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Chemistry. Chemistry - dictionary. A agrochemie - agrochemistry alchymie – amchemy analytický - analytical analýza – analysis anorganický - anorganic atom – atom B biochemie - biochemistry biologie – biology bod - point Č částice - particle D druh – species E energie – energy F
Chemistry - dictionary A agrochemie - agrochemistry alchymie – amchemy analytický - analytical analýza – analysis anorganický - anorganic atom – atom B biochemie - biochemistrybiologie – biology bod - point Č částice - particle D druh – species E energie – energy F fáze – phase G geologie - geology H hmota – matter hustota - density J jádro - nucleus jednotka – unit K kinetika - kinetics koncept - concept kov – metal kyselost - acidity L laboratoř - laboratory M materiál - material medicína – medicine mechanika - mechanics metalurgie - metallurgy molekula – molecule možný - possible N náboj – charge nemožný - impossible neutralizace - neutralization O objem – volume odloučení – dissociation organický - organic oxidace – oxidation P plazma – plasma plyn - gas pohyb - motion polymer – polymer potenciál – potential povrch - surface pravidlo – rule proton - proton prvek - element průmysl - industry R radioaktivní - radiactive reakce – reaction rovnice – equation rovnováha - equilibrium rozklad – decay Ř řešení - solution S separace – separation syntetický - synthetic složení – composition snížení – reduction snížit - decrease stav – state sůl – salt T tekutina – liquid termochemie - thermochemistry V vazba - bond věda – science voda - water vzájemné působení - interaction Z základní – basic, elementary zákon – law znečištění - pollution zvýšit – increase Ž životní prostřední - environment
DISCUSSION • What is chemistry about? • What do we use it for? • Is chemistry a popular subject? Why? Why not? • What is organic chemistry? • What is anorganic chemistry? • What is the relationship of chemistry to other sciences? • What do you know about the beginning of chemistry? • What is modern chemistry about? • What is atom? What are its parts? • What is an „element“? • Who created the periodic table? • What is a molecule? Where can we find it? • What is a bond? Why is it created? • Why do some substances react with each other? • There are various subdisciplines of chemistry – what do you know about them? • a) analytical chemistry • b) biochemistry • c) nuclear chemistry • d) electrochemistry • e) astrochemistry • f) theoretical chemistry • g) neurochemistry • h) agrochemistry • i) atmospheric chemistry • j) environmental chemistry • k) nanotechnology • l) petrochemistry • m) pharmacology • n) polymer chemistry • o) radio chemistry • Use these words in sentences • ACID ANION ATOM ATOMIC ORBITAL BAROMETER BOILING CENTRIFUGE COMPOUND ELECTROLYTE ELEMENT ENERGY FREQUENCY GAS HEAT KINETICS LIQUID LIGHT MOLECULE ORBITAL PLASMA PHOTON SALT SUBSTANCE CELL WATER PARTICLE BOND
https://www.boundless.com/chemistry/introduction-to-chemistry/units-of-measurement/https://www.boundless.com/chemistry/introduction-to-chemistry/units-of-measurement/ Basic units of measurement – can you match the units? Distance a) Kelvin (K) Mass b) Candela (Cd) Time c) Ampere (A) Electric Current d) Second (s) Temperature e) Metre (m) Luminious Intensity f) Kilogram (kg) Amount of substance g) mole (mol) 1e 2f 3d 4c 5a 6b 7g http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/ch/Chemistry Can you complete this chart? Some information has already been given teraT1012 G109 mega106 k103 deci c10-2 millim µ10-6 nano p10-12 teraT1012 gigaG109 megaM106 kilok103 decid10-1 centic10-2 millim10-3 microµ10-6 nanon10-9 picop10-12 Units of measurement – try to explain the use of these units and give examples Frequency / Hertz Force, Weight / Newton Work, Heat / Joule Power / Watt Pressure / Pascal Illuminance / Lux Electric charge of flux / Coulomb Electrical potential difference, Electromotive force / Volt Electric resistance, Impedance, Reactance / Ohm Magnetic flux density, magnetic induction / Tesla Thermodynamic temperature / Degree Celsius
Chemistry – links • http://chemistry.about.com/ - úvod do chemie • http://www.chemistry.com/ - obecná chemie • http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/matter_energy/chemistry/ - zprávy ze světa chemie a vědy • http://www.chem4kids.com/ - chemie pro děti • http://www.chem.ucla.edu/chempointers.html - chemie - rozcestník • http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/scienceforkids.html - věda pro děti • http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/chemistry.html - fakta o chemii • http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/ch/Chemistry - chemie - encyklopedie • http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/themes/chemistry/malmstrom/ - Nobelova cena za chemii • http://phys.org/chemistry-news/ - chemické novinky • http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/ - chemie – zprávy • http://www.chemistrytimes.com/ - chemie, novinky z celého světa • http://www.sciencenews.org/index/interest/id/2521/topic/Chemistry - vědecký zpravodaj • http://www.chemactive.com/worksheets/gcse/chemistry.html - pracovní sešity • http://www.helpteaching.com/free-chemistry-worksheets.htm - pracovní sešity - chemie
Basic elements and the structure of atom - dictionary A atom – atom atomové číslo – atomic number B bílkovina – protein bomba - bomb buňka - cell Č částice - particle D dělitelný – divisible důležitost - importance E elektron – electron H halogen – halogen hoření – burning hustota - density CH chování - behaviour I izotop - isotope J jádro - nucleus K kombinace – combnation kost - bone kov - metal kovalentní - covalent kvantová teorie – quantum theory L lék - medicine M molekula - molecule N náboj - charge negativní - negative neutron - neutron nezmenšitelný – irreducible P paprsek - ray periodická tabulka – periodic table plyn – gas poměr – ratio pozitivní – positive pozorování - observation proton - proton R radioaktivní - radioactive reakce – reaction rovnice - equation rozměr – proportion S sdílet – share seznam - list schránka – shell skupina – group struktura - structure T tekutina - liquid tendence – tendency teplota - temperature U účel – purpose umělá hmota - plastic určit - determine uspořádání - arrangement V váha – weight velikos – size verze - version vlastnost – property voda - water vodík – hydrogen výjimka - exception vyplnit – fill výsledek - result vzácný - noble Z zákon - law zásada – alcali zásaditý – alcaline Ž živina - nutrient https://www.boundless.com/chemistry/atoms-molecules-and-ions/the-structure-of-the-atom/atomic-number-and-mass-number/ http://chemed.chem.wisc.edu/chempaths/GenChem-Textbook/Atoms-Molecules-and-Chemical-Reactions-680.html
http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?searchterm=periodic+table&search_group=&lang=cs&search_source=search_form#id=88068430&src=HM2E6YdnqVBhQNSI05yW1g-1-11http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?searchterm=periodic+table&search_group=&lang=cs&search_source=search_form#id=88068430&src=HM2E6YdnqVBhQNSI05yW1g-1-11 • Discussion • What is an atom? • What parts does it have? • What is an element? • What do you know about the periodic table? Look at it and try to comment everything you see. How are the elements devided? What do the colours mean? • What does the number by the element mean? • Can you choose the elements which are the most important according to your meaning and say something about their use, properties and functions? • a) _____________________________________________________________ • b) _____________________________________________________________ • c) _____________________________________________________________ • d) _____________________________________________________________ • e) _____________________________________________________________ • f) _____________________________________________________________ • g) _____________________________________________________________ • h) _____________________________________________________________ • i) _____________________________________________________________ • j) _____________________________________________________________
