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Analysis of Simulation Experiments. Outline. Introduction Classification of Outputs DIDO vs. RIRO Simulation Analysis of One System Terminating vs. Steady-State Simulations Analysis of Terminating Simulations Obtaining a Specified Precision Analysis of Steady-State Simulations
Outline • Introduction • Classification of Outputs • DIDO vs. RIRO Simulation • Analysis of One System • Terminating vs. Steady-State Simulations • Analysis of Terminating Simulations • Obtaining a Specified Precision • Analysis of Steady-State Simulations • Method of Moving Average for Removing the Initial Bias • Method of Batch Means • Multiple Measures of Performance • Analysis of Several Systems • Comparison of Two Alternative Systems • Comparison of More than Two Systems • Ranking and Selection
Introduction • The greatest disadvantage of simulation: • Don’t get exact answers • Results are only estimates • Careful design and analysis is needed to: • Make these estimates as valid and precise as possible • Interpret their meanings properly • Statistical methods are used to analyze the results of simulation experiments.
What Outputs to Watch? • Need to think ahead about what you would want to get out of the simulation: • Average, and worst (longest) time in system • Average, and worst time in queue(s) • Average hourly production • Standard deviation of hourly production • Proportion of time a machine is up, idle, or down • Maximum queue length • Average number of parts in system
Wi .................................. 1 2 3 N i Classification of Outputs • There are typically two types of dynamic processes: • Discrete-time process: There is a natural “first” observation, “second” observation, etc.—but can only observe them when they “happen”. If Wi = time in system for the ith part produced (for i = 1, 2, ..., N), and there are N parts produced during the simulation
Classification of Outputs • Typical discrete-time output performance measures: • Average time in system • Maximum time in system • Proportion of parts that were in the system for more than 1 hour • Delay of ith customer in queue • Throughput during ith hour
Classification of Outputs • Continuous-time process: Can jump into system at any point in time (real, continuous time) and take a “snapshot” of something-there is no natural first or second observation. If Q(t) = number of parts in a particular queue at time t between [0,T] and we run simulation for T units of simulated time
1 B ( t ) 0 t Classification of Outputs • Typical continuous-time output performance measures: • Time-average length of queue • Server Utilization (proportion of time the server is busy) T
Classification of Outputs Other continuous-time performance measures: • Number of parts in the system at time t • Number of machines down at time t • Proportion of time that there were more than n parts in the queue
Cycle Interarrival Batch Inputs: times times sizes Simulation Model Hourly Machine Outputs: production utilization DIDO Vs. RIRO Simulation DIDO
Cycle Interarrival Batch Inputs: times times sizes • Simulation Model Hourly Machine Outputs: production utilization DIDO Vs. RIRO Simulation RIRO
Analysis of One System Single-server queue (M/M/1), Replicated 10 times
Analysis of One System CAUTION: Because of autocorrelation that exists in the output of virtually all simulation models, “classical” statistical methods don’t work directly within a simulation run. Time in system for individual jobs: Y1, Y2, Y3, ..., Yn m = E(average time in system) Sample mean: is an unbiased estimator for m , but how close is this sample mean to m ? Need to estimate Var( ) to get confidence intervals on m .
Analysis of One System Problem:Because of positive autocorrelation between Yi and Yi+1(Correl (Yi, Yi+l) > 0), sample variance is no longer an unbiased estimator of the population variance (i.e., unbiasedness of variance estimators can only be achieved if Y1, Y2, Y3, ..., Ynare independent). As a result, the sample variance may be severely biased for Var[ ]. In fact, usually E[ ] < Var[ ] Implications: Understating variances causes us to have too much faith in our point estimates and believe the results too much.
Types of Simulations with Regard to Output Analysis • Terminating: A simulation where there is a specific starting and stopping condition that is part of the model. • Steady-state: A simulation where there is no specific starting and ending conditions. Here, we are interested in the steady-state behavior of the system. “The type of analysis depends on the goal of the study.”
Examples of Terminating Simulations • A retail/commercial establishment (a bank) that operates from 9 to 5 daily and starts empty and idle at the beginning of each day. The output of interest may be the average wait time of first 50 customers in the system. • A military confrontation between a blue force and a red force. The output of interest may be the probability that the red force loses half of its strength before the blue force loses half of its strength.
Examples of Steady-State Simulations • A manufacturing company that operates 16 hours a day. The system here is a continuous process where the ending condition for one day is the initial condition for the next day. The output of interest here may be the expected long-run daily production. • A communication system where service must be provided continuously.
Analysis for Terminating Simulations Objective: Obtain a point estimate and confidence interval for some parameter Examples: = E (average time in system for n customers) = E (machine utilization) = E (work-in-process) Reminder: Can not use classical statistical methods within a simulation run because observations from one run are not independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.)
