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Midterm Jeopardy. Name the Ancient Civilizations in chronological order. Aegean, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, Meso , Roman. Mesopotamian 3500bc-642ad Egyptian 3000bc-30bc Aegean 3000bc-1200bc Greek 900bc-31bc Etruscan 900bc-89bc Roman 753bc-330bc.
Name the Ancient Civilizations in chronological order.Aegean, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, Meso, Roman • Mesopotamian 3500bc-642ad • Egyptian 3000bc-30bc • Aegean 3000bc-1200bc • Greek 900bc-31bc • Etruscan 900bc-89bc • Roman 753bc-330bc http://www.timelines.info/history/empires_and_civilizations/ancient_civilisations/
Name 5 characteristics of the Neolithic Revolution: • Taking control of environment. • Development of human technology, • The rise of farming, "Neolithic Revolution" • Use of wild and domestic crops and the use of domesticated animals. • Originated government, law, formal religion, writing, weaving, metal work and pottery
Name 5 inventions from the Sumerians: • Wheel • Mathematical system • Irrigation • Cuneiform • Bronze Metal tools
Name the top 6 Mesopotamian civilizations • Sumerians • Akkadians • Babylonians • Hittites • Assyrians • Persians
The first use of registers. • Warka Vase • 3200–3000 BCE. Alabaster, 3’ 1/4" high • Votive Offering
The waiting room of a ziggurat. • Cella • What asphaltlikesubstancethe mud-brick covered with to make it last? • Bitumen
Title, Material, Style • Head of an Akkadian ruler, • from Nineveh, Iraqca. 2250-2200 B.C. • COPPER, 1' 2 3/8" HIGH • AKA Sargon of Akkad
Title, Date, Symbolism • next
Title, Material, Civilization, Significance • Stele with law code of Hammurabi • Basalt 7’ 4” • Babylonian • Hammurabi is portrayed receiving the laws directly from Shamash the sun god. • (a parallel to Moses)
These two posts guard this. • Lion’s Gate • Citadel
This composite creature guards this. • Lamassu • Guarding the gate to • Sargon II palace
Hunting reliefs from this civilization • Assyrian
Apadana. • Royal audience hall of this. • Persepolis
List the 7 periods of the Greek civilization. • Geometric (900-700 BC) • Orientalizing (700-600 BC) • Archaic (600-480 BC) • Early Classical aka Severe (480-450 BC) • High Classical (450-400 BC) • Late Classical (400-323 BC) • Hellenistic (323-31 BC)
Place in Chronological order First Olympic Games Persian War Sack of Acropolis by Persians Peloponnesian War Battle of Issus Alexander the Great Roman Conquest of Greece Attalos III wills Pergamence Kingdom to Rome • Peloponnesian War • Roman Conquest of Greece • Persian War • Sack of Acropolis by Persians • First Olympic GamesBattle of Issus • Alexander the Great • Attalos III wills Pergamence Kingdom to Rome
Inventors of black figure painting • Corinthians
After the fall of the Mycenans was the Dark Ages of Greece • Name this sculpture. • Mantiklos Apollo
Greek Male Nude • Kouros 6’1/2” • Similar to this Egyptian sculpture. • Mentuemhet
Title • Temple of Hera I “Basilica”Paestrum • What makes it Archaic? • Central row of columns
Name this Mortuary Presinct. • Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut (with the Middle Kingdom mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II at left)Deir el-Bahri, EgyptDynasty XVIII ca. 1473-1458 BCE
Title, give civilizations of which artist derived inspiration. • Minoan • Assyrian
Title & Significance • War & Peace of the Standard of Ur, Royal Cemetery, Ur, Iraqca. 2600 BCE. Wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazuli, and red limestoneapprox. 8" x 1’ 7". • The spoils of war as well as farming and trade brought considerable wealth to some of the city-states of ancient Sumer. • Rectangular box with sloping sides of unknown function. • Possibly Military Standard • Hierarchal scale
Describe the Heraldic Composition • Composition A composition that is symmetrical on either side of a central figure
Title & Significance • Soundbox of the lyre, Royal Cemetery, Ur, Iraq, ca. 2600 BCE. Wood with inlaid gold, lapis lazuli, and shell, approx. 1’ 7" high • The top of the sound board is said to that of Gilgamesh as hero fighting off animals. • Heraldic Composition A composition that is symmetrical on either side of a central figure
Temple Name? • West Pediment Temple of Artemis, Corfu • Heraldic CompositionMedusa pinwheel central figurePegasus at her rightOrientalizingpanthers • Lack of Narrative UnityScale diversity
Temple Name & 2 important features • Siphnian TreasuryDelphi, Greece • Gigantomachy: the symbolic struggle between the cosmic order of the Olympians led by Zeus and the nether forces of Chaos led by the giant Alcyoneu • Caryatids
Age :Physical, Stylistic or Documentary Evidence What part of Formal Analysis is shown here? Documentary
What part of Formal Analysis is shown here? Subject Mater/ContextReligious, Mythological, Landscape, Genre, Gender, Still Life
FunctionCommemorate, Propaganda, Expression, Wealth And here???