Can you answer these questions? What are the four basic elements found in the human body? Can you name any minerals? What are they good for? Can like exist without water? What happens in the human body when there´s not enough calcium? Why is iron important in the human body? How are iodine and thyroid connected? What is an isotope? Who was John Dalton? What holds the atoms together? Can you comment the chemicals used in the production of: a) medicines b) metals c) transistors d) plastics e) textiles f) fertilizers 1T 2F 3T 4T 5F (potassium) 6T 7T 8F 9T Are these statements true of false? Nutrients in the human body perform various functions, including the building of bones and cell structures, regulating the body's pH, carrying charge, and driving chemical reactions. Magnesium is not a mineral. Oxygenand hydrogen are predominantly found in water. Calciumis the most common mineral in the human body. Calcium helps to regulate heartbeat. Fluorine prevents tooth decay. Zinc deficiency has been known to lead to dwarfism in developing countries. All atoms of a certain element do not contain the same number of protons. Does lithium belong to alkali metals? Can you comment these elements discovered during the last decades? CURIUM _________________________________________________ EINSTENIUM _________________________________________________ FRANCIUM _________________________________________________ RADON _________________________________________________ EUROPIUM _________________________________________________ PLUTONIUM _________________________________________________
Basic elements and the structure of atom – links • http://www.rsc.org/Education/Teachers/Resources/cfb/basicchemistry.htm - atom a jeho struktura • http://www.chem4kids.com/files/elem_intro.html - základní prvky pro děti, základní informace o prvcích • http://chemistry.about.com/library/blperiodictable.htm - interaktivní periodická tabulka prvků s informacemi o prvcích • http://chemistry.about.com/od/generalchemistry/a/10-Basic-Chemistry-Facts.htm - základní fakta o chemii • http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementgroups/a/basicmetalslist.htm - základní kovy • http://www.flashcardmachine.com/basic-elementschemistry.html - otázky a odpovědi o atomech a prvcích • http://www.chemicalelements.com/ - chemické prvky pro děti • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7wy8ycpE48 – video – vlastnosti prvků • http://www.webelements.com/ - jednotlivé prvky a chemický rozcestník • http://education.jlab.org/elementflashcards/ - tvorba chemických výukových kartiček • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/Elementsgames.htm - hry různých úrovní na výuku jednotlivých prvků • http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/lessonplans/chapter4/lesson2 - jak učit prvky
Famous chemists - dictionary A atmosféra - atmospehere B bakterie - bacteria D dokázat – prove dýchání - respiration E enzym – enzyme epidemie – epidemy H horizontální - horizontal CH choroba – desease chování - behaviour I infekce - infection imunologie - immunology izolace – isolation J jed - poison K kov – metal kyselina - acid kvašení - fermentation L laboratoř - laboratory látka - substance léčba - treatment léčit – cure M meteorologie - meteorology mikrobiologie – microbiology N nebezpečný - dangerous O objevit – discovery očkování – vaccination odolnost - resistance P pasterizace – pasteurization plyn – gas pokus - experiment poměr - ratio prostředí – environment příčina - cause R radioaktivita – radioactivity reakce - reaction rentgen – X-ray rozměr - proportion roztahování – expansion Ř řada - row S složka – compound systém - system T technologie – technology tekutina – liquid U úspěch - achievement V váha - weight vakcína – vaccine vařit – boil vdechnout - inhale vnímat – perceive výbuch - blast výbušnina – explosive výchozí bod - baseline vynález - invention vynálezce – inventor vzorec - formula Z zákon – law založit - found zchladit - cool zkvašení – souring zničit - destroy
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-128879248/stock-photo-russia-circa-a-stamp-printed-in-russia-shows-dmitri-mendeleev-celebrate-the.html?src=72Y4o3QTVquTecf50L-kQg-1-21http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-128879248/stock-photo-russia-circa-a-stamp-printed-in-russia-shows-dmitri-mendeleev-celebrate-the.html?src=72Y4o3QTVquTecf50L-kQg-1-21 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-97271666/stock-photo-known-to-chemists-pierre-curie-and-marie-sklodowska-curie-in-laboratory-circa.html?src=WxXvJtzr2_nlE2OlBlw0uQ-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-96114542/stock-photo-louis-pasteur-french-microbiologist-and-chemist-member-of-the-french-academy.html?src=zS6LpHYMjiUNpR6ytT4jHQ-1-0 DMITRI MENDELEEV Where was he from? Why did he become so famous? He worked on the spectroscope, what is it used for? He was interested in the capillarity of liquids, what is it and what is it good for? Has he ever received the Nobel Prize? He conducted research in petrochemicals, when and for what are they used? How were the elements classified before Mendeleev organized the elements into the periodic table? MARIE SKLODOWSKA – CURIE What did she become famous for? Which elements did she discover and can you mention their positive and negative impact on society? What do you know about her personal life? Was it influenced by her work anyhow? Why did she get the Nobel price? Was her husband famous too? For what? LOUIS PASTEUR Do you know anything about his life? How did he contribute to immunology? How did he contribute to vaccination? What did he find out about bacteria? What is fermentation? What is pasteurization and how does it make our lives better these days? He createdvaccines for anthrax, tuberculosis, small pox and cholera. He then focused on developping a vaccine for rabies. Can you comment these illnesses and say what would have happened if he hadn´t invented the vaccination?
ALFRED NOBEL What was the most important discovery of his life? Why was he interested in explosives? What is nitro-glycerin and how and when is it used? What is dynamite used for? Has it ever been abused? When and how? Why do people use explosives? Would life be easier and better without this invention? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-130762838/stock-photo-norway-circa-a-postage-stamp-printed-in-norway-showing-an-image-of-alfred-nobel.html?src=enFogkGE4SVu-JH0Z0Hpbw-1-12 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-89798266/stock-photo-john-dalton-engraved-by-c-cook-and-published-in-chemistry-theoritical-practical.html?src=d9ycXuC0vSBIBE7OnaIoQQ-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-89105818/stock-photo-antoine-laurent-lavoisier-picture-from-meyers-lexicon-books-written-in-german-language.html?src=9-MKplVYzfjnYf1b1tbswQ-1-0 JOHN DALTON Do you know anything about this scientist? He was interested in colour-blindness. What is it? He was interested in meteorology, what is this science good for and what is it about? He wrote the law of thermal expansion – what does it state and describe? What was his law of multiple proportions about? Why did he think that atomic weight was important? Was his work widely accepted and understood? ANTOINE LAVOISIER He was considered “the father of modern chemistry”. Why? He named oxygen and hydrogen – why was it important? He was interested in combustion, what is it? How would you describe that process? He helped in creating the “metric system”. How did it change science? How did it contribute to the world? Do you know anything about his life and death? He contributed a lot into thermodynamics. When and how is that science used? What do you know about it? Why is it important to understand it?
