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4: Ideologies & Economies

4: Ideologies & Economies. Development LAB. Today we will …. Bellringer. Objectives. List three ways you can tell that a democracy is transitional/illiberal. List three ways you can tell a democracy is consolidated/liberal.

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4: Ideologies & Economies

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  1. 4: Ideologies & Economies Development LAB

  2. Today we will … Bellringer Objectives List three ways you can tell that a democracy is transitional/illiberal. List three ways you can tell a democracy is consolidated/liberal. Describe various political and economic ideologies and examine the role of the populace. Analyze developmental data and use it to compare AP6 countries.

  3. Agenda Reading Quiz – 15 min Ideologies & Economies notes – 20 min Intro to Development – 10 min Development Lab - 30 min Country Presentation assignment – 5 min Closure – 5 min

  4. Quiz If you are talking you are cheating! You can use your notes. When you are finished, bring your quiz to the front and pick up the handouts. Log in to the computer.

  5. Ideologies and Economies

  6. What is an ideology? Sets of political values held by individuals regarding the basic goals of government and politics.

  7. Common Political Ideologies Liberalism: Emphasis on political and economic freedom -> equal opportunity. Public opinion generally has some political impact. Communism: Values equality over freedom. State takeover of all resources will insure economic and social equality. Socialism: Accepts and promotes free market principles, yet believes that the state should regulate the economy and provide benefits in order to ensure some measure of equality. Fascism: The state has the right and responsibility to mold the society and economy and eliminate obstacles (including people) that might weaken them. Devalues individual freedom. Religious/Theocracy: The state is governed by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.

  8. “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried.” – Churchill

  9. Democratization & Liberalization • Liberalism is the expansion of both individual rights and the market economy • DO NOT think “liberal” as in US Democrats • Market economy = free trade, less regulation, profit goes to people and not government

  10. Political Systems vs. Economic Systems • Integration of political & economic systems • Capitalism & communism are economic systems, but hard to separate from the political systems which support each • Attitudes & behaviors of citizens and how they respond to economic policies, economic inefficiencies, economic inequality and economic decision-making influence the actions of the government & policy-making

  11. Economic Policy Keynesianism Neoliberalism Priority is given to government regulation of the economy Emphasizes the importance of market friendly policies

  12. Command Economy Mixed Economy Market Economy Private Property? Role of Government? Competition and Profit? Private Property? Role of Government? Competition and Profit? LESS CENTRALIZATION MORE CENTRALIZATION

  13. Economic Systems • Command Economy: Government owns almost all industrial enterprises and retail sales outlets. Production goals set by a central government (party-dominated), values equality, quotas and plans/ directs production and distribution. SOE - State Owned Enterprises • Economic Liberalism: “Free-up” markets, Deregulation, Decentralization, Privatization • Free-Market Capitalism: Relies on profit motive and competition. • Mixed Economies:Market Economy with significant control from the government. • Social Welfare Capitalist System (UK) • IN Europe: team oriented and emphasis on cooperation between management and organized labor. Government is economic safety net. Government subsidies, universal health care, day care, pensions. • SocialismMarket Economy (China) • Gradual infusion of market economy while still retaining state control • State Capitalism (Russia)

  14. Check for Understanding What are some characteristics that make the United States a market economy? How would things be different if the US was a command economy?

  15. Development Terms • Social Development • Political Development • Economic Development • Human Development • Safari Video 9.20min •

  16. Development Data • NIC: Newly Industrialized Country vs. LDC Less developed country • GDP: Gross Domestic Product • GDP per capita: Higher output per person • Agriculture, Service, Industry: Higher percentage in Service • GDP vs. GNP: Gross National Product • Not used as much because GNP includes product of citizens overseas, not as good an indicator of economic health. • Life Expectancy: Higher is indicative of quality of life & development. • Literacy Rate: Higher levels of education, low difference btwn M vs. F indicates gender equality • Infant Mortality: Lower number • Migration: Higher ratio of population in urban areas • GINI: Lower # indicates lesser disparity in incomes, higher the # indicates greater inequality.

  17. HDI Scores


  19. US Urban-Rural cleavage

  20. Data Lab Divide into Data Groups Each Data Group completes excel sheet for their data – follow the instructions! Divide into Country Groups Share your data expertise with your country group Make plans for country presentations

  21. Country Presentations • Homework: PREPARE a Group Presentation for Your Country: Complete the country information guide for your country and prepare a brief presentation for the next class to share your expertise. • Social & Economic: Population, GDP % workforce, Infant mortality, Literacy male/ female • Human Development: HDI ranking • Political Development: Freedom House • Political Institutions: • Power: Federal/Unitary? • Presidential/ Parliamentary system? • Who is the current leader • Name of Legislative body • Majority party in the legislative branch • Monday 9/15 Country Presentations • Country presentations (30 minutes): • Groups will have 4 minutes for each country presentation. • Highlight and include key information on the country guide • Class will take notes on each country during presentation

  22. Closure • What are two data sources that can illustrate the economic development of a country? • What are two data sources that can illustrate the political development of a country? Homework: • Country Presentation • Vocab?

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