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Drought Stress Effects on Cotton Gene Expression

This study delves into morphological, physiological, and biochemical aspects of drought stress in upland cotton, examining gene expression quantification under stress conditions. The research methodology involved RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, qPCR analysis, and gene expression quantification. Notable findings include identified drought-tolerant genes and the log fold change under drought stress compared to the control. The study was conducted at Cotton Research Institute, Egypt, and Central Institute for Cotton Research, India.

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Drought Stress Effects on Cotton Gene Expression

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  2. Abdelmoghny, A. M.1; Suman B. Singh2, H. B. Santosh2, K. P. Raghavendra2, J. A. Sheeba2 and K. R. Kranthi2 1 Cotton Research Institute (CRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), 9 El-Gamma St, Giza, Egypt 2 ICAR, Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Post Box No. 2, Shankar Nagar Post Office, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440 010, India

  3. Pedigree of the studied six cotton genotypes

  4. The genotypes were sown in plastic pots measuring 38cm x 40cm, filled with loamy clay soil. All plants were regularly irrigated with 1L tap water daily, Induced Drought Stress after 60 days from sown for 13 days

  5. Each set (drought and control) having six genotypes arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with triplicate, each replicate consists of eighteen pots and each pot has one plant for each genotype.

  6. 28I 2389 891

  7. Nagpur 9 LRA1566 Suraj

  8. Studied characters

  9. Drought- related traits

  10. Molecular Level qRT-PCR

  11. Gene expression analysis through qPCR • Total RNA isolation: • Control and Drought stress plants • 3 biological replicates from each genotypes • Spectrum Plant RNA isolation kit • Quality and quantity check: • Gel electrophoresis and qubitflourometer • cDNA synthesis (Reverse transcription): Affyscript cDNA synthesis kit • qPCR- Brilliant QPCR SYBR green • Data Analysis: MxPro software

  12. Table 1: Drought tolerant genes for the studied Upland cotton genotypes Gossypium hirsutum L.

  13. Standardization of PCR condition: Fifteen primers working at annealing temperature 60 C with out primer dimer was chosen for subsequent analysis

  14. QPCR analysis of gene expression Methodology:Comparative qunatification Chemistry: SYBR green Reference/normaliser gene: Actin Calibrator:cDNA from control samples Unknown:cDNA from drought stress sample Genes under study

  15. Analysis Selection/Setup Control (Calibrtor) Drought stress(Unknown Gene under study: bHLH and DREB1A Normaliser/reference gene: Actin4 Reference dye: ROX dye

  16. Dissociation Curve Dreb1A Histone H1 bHLH1 14-3-3f NAC9 Actin4 SYBR green flouroscence is due to the amplified product only

  17. qPCR analysis ΔCT = (CT gene of interest - CT internal control) Δ Δ CT = (Δ CT,q - 2 Δ CT,b) Log Fold change = -2Δ Δ Ct

  18. Log Fold Change under drought stress v/s calibrator (control)

  19. Conclusion

  20. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RESEARCH TRAINING FELLOWSHIP FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRY SCIENTITSS (RTF-DCS) 2014-2015 Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre)


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