Famous chemists - links • http://chemistry.about.com/od/historyofchemistry/ig/Pictures-of-Famous-Chemists/ - obrázky známých chemiků • http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/refbiog.html - seznam známých chemiků a jejich biografie • http://www.ducksters.com/science/chemistry/famous_chemists.php - chemie pro děti • http://www.biography.com/people/groups/scientists/chemists - videobiografie známých chemiků • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V7yX-qXrpo – video – 21 nejslavnějších chemiků • http://chemistry.about.com/od/womeninchemistry/a/womenchemistry.htm - ženy v chemii • http://humantouchofchemistry.com/search.php?keywords=Famous%20Scientists – chemický rozcestník, hry a informace • http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/famous-scientists-who-contributed-to-modern-chemistry - časová osa a známí chemici a vynálezy na ní • http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/themes/chemistry/malmstrom/ - Nobelova cena za chemii • http://famous101.com/famous-chemists-in-history - nejznámější chemici • http://worldoreason.blogspot.cz/2009/03/40-greatest-chemists-of-all-time.html - seznam známých chemiků
Gases – dictionary A absolutní nula – absolute zero atmosféra - atmosphere B bezbarvý – colourless blokovat - block Č částečný – partial D dělit – divide díra - hole dvojitý - double H hustota – density CH choroba - desease K kinetický - kinetic konstantní – constant kov - metal kyselý - acid M množství – amount mrak - cloud N nádoba - container nenápadný – unobtrusive neproniknutelný – impenetrable nepřímo - inversely O objem – volume objevitel – discoverer odchýlení – deviation odloučení - dissociation P pára – vapour planeta - planet podmínka – condition pohyblivost – mobility polarita - polarity prostor - space průhledný – transparent předpoklad - postulate přeměnit - convert R radikál - radical reakce - reaction rovnice - equation rozptýlit se – disperse rychlost - speed S síla - force simulace - simulation snížit – decrease spotřebovat – consume stratosféra - stratosphere Š škodlivý - harmful T tát – melt teplota – temperature tlak - pressure tvar – shape U úbytek - depletion účinek – effect ultrafialový - ultraviolet V vrstva - layer vzduch - air Z zdraví – health zdravý - healthy zdroj - source znečištění - pollution zvýšit - increase https://www.boundless.com/chemistry/gases/deviation-of-gas-from-ideal-behavior/the-effect-of-intermolecular-forces/
Discussion What are some qualities of gas? Where is nature is it found? How is gas created? Can gas be dangerous? Why? When? Where can we find gas in our everyday life? How is gas stored? Is gas flamable? What is the „Boyle´s law“ about? Do you know any other gas laws? What colour is gas? What is the „Ideal gas equation“? What is it good for and when is it used? What do you know about the motion of gas? What is the role of gases in the atmosphere? Can you comment these statements about the motion of gas? 1 The molecules in a gas are small and very far apart. Most of the volume which a gas occupies is empty space. 2 Gas molecules are in constant random motion. Just as many molecules are moving in one direction as in any other. 3 Molecules can collide with each other and with the walls of the container. Collisions with the walls account for the pressure of the gas. 4 When collisions occur, the molecules lose no kinetic energy; that is, the collisions are said to be perfectly elastic. The total kinetic energy of all the molecules remains constant unless there is some outside interference with the 5 The molecules exert no attractive or repulsive forces on one another except during the process of collision. Between collisions, they move in straight lines. Noble gases – can you coment these gases and say something about their use? HELIUM NEON ARGON KRYPTON XENON RADON
Air pollution • What does „pollution“ mean? • How can the air be polluted? • Who causes the pollution? • What exactly harms the air? • What can we do to make things better? • What are the most dangerous gases? • What is the ozon layer? • What destorys it? • Can you explain the „greenhouse effect“? • How does temperature change due to the changes of the ozon layer? • What is a refrigerant? • What is acid rain? What do people have in common with it? • Can you comment these harmful pollutants that people produce? How are they made? What do they cause? Is it necessary to use them in industry? • Sulfur oxides (SOx) • Nitrogen oxides (NOx) • Carbon monoxide (CO) • Carbon dioxide (CO2) • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) • Particulates • Free radicals • Metals • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) • Ammonia (NH3) • Odors • Radioactive compounds • How does the hole in the ozon layer influence our lives? Are these statements true of false? Like solids and liquids, gas is a common state of matter. Pure gases are made up of just two atoms. Neon is an example of a pure gas. Compound gases contain a combination of different atoms. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an example of a compound gas. Gas pressure is measured in pascals. Noble gases are a group of chemical elements that are very stable under normal conditions. Naturally occurring noble gases include helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon and iron ore. The ozone layer that protects Earth from the Sun’s potentially damaging UV light is made up of ozone (O3). 1T 2F (one) 3T 4T 5F (not iron ore) 6T
Gases - links • http://chemistry.bd.psu.edu/jircitano/gases.html - zákony plynů • http://chemistry.about.com/od/gas2/tp/Gases-Study-Guide.htm - vlastnosti plynů a jejich náležitosti • http://chemistry.about.com/od/gas2/ - plyny – rozcestník • http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/gases/ - chemický rozcestník, plyny • http://www.sparknotes.com/testprep/books/sat2/chemistry/chapter5section6.rhtml - chemický rozcestník • http://mattson.creighton.edu/GasWebDocuments/History_Gas_Chemistry.pdf - historie zkoumání plynů • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxUS1K7xu30 – chemické video kurzy • http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/resource/res00000022/gases-from-air?cmpid=CMP00001802 – výuka chemie • http://es.slideshare.net/tango67/principles-of-chemistry-gases - základní principy chemie • http://www.chem.purdue.edu/chemsafety/chem/poisongases.htm - jedovaté plyny • http://www.dgiglobal.com/classes - jedovaté plyny ve výrobcích • http://www.chem4kids.com/files/elem_noblegas.html - chemie pro děti • http://www.ranker.com/list/3-of-the-world_s-most-dangerous-gases/gas-detection - 3 nejnebezpečnější plyny
