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Situational Decisions Chapters 9 & 10

Situational Decisions Chapters 9 & 10. ME 2027 Performance and Cost Analysis ME 2605 Cost Management and Control (for IMIM) Håkan Kullvén, KTH, 2007 Hakan.kullven@indek.kth.se. Special studies. Relevant if: Quantitative aspects: Makes a difference on cash-flow

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Situational Decisions Chapters 9 & 10

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Situational DecisionsChapters 9 & 10 ME 2027 Performance and Cost Analysis ME 2605 Cost Management and Control (for IMIM) Håkan Kullvén, KTH, 2007 Hakan.kullven@indek.kth.se

  2. Special studies • Relevant if: • Quantitative aspects: Makes a difference on cash-flow • Qualitative aspects: Differs between possible decisions

  3. Example 9.1 page 316 1 Special pricing

  4. Example 9.2 page 321 2 Product mix if constraints

  5. Page 323 3 Replacing equipment

  6. Exhibit 9.3 page 327 4 Outsourcing

  7. (Example not in text book) 5 Discontinuation

  8. Next, we… are going to look at another type of decisions, namely regular pricing decisions. We will see how the pricing depends on the companies role in the marketplace Chapters 11 & 12

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