Master of Black Figure. • Exekias • Achilles & Ajax playing dice gameWidely exported and copiedWords written out of their mouths
Name, period • Calf BearerDedicated by (inscribed) RhonbosOn the AcropolisMoschophoros (Calf Bearer)Bold Xmore rounded features the • Kouros • 1st Archaic Smile
Bilingual-red & black figure painting on same amphoraNew technique came around 530 BC • Andokides PainterSaid to have developed Red-Figure PaintingAchillies& Ajax
The Severe style roughly covers the first 50 - 80 years of the early classical period. What are two significant changes in Greek sculpture? • Abandonment of the Archaic smile • Opening up is mostly due to the "contrapposto“ pose.
Who is this? • Kritios BoyAcropolisSculpted by Kritios Portrays how body actually standsContrapposto – counterbalanceDip in hipHead turns
Where & What? • Tumulus, from Cerveteri, Italy (Etruscan) 7th to 2nd centuries B.C.E. Aka Necropolis
How do Etruscan Sarcophagi differ from Greek? 3 things • Terracotta vs Marble • Women & Men together • Smiles & hand gestures
Name & Sculptor • Myron DiskobolosDiscus ThrowerRoman marble copy after bronze original
Name & Artist • PolykleitosDoryphoros or Spear BearerCanon (name assigned by Polykleitos)Marble copyIdeal Human figure Proportion 1:7 Chiastic – cross balanceLeft arm & right leg flexedright arm & left leg relaxedoppose diagonallydynamic asymmetrical balance
What is the DelianLeague? • Athenian Acropolis under leadership of Pericles • Reconstruction after Persian sack of the Acropolis 480 BC • Greeks formed alliance from protection against Orient • Delian treasury transferred to Athens from Delos • The Delian League, founded in 478 BC, was an association of Greek city-states, under the leadership of Athens, whose purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory in the Battle of Plataea at the end of the Second Persian invasion of Greece. The League's modernname derives from its official meeting place, the island of Delos, where congresses were held in the temple and where the treasury stood until, in a symbolic gesture,Periclesmoved it to Athens in 454 BC
Name 4 important architectural structures on the acropolis. • Parthenon • Propylaia • Temple of Athena Nike • Erechtheion • Theater of Dionysus • The Stoa
Who are the architects of the Parthenon? What’s so special about the construction? • Iktinos & Kallikrates • Peripteral ColonnadeIdeal architectural proportionsx=2y+1, x=larger #, y=smaller #Sylobate & entablature curvedcperistyle columns curve into the entablaturearchitectural contrappostooptical illusionsDoric columns & frieze outsideIonic columns & frieze insideentasis
Why was the Erechtheion build on four different levels? What did they have to accommodate? • Erechtheion House ancient wooden image of Athena & Panathenaicprocessions goal Athena’s olive treePosiden’s trident markRuins of Archaic templeundisturbed ancient sacred siteCaryatids Ionic orders
Who was the Overseeer of Parthenon’s sculptural decorations? • Phidias • Athena Parthenos
Late Classical first female nude. Name & sculptor • PraxitelesAphrodite of Knidos
Philoxenos of EretriaBattle of Issus • Tessera – tiny cut glassDipicts battle between Alexander the Great and the Persian King Darius IIICopy of a panel painting that Philoxenos of Eretia made for Alexander’s successor Cassend
Title & Period? • Seated Boxerdefeated veteran vs. young athleteupward gazebroken nose and teethInlaid copper blood dripscompare to Riace Warrior
Stoa Of Attalos II, AthensDoric ground level & shaft unflutedIonic second story