Thermochemistry - dictionary and phrases A alternativní - altenative Č čistý - pure D dosáhnout - achieve E energie – energy entropie – entropy exploze - explosion F fúze – fusion H hranice - boundary K kapacita - capacity kinetický – kinetic komora – chamber krok - step L latentní - latent lidské – human M metabolismus – metabolism měřit – measure mrhat - waste N nádoba - container O obnovitelný – renewable odpad - waste oheň - fire okolí - surroundings P palivo - fuel pevný – solid podmínka - condition pohyb – movement poměr - ratio porovnání – comparison pozorovat - observe prostor - space přeměnit – transform R rovnice - equation rovnováha – equilibrium rozdělit - divide rozsah – scale roztok - solution Ř řešení – solution ředění - dilution S směs – mixture solární - solar spalování - combustion spontánní – spontenaous spotřeba - consumption stvořit - create světlo – light Š štěpení - fission T tekutina - liquid teplo - heat tělo – body tlak – pressure tok - flow tvorba – formation U ukázat – demostrate určit - determine V vazba – bond vibrace – vibration vítr - wind vnější - external vnitřní – internal výsledek - result Z zachování – conservation změna - change zničit - destroy
Discussion What is thermochemistry about? What kinds of energy do you know? Where does the energy come from? What do we need to create energy? Where does human body get its energy? What is the difference between these kinds of energy: kinetic, thermal, potentialand chemical? What is a calorimenter used for? What is the difference between exothermic and endothermic reactions? The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed or transferred. How do you understand it? The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe increases with every energy transfer or transformation. The universe is in a state of increasing entropy. How do you understand it? What is Hess´s law about? What sources of energy do we know? What is renewable energy? Why are people interested in it? Is renewable energy expensive? What is nuclear power? Why is nuclear power such a controversial issue? What can go wrong in a nuclear plant? What are fossil fuels? Do we have unlimited amount of them? Do you think it´s possible to use only solar energy for a car or a house? What are the energy sources of future? Game Each student makes up a few definitions of key terms and then the others guess what key word could it be. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have a look at these images and comment their use and importance in chemistry. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-60589984/stock-vector-science-web-icons-azure-series.html?src=Ljm8nP_sZY6wH6WGcbEBdA-1-13 Try to write as many words as possible to the following letters of the alphabet A ________________________________________________________________ B ________________________________________________________________ C ________________________________________________________________ D ________________________________________________________________ E ________________________________________________________________ F ________________________________________________________________ I ________________________________________________________________ J ________________________________________________________________ M ________________________________________________________________ N ________________________________________________________________ O ________________________________________________________________ P ________________________________________________________________ R ________________________________________________________________ S ________________________________________________________________ T ________________________________________________________________ U ________________________________________________________________ W ________________________________________________________________
Thermochemistry - links • http://www.chem.tamu.edu/class/majors/tutorialnotefiles/thermo.htm - základy termochemie • http://chemistry.about.com/od/physicalchemistrythermo/a/thermochemlaws.htm - teorie termochemie • http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~cchieh/cact/c120/thermosum.html - základní informace k termochemii • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AevwelqPaaU – chemické reakce – video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_djptN2Uj64 – základy termochemie – video • http://www.chem4kids.com/files/react_thermo.html - termochemie pro děti • http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/the-transfer-of-energy-1/ - přenos energie • http://www.chemteam.info/Thermochem/Thermochem-Example-Probs2.html - termochemické problémy, řešení rovnic • http://www.chemistry2011.org/news/PhysicalChemistry/ChemicalThermodynamics/Thermochemistry/ - novinky ze světa chemie • http://quizlet.com/17298798/chem-h-thermochemistry-formulas-flash-cards/ - otestujte své znalosti termochemie • http://www.education.com/study-help/article/thermo-chemistry/ - informace pro učitele
Chemicals used in wars - dictionary and phrases B blecha - flea bojiště - battlefield bolest hlavy - headache C cíl - target D dekontaminace – decontamination detekce – detection droga - drug dusit se - choke E efekt – effect experiment - experiment H hlad – hunger hladovění – starvation CH chlór – chlorine I insekticid – insecticide J jed - poison K kapička – droplet kašel - cough kontaminace – contamination krev - blood L lapat po dechu – gasp for air léčba – treatment lidský - human M mor - plaque mrak - cloud N nerv - nerve nestálý - volatile O oddíl - troop ochrana - protection P plamen - flame plyn – gas plynová maska – gas mask pocení - sweating pór – pore průjem – diarrhea přenos - transmission puchýř - blister původ – origin R rozptýlení – dispersal S selhání – failure slepota - blindness spálit - burn sprej – spray stálý - persistent střela – missile střelivo – munition Š šířit - spread U účel - purpose V válka – war vdechnout - inhale vědomí - consciousness vidění – vision vrstva – layer vymýtit - eradicate výzkum - research Z zabít – kill zadušení – suffocation zákaz - probihition zákop - trench zbraň – weapon zhroucení – breakdown zmatenost - confusion zranit – injure vzracet - vomit
Discussion Why do people use chemicals in wars? Who started using them? What kinds of chemical weapons and gases do you know? What are some symptoms of being under influence of a chemical weapon? Is there any protection against chemical weapons? Can you comment these words? POISONOUS INHALE BURN BLISTER DIE SPREAD LUNGS TROOP TRENCH BOMB ATTACK BLIND INJURE EXPLODE GAS MASK DROPLET TREATMENT CAUGH BLOOD SWEAT CHOKE Can you say something about these chemical weapons? SARIN TABUN PHOSGENE PEPPER SPRAY AGENT ORANGE NAPALM What do you know about....? the efford to reduce the amount of weapons in the world countries who want to develop new weapons about the materials needed for the development of weapons terrorism vs. weapons Czech weapons and army American and Russian armies and efford the conflict between the Southern and Northern Korea? the use of weapons during the WW1? the use of weapons during the WW2? the use of weapons during the war in Vietnam? using chemicals in concentration camps? the last war conflict and the weapons that were used? NATO and their control of the production of chemical weapons?