Analysis for Terminating Simulations • Make n independent replications of the model • Let Yi be the performance measure from the ith replication Yi = average time in system, or Yi = work-in-process, or Yi = utilization of a critical facility • Performance measures from different replications, Y1, Y2, ..., Yn, are i.i.d. • But, only one sample is obtained from each replication • Apply classical statistics to Yi’s, not to observations within a run • Select confidence level 1 – a (0.90, 0.95, etc.)
Analysis for Terminating Simulations • Approximate 100(1 – a)% confidence interval for m: unbiased estimator of m unbiased estimator of Var(Yi) covers m with approximate probability (1 – a) is the Half-Width expression
Example Consider a single-server (M/M/1) queue. The objective is to calculate a confidence interval for the delay of customers in the queue. n = 10 replications of a single-server queue Yi = average delay in queue from ith replication Yi’s: 2.02, 0.73, 3.20, 6.23, 1.76, 0.47, 3.89, 5.45, 1.44, 1.23 For 90% confidence interval, = 0.10 = 2.64, = 3.96, t9, 0.95 = 1.833 Approximate 90% confidence interval is 2.64 ± 1.15, or [1.49, 3.79]
Analysis for Terminating Simulations Interpretation: 100(1 – a)% of the time, the confidence interval formed in this way covers m Wrong Interpretation: “I am 90% confident that mis between 1.49 and 3.79”
Issue 1 • This confidence-interval method assumes Yi’s are normally distributed. In real life, this is almost never true. • Because of central-limit theorem, as the number of replications (n) grows, the coverage probability approaches 1– a. • In general, if Yi’s are averages of something, their distribution tends not to be too asymmetric, and the confidence- interval method shown above has reasonably good coverage.
Issue 2 • The confidence interval may be too wide In the M/M/1 queue example, the approximate 90% C.I. was: 2.64 ± 1.15, or [1.49, 3.79] The half-width is 1.15 which is 44% of the mean (1.15/2.64) That means that the C.I. is 2.64 44% which is not very precise. • To decrease the half-width: Increase n until is small enough (this is called Sequential Sampling) • There are two ways of defining the precision in the estimate Y: • Absolute precision • Relative precision
Obtaining a Specified Precision • Absolute Precision: • Want to make n large enough such that , where is the half-width and > 0 . • Make n0 replications of the simulation model and compute , , and the half-width, . • Assuming that the estimate of the variance, , does not change appreciably, an approximate expression for the required number of replications to achieve an absolute error of is
Obtaining a Specified Precision • Relative Precision: • Want to make n large enough such that where . • Make n0 replications of the simulation model and compute , , and the half-width, . • Assuming that the estimates of both population mean, , and population variance, , do not change appreciably, an approximate expression for the required number of replications to achieve an absolute error of is
Analysis for Steady-State Simulations Objective: Estimate the steady state mean Basic question: Should you do many short runs or one long run ?????
Analysis for Steady-State Simulations • Advantages: • Many short runs: • Simple analysis, similar to the analysis for terminating systems • The data from different replications are i.i.d. • One long run: • Less initial bias • No restarts • Disadvantages • Many short runs: • Initial bias is introduced several times • One long run: • Sample of size 1 • Difficult to get a good estimate of the variance
Analysis for Steady-State Simulations • Make many short runs: The analysis is exactly the same as for terminating systems. The (1 – a)% C.I. is computed as before. • Problem: Because of initial bias, may no longer be an unbiased estimator for the steady state mean, . • Solution: Remove the initial portion of the data (warm-up period) beyond which observations are in steady-state. Specifically pick l (warm-up period) and n (number of observations in one run) such that
Method of Moving Average for Removing the Initial Bias • Welch’s method for removing the warm-up period, l: • Make n replications of the model (n>5), each of length m, where m is large. Let be the ith observation from the jth replication ( j = 1, 2, …, n; i =1, 2, …, m). • Let for i =1, 2, …, m. • To smooth out the high frequency oscillations in define the moving average as follows (w is the window and is a positive integer such that ):
Method of Moving Average for Removing the Initial Bias • Plot and choose l to be the value of i beyond which seem to have converged. Note: Perform this procedure for several values of w and choose the smallest w for which the plot of looks reasonably smooth.
Analysis for Steady-State Simulations • Make one Long run: Make just one long replication so that the initial bias is only introduced once. This way, you will not be “throwing out” a lot of data. Problem: How do you estimate the variance because there is only one run? Solution: Several methods to estimate the variance: • Batch means (only approach to be discussed) • Time-series models • Spectral analysis • Standardized time series
Method of Batch Means • Divide a run of length m into n adjacent “batches” of length k where m = nk. • Let be the sample or (batch) mean of the jth batch. • The grand sample mean is computed as
Method of Batch Means • The sample variance is computed as • The approximate 100(1 – a )% confidence interval for is
Method of Batch Means Two important issues: • Issue 1: How do we choose the batch size k? • Choose the batch size k large enough so that the batch means, are approximately uncorrelated. Otherwise, the variance, , will be biased low and the confidence interval will be too small which means that it will cover the mean with a probability lower than the desired probability of (1 – a ).
