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Your birth gave you the biggest opportunity

Your birth gave you the biggest opportunity. I believe I can make a difference. Spend the time of your life to know its purpose You only have a LIFETIME to know!. Don’t LIVE out of your past, LEAVE your past!.

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Your birth gave you the biggest opportunity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your birth gave you the biggest opportunity

  2. I believe I can make a difference

  3. Spend the time of your life to know its purpose You only have a LIFETIME to know!

  4. Don’t LIVE out of your past, LEAVE your past!

  5. To understand is an Effort. To misunderstand is Effortless. The difference is in Listening. Listen well!

  6. Understanding others begins with understanding self thoroughly.

  7. That you are simple is for the world to decide. All you can control is your conduct.

  8. Being Aggressive Erodes respect. Being Assertive Builds respect.

  9. “WHY” is THE only trigger for change

  10. The Cycle of Change If I Can, You Can. If You Can, They Can. If They Can, We all Can. If We all Can. The world WILL! Change

  11. Every “Why” has an “Answer” Its for you to “Seek”

  12. To Change is a one time effort To remain Changed requires focused effort

  13. When you answer a why the how will unfold. When the how unfolds the what gets clear Clarity on what will lead to specific action

  14. Reasoning creates doubts, Thinking clears the doubts.

  15. Reasoning leads to procrastination. Thinking leads to action.

  16. Reasoning stalls action, Thinking provokes action.

  17. Reasoning prevents, Thinking promotes Action.

  18. Stop REASONING. Take ACTION.

  19. Reasoning blocks learning Thinking opens

  20. Sound Thinking is better than Solid Reasoning

  21. Thinking leads to hard questions, Reasoning looks for easy answers

  22. Think Boldly. Think wildly. Act wisely

  23. You reason from a closed mind. You think with an open mind.

  24. Perception is like a shadow. You cannot get rid of it. You can only manage it.

  25. Multitasking does not help active listening.

  26. Knowledge is never wasted, it’s application could be wasted.

  27. When you live you fight perception, when you die you leave it behind.

  28. Unused knowledge is like stagnant pond. It dries up sooner than you expect.

  29. Succeeding Empowering LearningFulfilling Managing Self

  30. L earn To Learn is to

  31. Learning is the passion for knowing and The joy of enjoying the knowing

  32. Teaching is about "who". Learning is about "you".

  33. We are taught when we are young, We learn as we grow

  34. Learning is the shift from Receiving to Seeking

  35. Memories are the most powerful book marks of our life. We create memories as we live.

  36. Look within to Change. Look beyond to sustain

  37. Legends are human like you and me.

  38. The journey of learning neither has an end nor a destination.

  39. The Desire to Know must be NOW. It’s the surest way to learn

  40. When you say “I have Learnt” you’ve stopped learning from that moment

  41. Don’t let your EGO come between Knowing & Not Knowing

  42. Never attempt to complete Learning

  43. As breathing, learning exists in your life. It’s for you to see it and feel it

  44. As breathing, Learning is a continuous need of the Mind

  45. The limit to what you can learn is yourself.

  46. Being comfortable with not knowing in itself is a great learning and admitting begins the process of learning

  47. It’s OK to not know something! But it’s not OK to not accept it! When you don’t, you stop learning

  48. Pretension is the biggest enemy of learning!

  49. Admitting ignorance will earn respect sooner or later, not doing so will erode at twice the speed.

  50. Goodwill is like money. You have to earn more and spend less for it to last your lifetime

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