Can you comment these historical facts Tularemia , anthrax and botulism toxins were effectively weaponized during the government of Winston Churchill. Army did research on biological weapons. Fatal human experiments were often conducted. Bombs full of fleas carrying the bubonic plague were created. Many chemicals ruining livestock or crops were introduced. Modern use of chemical weapons dates back to World War I, when weaponised commercial chemicals such as chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas caused agonising suffering and tens of thousands of deaths. Between April 1997 and July 2013, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons - conducted more than 5,000 inspections in 86 countries. Seven state parties have declared chemical weapons stockpiles totalling over 70,000 tonnes, and so far some 80% of this has been destroyed . But only three countries - Albania, India and a third party widely believed to be South Korea - have destroyed all their stockpiles. The countries with the biggest declared stockpiles, the United States and Russia,failed to meet deadlines for their total destruction in April 2007 and April 2012. Five states - Angola, North Korea, Egypt, Somalia and Syria - have neither signed nor ratified the agreement of destroying their chemical weapons. Controversial usage of chemical weapons during wars and coflicts – can you comment them and express your opinion? The U.S. Military Dumped 20 Million Gallons of Chemicals on Vietnam from 1962 – 1971 Israel Attacked Palestinian Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2008 – 2009 Washington Attacked Iraqi Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2004 The CIA Helped Saddam Hussein Massacre Iranians and Kurds with Chemical Weapons in 1988 The Army Tested Chemicals on Residents of Poor, Black St. Louis Neighborhoods in The 1950s Police Fired Tear Gas at Occupy Protesters in 2011 The FBI Attacked Men, Women, and Children With Tear Gas in Waco in 1993 The U.S. Military Littered Iraq with Toxic Depleted Uranium in 2003 The U.S. Military Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Japanese Civilians with Napalm from 1944 – 1945 The U.S. Government Dropped Nuclear Bombs on Two Japanese Cities in 1945
Chemicals used in wars - links • http://www.un.org/disarmament/WMD/Chemical/ - chemické zbraně • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_weapons_in_World_War_I - chemikálie užité v první světové válce • http://www.opcw.org/about-chemical-weapons/history-of-cw-use/ - historie chemických zbraní • http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/chemical_warfare_and_world_war_t.htm - chemické zbraně v druhé světové válce • http://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/16/politics/syria-civil-war/index.html - zprávy CNN o užití chemických zbraní • http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21584397-how-whole-class-weaponry-came-be-seen-indecent-shadow-ypres - historie použití Ypressu • http://www.npr.org/blogs/parallels/2013/08/27/216046393/chemical-weapons-used-rarely-but-with-deadly-effect - chemické zbraně se smrtelným účinkem • http://www.emedicinehealth.com/chemical_warfare/article_em.htm - zbrojení chemickými zbraněmi • http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/07/world/middleeast/a-weapon-seen-as-too-horrible-even-in-war.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 – zprávy blízkého východu • http://www.firstworldwar.com/weaponry/gas.htm - jedovaté zbraně v první světové válce
Chemistry in human body and daily life – dictionary and phrases A aplikace - application anion - anion B barva - colour bílkovina - protein buňka – cell C citlivost – sensitivity cukr - sugar D draslík - potassium dusík – nitrogen E emoce - emotion F fosfor – phosphorus H hořčík - magnesium CH chlór – chlorine chránit - protect J jód - iodine K kation - cation kobalt – cobalt krev – blood krevní oběh – blood stream kyselina - acid kyslík - oxygen L lidský – human M mazivo - grease metabolismus - metabolism měď – copper množství – quantity O obsahovat - contain P plyn - gas pohyb – movement potomek - offspring proces – process přeměnit – convert přísada - ingredient R reakce – reaction reagovat - react reprodukce – reproduction rozklad - decompostion růst - growth S síra - sulfur složení – composition sodík – sodium spalování - combustion Š škodlivý - harmful škrob - starch T test - test tělo – body trávení - digestion tuk - fat U uhlík – carbon utváření - formation V vápník - calcium voda – water vodík – hydrogen vylučování - excretion výživa - nutrition Z zinek - zinc Ž železo – iron živina - nutrient
Match these chemical elements with their function in the body Oxygen a) it is found in proteins, nucleic acids and other organic molecules Carbon b) an important mineral in all cells Hydrogen c) it is important for bone structure and is a part of the primary energy molecule in the body - ATP Nitrogen d) an important component of cellular fluids and is needed for the transmission of nerve impulses Calcium e) it is the most abundant element in the human body Phosphorus f) it helps regulate heart beat, blood pressureand blood glucose levels Potassium g) transports nutrients, removes wastes, lubricates organs and jointsand regulates body temperature Sulfur h) an important component of amino acids and proteins Sodium j) gives the skeletal system its rigidity and strength Magnesium k) forms the basis for all organic molecules in the body 1e 2k 3g 4a 5j 6c 7b 8h 9d 10f Do you know the answer? What is the function of sugar in the body? What is the function of fat in the body? What is the function of proteins in the body? What is cholesterol and why is it dangerous for our body? Where does the body get its energy? How does the body combust the intaken energy? Can you explain the „synthesis“ of molecules in the body? Can you explain the „decompostion“ of molecules in the body? What is digestion? 1T 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F (food molecules) 7T Are these statements TRUE of FALSE? Combustion reactions help release energy to heat our homes and move cars. Oxidation-reduction reactions keep the batteries in our cell phones functioning. Acidity of fruit juices can´t be measured. The emotions that you feel are a result of chemical messengers, primarily neurotransmitters. You can form soap by mixing ashes and animal fat. Food goes bad because of chemical reactions that occur between water molecules. Sunscreen uses chemistry to filter or block the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays to protect you from a sunburn, skin cancer, or both.
Can you comment these everyday chemical reactions? What happens during them? Why does it happen? What are the conditions and results? brushing your teeth striking a match burning candle road salt rusting the bottom of a car washing your hands burning paper using batteries un-re-chargeable batteries baking a cake printing pictures Can you guess the correct answer? 1) Two household chemicals you should never mix include: a)Vinegar and baking soda. Those bubbles could be toxic!b) Bleach and water. Diluting bleach only makes it more dangerous.c) Oil and water. They don't mix and aren't meant to!d) Bleach and ammonia. Chloramine vapors can be deadly! 2) One important source of Vitamin C is citrus fruit. Vitamin C is: a) Ascorbic acid.b) Citric acid.c) Salicylic acid.d) Tricarboxylic acid. 3) Soft drinks may contain many different acids. The acid that produces fizz or bubbles is: a) Ascorbic acid.b) Carbonic acid.c) Citric acid.d) Phosphoric acid. 4) If you are making soaps and detergents from scratch, one of your starting ingredients will be: a) Potassium hydroxide.b) Sodium hydroxide.c) Sodium chloride.d) Calcium carbonate. 5) The chemical known as thimerosol has been used to preserve saline solutions and vaccines. Thimerosol contains which metal? a) Ironb) Cadmiumc) Mercuryd) Silver 1d 2a 3b 4b 5c
Chemistry in human body and daily life - links • http://www.livescience.com/3505-chemistry-life-human-body.html - chemie v lidském těle • http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemicalcomposition/a/Chemical-Composition-Of-The-Human-Body.htm - chemické složení těla • http://chemistry.about.com/cs/howthingswork/f/blbodyelements.htm - rozcestník chemie • http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/countryside/8985039/Human-bodies-contain-too-many-damaging-chemicals.html - nebezpečné látky v lidském těle • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2shb7gnv4bg – chemie v našem životě – video • http://chemistry.about.com/od/everydaychemistry/f/What-Is-The-Importance-Of-Chemistry-In-Everyday-Life.htm - důležitost chemie v našem životě • http://www.buzzle.com/articles/chemistry-in-everyday-life.html - chemie okolo nás • http://humantouchofchemistry.com/everyday-chemistry.htm - chemie okolo nás, vysvětlení a příklady • http://humantouchofchemistry.com/ - chemie pro děti • http://chemistry.about.com/od/everydaychemistry/ - chemický rozcestík, odkazy a experimenty • http://www.silviamar.com/chemistry_everyday.htm - věci okolo nás a jejich spojení s chemií