Method of Batch Means • Issue 2: How many batches n? • Due to autocorrelation, splitting the run into a larger number of smaller batches, degrades the quality of each individual batch. Therefore, 20 to 30 batches are sufficient.
Multiple Measures of Performance • In most real-world simulation models, several measures of performance are considered simultaneously. • Examples include: • Throughput • Average length of queue • Utilization • Average time in system • Each performance measure is perhaps estimated with a confidence interval. • Any of the intervals could “miss” its expected performance measure. • Must be careful about overall statements of coverage (i.e., that all intervals contain their expected performance measures simultaneously).
Multiple Measures of Performance • Suppose we have k performance measures and the confidence interval for performance measure s for s = 1, 2, ..., k, is at confidence level . • Then the probability that all k confidence intervals simultaneously contain their respective true measures is • This is referred to as the Bonferroni inequality.
Multiple Measure of Performance • To ensure that the overall probability (of all k confidence intervals simultaneously containing their respective true mean) is at least 100( ) percent, choose ’s such that • Can select for all s, or pick ’s differently with smaller ’s for the more important performance measures.
Multiple Measures of Performance • Example: If k =2 and we want the desired overall confidence level to be at least 90%, we can construct two 95% confidence intervals. • Difficulty: If there are a large number of performance measures, and we want a reasonable overall confidence level (e.g., 90% ), the individual ’s could become small, making the corresponding confidence intervals very wide. Therefore, it is recommended that the number of performance measures do not exceed 10.
Analysis of Several Systems • Most simulation projects involve comparison of two or more systems or configurations: • Change the number of machines in some workcenters • Evaluate various job-dispatch policies (FIFO, SPT, etc.) • With two alternative systems, the goal may be to: • test the hypotheses: , or • build confidence interval for • With k > 2 alternatives, the objective may be to: • build simultaneous confidence intervals for various combinations of • select the “best” of the k alternatives • select a subset of size m < k that contains the “best” alternative • select the m “best” (unranked) of the alternatives
Analysis of Several Systems • To illustrate the danger in making only one run and eyeballing the results when comparing alternatives, consider the following example: Compare: Alternative 1: M/M/1 queue with interarrival time of 1 min., and one “fast” machine with service time of 0.9 min., and Alternative 2: M/M/2 queue with interarrival time of 1 min., and two “slow” machines with service time of 1.8 min. for each machine.
Analysis of Several Systems • If the performance measure of interest is the expected average delay in queue of the first 100 customers with empty-and-idle initial conditions, using queuing analysis, the true steady-state average delays in the queues are: Therefore, system 2 is “better” • If we run each model just once and calculate the average delay, , from each alternative, and select the system with the smallest , then Prob(selecting system 1 (wrong answer)) = 0.52 • Reason: Randomness in the output
Analysis of Several Systems • Solution: • Replicate each alternative n times • Let = average delay from jth replication of alternative i • Compute the average of all replications for alternative i • Select the alternative with the lowest . • If we conduct this experiment many times, the following results are obtained:
Comparison of Two Alternative Systems • Form a confidence interval for the difference between the performance measures of the two systems ( i.e., ). • If the interval misses 0, there is a statistical difference between the two systems. • Confidence intervals are better than hypothesis tests because if a difference exists, the confidence interval measures its magnitude, while a hypothesis test does not. • There are two slightly different ways for constructing the confidence intervals: • Paired-t • Two-Sample-t.
Paired-t Confidence Interval • Make n replications of the two systems. • Let be the jth observation fromsystem i (i = 1, 2). • Pair with and define for j = 1, 2, …, n. • Then, the are IID random variables and , the quantity for which we want to construct a confidence interval. • Let and • Then, the approximate 100(1- ) percent C.I. is
Two-Sample-t Confidence Interval • Make n1 replications of system 1 and n2replications of system 2. Here . • Again, for system i= 1, 2, let and • Estimate the degrees of freedom as • Then, the approximate 100(1- ) percent C.I. is
Contrasting the Two Methods • The two-sample-t approach requiresindependence of and , whereas in the paired-t approach and do not have to be independent. • Therefore, in the paired-t approach, common random numbers can be used to induce positive correlation between the observations on the different systems to reduce the variance. • In the paired-t approach, n1 = n2, whereas in the two-sample-t method, .
Confidence Intervals For Comparing More Than Two Systems • In the case of more than two alternative systems, there are two ways to construct a confidence interval on selected differences . • Comparison with a standard, and • All pairwise comparisons NOTE: Since we are making c > 1 confidence intervals, in order to have an overall confidence level of , we must make each interval at level (Bonferroni).
Comparison with a Standard • In this case, one of the systems (perhaps the existing system or policy) is a “standard”. If system 1 is the standard and we want to compare systems 2, 3, ..., k to system 1, k-1 confidence intervals must be constructed for the k-1 differences • In order to achieve an overall confidence level of at least , each of the k-1 confidence intervals must be constructed at level . • Can use paired-t or two-sample-t methods described in the previous section to make the individual intervals.