicable, etc.)

  15. PRINT has to have PURPOSE

  16. Infusing Literacy in Centers • Choose a learning center that you currently implement. How can you or do you infuse literacy into it? What materials can you add? What ideas do children need to guide their work and play so literacy is fostered? What is your role at the center?

  17. Museum Walk • Fall activities/art projects • Benchmark Assessments (Sept. Jan. June) • Literacy Center Ideas • Learning Center Ideas • Suggested Autumn Read-Alouds

  18. Make and Take Literacy Centers Learning Centers Pumpkin Play dough Oatmeal Sensory bin Craft Stick Puzzles Spaghetti sensory bin Back pack art Kool-aid painting Rake painting • Word works • Sounds match • Llama Llama activities • Beginning, middle ,and end • Sequencing • Recording

  19. Resources and our Prek wikiwww.prekfocus.wikispaces.com • www.preschoolexpress.com (music and rhyme) • www.prekinders.com • www.prekstormie.com • Mrs. Levin’s PreKpages (google it) • www.kinderkorner.com (name rhymes) • www.preschool4all.com • www.preschoolbystormie.com • www.preschoolrainbow.org • www.preschooleducation.com • www.everythingpreschool.com • www.bornlearning.org • www.annadewdney.com

  20. Next Session… January 2011 Remember that all slides and down loadables are on the Pre-k wiki space. www.prekfocus.wikispaces.com

  21. Evaluation • 3 Pluses for today • 1 Wish for next time

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