Experiments, laboratory – dictionary and phrases A ampule – tube atom – atom B bakterie – bacteria barva - colour bělidlo – bleach bublina – bubble Č čich - smell D destilace - destilation F fenomén – phenomena filtr – filtre filtrace - filtration H hořet – burn CH chuť - taste I injekce – injection K kalkulačka – calculator koroze – rusting krystal – crystal L led - ice lepidlo - glue M magnet - magnet medicína - medicine mikroskop - microscope molekula - molecule myš – mouse N nebezpečný – dangerous neviditelný - invisible O ocel - steel ocet - vinegar oheň – fire ohnout - bend P papír - paper pěna – foam plastický - plastic přísada - ingredience R radioaktivita - radioactivity radioaktivní - radioactive reakce – reaction rez - rust rovnice – equation rychlost - speed S seznam – list suchý - dry svíce – candle Š škrob - starch T tekutina – liquid test - test testovat – test točit - spin toxický – toxic V vařit - boil vlhkost - moisture voda – water výbuch - explosion vypaření - evaporation Z zahřát - heat zdroj - source změna - change http://www.sciencefairadventure.com/Chemistry.aspx
Can you comment these icons? How are the related to chemistry? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-114582946/stock-vector-science-icons.html?src=b9YE0nkd3zDueIhY5o11xQ-1-15 Can you explain these statements and experiments? Why does an egg float on water? When does chocolate melt? Why doesn´t oil and water mix together? What happens when we mix vinegar and baking soda? How and why do we breed bacteria in the laboratory? What effect does a „glue“ have? Why doesn´t a parachute fall down but flows? Which colours are heated faster than the others? Why? Use these words in sentences EXPERIMENT HEAT GLUE LABORATORY DANGEROUS WATER OXYGEN CHANGE COLOUR AIR TEST MOUSE ATOM MOLECULE OIL VINEGAR FLOAT SINK EXPLODE
Can you say something about these experiments? Why do we do them? What do they prove? What do we need for them? Combustion of coal in melted potassion nitrate Combustion of coal in air and oxygen Electrolysis of water Changes in pH during water electrolysis Carbon dioxide as fire-extinguisher Reaction between ammonia and hydrogen chloride Reaction of sodium and water Burning of magnesium Colour changes of substances Absorption of heat http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-4384513/stock-vector-laboratory-safety-symbols-for-warning-labels-vector.html?src=jGFas00H_kP4lHTfOsmDUw-1-95 Safety precautions in the lab How should we behave in the lab? What are some things we should never do? What kinds of animals are kept in the lab? Why? Why is it dangerous to be bitten by a laboratory animal? What would you do if you were bitten by a laboratory animal? What would you do if you cut yourself? Can you burn yourself? When? How? What if you burn yourself with acid? What will you do? How will you treat the wound? What would happen if you drank some chemical? What would happen if you inhaled some chemicals? Why does it hurt when a chemical gets into our eye? How can a laboratory get on fire? Why is radiation dangerous for our body? What are the most dangerous chemicals in the laboratory? What are the most explosive chemicals in the laboratory? What does „biohazard“ stand for? Have you ever worked in a lab? What did you do? Did you enjoy it?
Experiments, laboratory - links • http://chemlabs.uoregon.edu/Safety/GeneralInstructions.html - bezpečnostní instrukce v laboratoři • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090624014904AAEye23 – 10 základních předpisů v laboratoři • http://library.thinkquest.org/11430/research/safety.htm - pravidla v laboratoři • http://www.kostic.niu.edu/labsafetyrules.html - druhy nebezpečí v laboratoři a jejich řešení • http://chemistry.about.com/od/healthsafety/a/aa080104a.htm - bezpečnost v laboratoři a chemický rozcestník • http://chemistry.about.com/od/homeexperiments/ - chemické reakce a chemický rozcestník • http://www.chemicum.com/chemistry-videos/ - základní experimenty, videa • http://www.neatorama.com/2009/11/04/top-10-mad-science-worthy-chemistry-experiments/#!lqLrR – extrémní pokusy a videa • http://scifun.chem.wisc.edu/homeexpts/homeexpts.html - experimenty pro děti • http://www.sciencefairadventure.com/Chemistry.aspx - chemické projekty pro děti • http://www.trueactivist.com/15-awesome-chemistry-gifs/ - zajímavé chemické experimenty
Alcohol and drugs – dictionary and phrases A absorbce – absoption alkoholismus - alcoholism B barva - colour bezpečnost - safety D dávka – dose destilovat – destilate droga - drug G glukóza - glucose H halucinace - hallucination hořlavý – flamable hustý - dense CH chuť – flavour I ihalace – inhalation J jedovatost - toxicityjídlo - food K koncentrace – concentration kouřit - smoke krev - blood kvašení – fermentation L laboratoř - lab M marihuana – marihuana mentální - mental mozek - brain N nahradit – replace nápoj – beverage nemrznoucí - antifreeze O obsahovat – contain P palivo – fuel pivo – beer prášky - pills primární – primary předávkovat – overdose předpis - prescription R rozpouštědlo - solvent S sekundární – secondary skladba - composition skupina - group sloučenina – compound sodík - sodium T tabák - tobacco tekutina - liquid terciální – tertiary těhotný - pregnant transformace toxický – toxic tuk - fat V vazba - bond víno - wine vlastnosti – properties vodka – vodka vyléčit - cure vypařit - evaporate vzorec - formula Z závislý - addicted závislost – addiction zdraví – health zdravý - healthy zdroj – source zemřít - die
Discusstion • What does alcohol consist of? • What are primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols? • Where can ethanol be found? • Which alcohols are flamable and which not? • How is ethyl alcohol derived? • What is fermentation? • Why is alcohol sometimes denatured? • How can industrially produced ethanol be used in our households? • Do fuels contain alcohol? Why? • Which vegetables, grain and fruit are used for fermentation? • How does alcohol influence human sences? • Is it harmful to inhale alcohol? • How does alcohol influence our body if we drink a lot for a long time? • Why shouldn´t pregnant women drink alcohol? • How does alcohol influence our organs? • Does alcohol influence the brain as well? • What is alcoholism? • What happens when we mix alcohol and sodium? • What is a solvent? What do we use it for? • Can you draw a formula of some alcohol and describe it? • What do you know about antifreeze liquids? • Why does alcohol make us fatter? • When did people start to produce alcohol? • Can you think of three countries with high consuption of alcohol? • ______________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________ • Can you think of three countries where drinking of alcohol is forbidden? Why? • ______________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________ • Is alcohol denser than water? Explain. • Can alcohol evaporate? • Can a person fall into coma after heavy alcohol consuption? • Why do we feel warmer after drinking alcohol? • Why do people drink alcohol? Name some reasons • ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Can you comment the use of these alcohols? METHANOL ______________________________________________ METHANE ______________________________________________ PROPANOL ______________________________________________ PROPANE ______________________________________________ BUTANOL ______________________________________________ BUTANE ______________________________________________ HEXANE ______________________________________________ • Drugs • What kind of drugs do you know? • Why do people use drugs? • How can drugs be used? • Which drugs are inhaled? • Which drugs are being injected? • Which drugs do you think are the most addictive? • Can you name any light drugs? • Why do people say that coffee and chocolate are drugs? • Do you think that marihuana is the first step to taking hard drugs? • Why is it so hard to stop taking drugs? • What effects do the drugs have? • Why do people take a lot of pills? • Which drugs influence our mentality? • Which drugs cause hallucinations? • Does marihuana have any healing effects? • Some drugs can be abused and some can we well used in medicine – can you name any useful drugs and speak about their use and how they help to us? • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • Why can´t we buy some drugs without the prescription? • How are drugs produced? • How are drugs tested? • What do you think about testing drugs on animals? • What are some side effects that some drugs might have? • What are some drugs and medicine you´ve used in your life?
Alcohol and drugs - links • http://www.chemcases.com/alcohol/alc-02.htm - alkohol vs. lidské tělo • http://www.chemguide.co.uk/organicprops/alcohols/background.html - úvod do alkoholů • http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Organic_Chemistry/Alcohols - alkoholy, chemické vyjádření, vzorce a vysvětlení • http://chemistry.about.com/od/molecularformulas/f/What-Is-The-Chemical-Formula-Of-Ethanol.htm - Ethanol • http://chemistry.about.com/od/dictionariesglossaries/g/defalcohol.htm - Alkoholy, rozcestník • http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/a/alcohol.htm - Alkohol, zprávy a informace • http://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/alcohol1.htm - Alkohol, reakce • http://www.drugs.com/ - Léčiva, jejich dělení a účinky • http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/default.htm - Léčiva a drogy vs. jídlo • http://www.theguardian.com/society/drugs - Zprávy ze světa léčiv, drog a obchodu s drogami • http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/drugabuse.html - Rozdělení drog a jejich účinků • http://drbenkim.com/ten-most-dangerous-drugs.html - 10 nejnebezpečnějších drog
Chemical alphabet– dictionary and phrases A alkohol – alcohol antibiotika – antibiotics atom – atom B bakterie – bacteria bílkovina - protein biochemie – biochemistry bod – point buňka – cell C cukr - sugar Č číslo – number D DNA – DNA dýchání - despiration E elektrolýza - electrolysis elektron – electron embryo – embryo energie – energy F farmakologie - pharmacology H hydrolýza - hydrolysis CH chloroplast – chloroplast I inzulin - insulin J jádro – core, nucleus jednotka - unit K katalyzátor – catalyst kinetický - kinetic kovalentní - covalent kov - metal kyselina – acid M masa – mass membrána – membrane mrznout – freeze N neuron – neuron O organický - organic P pár – pair pára – vapour pesticid - pesticide plyn - gas prvek – element R redukce – reduction Ř řešení – solution S substrát – substrate Š škrob - starch T tát – melt toxický - toxic toxin - toxin tuk – fat U uhlovodan - carbohydrate V váha – weight vakcína - vaccine var – boiling vazba – bond vdechnout – inhale vědecký - scientific virus - virus vitamín - vitamin voda – water vypařit - evaporate vzorec - formula Z základ - base zásada - alkali
Can you try to fill in this chart and comment all the chemical topics?
Chemical alphabet – try to make up as many words from each letter of the alphabet as possible and then choose one and try to make up a definition A ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ B ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ C ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ E ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ F ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ H ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ I ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ L ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ M ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ N ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ P ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ R ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ S ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ T ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ V ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________ W ________________________________________________________________ Definition: __________________________________________________________
Chemical alphabet - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_chemistry - chemie a její odvětví • http://chemistry.about.com/od/generalchemistry/tp/general-chemistry.htm - všeobecná chemie a její odvětví • http://www.ets.org/gre/subject/about/content/chemistry - seznam chemických témat a kniha v AJ ke stažení • http://www.scienceprofonline.com/chemistry.html - základní chemické problematiky • http://www.cosmolearning.com/chemistry/topics/ - chemický rozcestník • http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/bltopfeatures.htm - 25 nejpolulárnějších chemických témat • http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/index.php - chemický rozcestník • http://www.wiley-vch.de/util/hottopics/ - populární chemická témata pro děti • http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/chemistry.html - chemie pro děti, jednoduchá témata • http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/quizzes/chemistry.html - chemický kvíz pro děti • http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemistryforkids/ - chemie pro děti, aktivity, témata, kvízy
Liquids – dictionary and phrases A atmosféra - atmosphere B bod - point Č částice – particle D držet pohromadě – hold together E elektrický - electrical ethanol – ethanol H hebký - soft K kaluž – puddle kapka – drop krystal - crystal L led - ice lepivý - sticky lepkavost – viscosity M magnetický - magnetical mrak - cloud N nádoba – container napětí - tension naplnit – fill neprůhledný - opaque nestálý - volatile O objem – volume odolnost - resistance ochladit - cool olej - oil P pevný – solid podobný – similar pole - field pořádek - order povrch – surface prostor - space proudit – flow průhledný - transparent přidat – add přilnavost - adhesion R rozšířit - spread rtuť – mercury S síla - power silný – strong sklo - glass slabý – weak sníh - snow snížit - decrease stlačit – compress struktura - structure T tát - melt teplota – temperature tlak – pressure tuhost - stiffness tvar – shape U uniknout - escape V vařit – boil velikost - size vlastnost - property voda - water volný – free Z zahřát - heat změnit – change zvýšit - increase
Discussion What is a liquid? What are its properties? Can you give any examples of liquids? What is the boiling point? Do all the liquids have the same boiling point? Does the shape of liquids change anyhow? Does the volume of liquids change anyhow? What forms of water do you know? What do I have to do to get ice from water? What do I have to do to get steam from water? Can you draw and comment the water cycle? What is water used for? What would happen if there was no water? Do you think people waste water? How? Do you personally save or waste water? Why is the water in the oceans salty? What happens when liquids are under pressure? Can you say something about petrol? Can you say something about oil? Can you say something about liquid acids? Which chemical elements are liquid? Can all liquids turn into vapour? Explain. What is a crystal? Do all liquids have crystalic from? Explain. How can we separate molecules in liquids?
Match the definitions VISCOSITY A) the process by which a liquid is drawn up into a tube SURFACE TENSION B) the pressure of a gas that is above its own liquid (due to evaporation) CAPPILARY ACTION C) resistance to flow VOLATILITY D) energy required to overcome intermolecular forces, to seperate molecules of a liquid and to keep them apart VAPOR PRESSURE E) the tendency for a liquid to evaporate BOILING POINT F) the temperature at which a liquid goes into the gaseous phase HEAT OF VAPORIZATION G) "stiffness" at the surface. The tendency for a minimum surface area 1c 2g 3a 4e 5b 6f 7d 1F 2T 3T 4F 5T 6T 7F 8T 9F 10T 11T 12T Are these statements true or false? Liquids are runny and they flow upwards. T/F The volume of a liquid never changes. T/F Liquids can change shape. T/F They are easy to hold. T/F Heating a liquid can turn it into a gas. T/F Cooling a liquid can turn it into a solid. T/F Heating a solid can turn it into petrol. T/F Cooling a gas can turn it into a liquid. T/F Mercury is a liquid metal that is not poisonous. T/F A measure of how fast or slowly a liquid can flow is its viscosity. T/F The most important liquid in our body is blood. T/F Hydration of our body is one of the most necessary things. T/F Benefits of water – how does water benefit to these parts of the human body? BRAIN __________________________________________________ CELLS __________________________________________________ HEART __________________________________________________ KIDNEYS __________________________________________________ MUSCLES __________________________________________________ SKIN __________________________________________________ DIGESTIVE TRACT __________________________________________________ TEMPERATURE __________________________________________________
Liquids - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid - co jsou to tekutiny • http://www.chem4kids.com/files/matter_liquid.html - tekutiny pro děti • http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/liquids/character.html - skupenství • http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch14/liquids.php - tekutiny, vzorce a vlastnosti • http://www.mcwdn.org/chemist/liquids.html - chemický rozcestník, tekutiny, atd. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/8_9/solid_liquids.shtml - vysvětlení tekutin pro děti • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqQJPCdmIp8 – tekutiny – video • http://www.inquiryinaction.org/chemistryreview/liquids/ - změny tekutin • http://www.wiredchemist.com/chemistry/instructional/an-introduction-to-chemistry/matter-in-bulk/solids--liquids-and-gases - skupenství • http://www.allaboutwater.org/water-facts.html - zajímavá fakta o vodě • http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/water.html - informace o vodě pro děti • http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/humanbody/blood.html - informace o krvi pro děti • http://www.bloodcenters.org/blood-donation/facts-about-blood-donation/ - dárcovství krve a důležité informace
Recycling - dictionary and phrases B barva - colour baterie - battery bota – shoe Č čistit - clean D deka – blanket dopad - impact dopravce – conveyor drát - wire E elektronika – electronics emise – emission energie – energy eroze - erosion F fotovoltaický - photovoltaic J jaderný – nuclear jídlo - food K karton – paperboard kontroverze - controversion komponent - component kompost – compost konečný - finite kontejner - container kov – metal kreditní karta – credit card kritika - criticism L láhev - bottle látka - substance M materiál – material mobilní telefone – mobile phone N nebezpečný – dangerous noviny - newspaper O obal - package oblečení – clothes ocel - steel odpad – waste odstranit - remove P pálit - burn papír – paper pastový – plastic plechovka – can počítač – computer pneumatika – tire poplatek – fee povzbudit - encourage plyn – gas použít – use přeměna - converstion R rozpustit - melt S sběr - collection skládka – landfill sklo - glass smrdět – smell stvořit - create syrový - raw T technologie - technology těžba dřeva – logging těžba důlní - mining tkanina – textile trubka - pipe třídit – sort U účast - participation uran - uranium V vozidlo – vehicle vrstva – layer výhoda - benefit vyhodit – throw away výkup – buy-back výroba – production vzdělání - education Z záchrana – salvage zdroj - source zlato - gold změna – change Ž železo - iron
Are you ECO friendly? • If you take more food than you can eat, do you throw the leftovers in the trash? • Do you use paper cups and plates for cookouts or picnics? • Do you throw away aluminium cans or plastic bottles? • Do you use just one side of your writing paper? • When you see papers on the floor or ground do you leave them there? • Do you buy lots of books and magazines instead of using the library? • Do you use paper towels for drying your hands or cleaning up spills? • Do you leave the light on in your room when you're not there? • Can you make a definition of these words? • DUMP ______________________________________ • ORGANIC FARMING ______________________________________ • ORGANIC WASTE ______________________________________ • DISPOSABLE ______________________________________ • RECYCLED PAPER ______________________________________ • LITTER PREVENTION ______________________________________ • POLLUTION PREVENTION ______________________________________ • COMPOST ______________________________________ • ECOSHOPPER ______________________________________ • ENERGY EFFICIENT HOMES ______________________________________ • SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ______________________________________ • DEFORESTATION ______________________________________ http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-99700499/stock-vector-green-environment-and-recycle-icons.html?src=UzFL9qrpVnd7TrikuS-LRQ-1-73 What is in these pictures? What do you know about them?
Do you know the correct answer? • 1. A term used to describe the heating of the atmosphere. G _______ E ________ • The energy from the sun to produce electric power. S ________ E ________ • Destruction of forests to make land for agriculture. D _________________ • Protecting, maintaining or improving natural resources to keep them safe from destruction or degradation. C ___________ • A reduction of the ice due to increasing temperatures and eventually leading to a rise in the amount of water in sea and oceans. I _______ M ________ • Large number of natural and synthetic materials, including manure and compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth. F __________ • Contamination of the air, water or soil with substances that can cause harm to human health or the environment. P _________ • Animals and plants threatened of extinction. E ________ S ________ • The change from once fertile land into desert as a result of factors including climatic variations and human activities. D ___________ • An increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate. G __________ W __________ • A period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops. D ______ • A mixture of various decaying organic substances, as dead leaves or manure, used for fertilizing soil. More and more households choose to this solution to fertilize their gardens. C _________ • greenhouse effect • solar energy • deforestation • conservation • ice-melting • fertilizers • pollution • endangered species • desertification • global warming • draught • compost What do you know about.... recycling of paper recycling of electronics recycling of textiles recycling of toxic waste recycling in the Czech Republic and attitude of Czech people towards recycling in general Czech landfills landfills in Africa and the conditions there Cyote protocol smog in China overpopulation vs. recycling and pollution waste vs. 3rd world countries future ways of recycling
Recycling - links • http://recycling-guide.org.uk/ - recyklace, vysvětlení a pojmy • http://www2.epa.gov/recycle/recycling-basics - recyklace, materiály • http://www.theguardian.com/environment/recycling - recyklace, novinky a zprávy • http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/recycling/ - recyklace nebezpečných odpadů • http://alexandriava.gov/tes/solidwaste/info/default.aspx?id=19206 – recyklace domácích odpadů • http://www.theguardian.com/environment/landfill - skládka • http://greenliving.lovetoknow.com/Environmental_Problems:_Landfills – skládky a jejich problémy • http://mondediplo.com/blogs/africa-s-biggest-landfill-site-the-case-of - Africké skládky • http://www.bbc.com/future/sections/science-environment/recycling - recyklace a budoucnost • http://greenlivingideas.com/ - nápady jak žít v souladu s přírodou • http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/green-guide/ - green living • http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ethical-living - etický a EKO friendly styl života • http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/recycling.html - učíme děti recyklovat, zprávy, projekty a aktivity
Chemistry of future - dictionary and phrases B barva - colour bomba - bomb budoucnost – future Č červí díra - wormhole čip – chip D doprava - transport dopravní prostředek – mean of transport dům - house E energie – energy F fúze – fusion G globální – global gravitace – gravitation H hodnota – value holograf - holograph J jazyk – language K klon – clon klonování - cloning krize - crisis L lidský – human M medicína – medicine mozek - brain možný – possible mysl - mind N nanobot - nanobot nanotechnologie – nanotechnology nemoc - illlness nemožný – impossible neviditelný - invisible O objev – discovery objevit se - appear oblečení – clothes obnovitelný - renewable obrazovka - screen osud – destiny oteplování - warming P platit - pay počítač – computer program - programme programování – computing prostředí - environment R robot - robot S senzor – sensor síla – force smrt - death spotřeba – consumption stroj času – time machine systém – system T technologie - technology topení – heating továrna - factory U umělá inteligence – artificial intelligence V vědec – scientist vesmír – universe vesmírná loď - spaceship virtuální - virtual virus - virus vize – vision výroba – production výsledek – result vzdělání - education Z zařízení - equipment zbraň - weapon zdroj – source zmizet - disappear zničit - destroy Ž život - life