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Football Supporters’ Federation Wales FSF Cymru fans’ embassy ,Issue 33. World Cup 2014 Qualifier. Macedonia v Wales Friday, September 6 th, 2013 Kick off 8 pm Philip II Arena, Skopje. Information for the fans by the fans. FSF Help line number is +447905 861 848.
Football Supporters’ Federation Wales FSF Cymru fans’ embassy ,Issue 33 World Cup 2014 Qualifier. Macedonia v Wales Friday, September 6th, 2013 Kick off 8 pm Philip II Arena, Skopje Information for the fans by the fans. FSF Help line number is +447905 861 848
Welcome to Issue 33 of our FSF Cymru information booklet for Welsh fans. It has been an interesting campaign to date, albeit disappointing in terms of results but the trips following the Welsh team have been enjoyable and diverse, this is our third visit to the Balkans during this tournament; on this occasion we find ourselves in the historical city of Skopje , the capital city of Macedonia. We are not anticipating any problems during the trip but if you do run into any difficulties please contact us on our 24 hour hot line and we will try to assist you. HELP LINE +44905 861848 Neil Dymock Vince Alm Tommie Collins FSF Cymru representatives will be on duty throughout the trip and based in the centre of Skopje, we will be around and about the city based at the Duvet Hotel, Naum Naumovski Borce 40, Skopje 1000. We have contact with the British embassy and Welsh police…please ring our help line if you need assistance. FSF CYMRU HELP LINE +44905 861848 FSF CYMRU - by Wales fans, for Wales fans - an independent organisation, committed to helping Wales supporters. FSF Cymru are proud members of FSE (Football Supporters Europe) MISSION STATEMENT To help and support Wales fans who travel away. Our role is to provide accurate and objective information, including a Risk Assessment: we convey what other agencies, such as police forces, government departments, and football authorities are recommending: we publish a comprehensive guide which is distributed free of charge to all travelling supporters: we operate and publicise a 24 hour Hotline for fans in difficulties: we arrange a Football embassy operation, at venues abroad, where we can offer advice, guidance and support as necessary. To work with the Football Association of Wales in all aspects affecting the fans, to ensure that the supporters voice is heard. A continuous, running dialogue is held with Mr Mark Evans, Head, International Affairs, we take supporters complaints, views to the FAW for discussion “To take every possible action to eradicate any inter club rivalry when fans are following the Welsh national team” Before you travel anywhere in the world outside of the United Kingdom please visit the Know before you go website http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/ Foreign and Commonwealth office
Philip II Arena, Skopje When the stadium opened in 1947,it was known as the Skopje City Stadium, it was renamed the Philip 11 arena in 2009. The project for the south stand was designed in 1977 and construction of the stadium in its present form began in 1978, with the building of the south stand which took two years to finish. There then followed a long delay with in continuing the re building until finally work began on expansion and improvements in January 2008 and the North stand was finished in time for the Macedonian national team to play a friendly against world champions Spain during August 2009. The southern stand was then reconstructed in 2009 and finally the Eastern and western sides were developed and completed by July 2012, The total cost to re develop the stadium including the running tracks amounted to 60 million Euros since 2008. Two club sides use the stadium; they are FK Vardar and FK Rabotnički. The stadium has a capacity of 33,460 all seated. How to get there The football stadium is located about 1 km west of the centre of Skopje, along the river Vardar and next to the City Park. It is in easy walking distance from the city centre and is clearly visible from quite a distance. Taxis are also an option and relatively cheap. Wales fans will be housed in Block 6 or 7 of this modern stadium where all area are relatively newly built with great views of the pitch. It is a leisurely twenty minute walk from the City centre
Airport and transport in Skopje Above we see the Alexander the great airport that serves Skopje, it is a fair distance out of the city centre and above right we can see the bus times and prices from the airport to the city centre. It is difficult to recommend the cheap option of the bus because sometimes it is just a 15 seated minibus and there is not much space for luggage, they are not the cleanest either, if you do opt for the bus when you come out of arrivals there is a booth dead ahead from Vardar Express selling bus tickets. Next to the booth is an ATM. Cost of tickets is 150 denar (£2). On the way out the bus was full (a minibus). Make sure you buy the tickets from the booth and not after boarding the bus in case all of the tickets have already been sold, A taxi should not cost you more than 1220 den (£17) into the centre and surrounding areas. The renaming of the airport in 2006 caused a diplomatic argument with neighbouring Greece , both countries claim Alexander the Great has their heritage and there is already an Alexander the great Airport in the Greek airport of Kavala which is in the Greek region of Macedonia. Public transport in the city is usually provided by buses or taxis, it is an easy city to navigate by foot. Getting around the city Unless you have your own vehicle the most practical way of getting around the city is by Taxi. Starting rate is 40-50 denar for the first two Kilometres ; after that you pay an extra 20-25 denar per Kilometre. The rates are the same at night and waiting is charged at 300 denar per hour. Many taxi operators speak English . British embassy staff have recommended the following five companies (please us the pre fix 00 389 2 before the taxi number if you are calling from a UK mobile. It is also possible to pay for some Taxi’s in Euros Plava Laguna : call 15192 Nashe Taxi: call 15152 Lotus Taxi call : 15157 Bel Mercedes call : 15183 Elite taxis call : 15199
Useful facts about Skopje Currency and temperatures during September The currency in Skopje is the Denar. Exchange rate in August was £1 = 72 Denar. We changed money in the UK sterling to denar and had 69 to a £1,it was roughly the same from a cash point but we had a £1.50 charge You can use all established international credit cards (American Express, Visa, Diners, MasterCard/Euro Card) as well as Euro cheques in most hotels, shops and restaurants. There are plenty of ATMs where you can withdraw money with cheap commission rates, although there are also plenty of banks and exchange booths where you can easily change money. Do not change money on the street. Important phone numbers Police: 192 Fire Department: 193 Medical Emergency: 194 Correct Time: 185 Information desk / Directory Assistance: 188 Ticket information Lucy – 07827 157874, Lynsey – 07788 310355, FSF Cymru reps 07905 861848 Temperature during trip Based on research gathered over the last twenty years by the Met office The month of September is characterized by falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing from 28°C to 23°C over the course of the month, be aware that on some days temperatures could be exceeding 34°C or dropping below 17°C Please respect the local customs Taking photographs of any military installation, establishment or site of government or strategic importance is prohibited. Do not swim or mess about in any of the City fountains or monuments. Foreign visitors should know that when visiting a church to show respect to the house of worship. Do not wear miniskirts or short pants, shorts etc. Same rules when visiting a mosque, but leave your shoes at entrance. The river running through the city is quite fast flowing so swimming is not advised. Health matters Check with your insurance company that you are fully insured for your trip to Macedonia, this is very important and would prove very costly if ignored and problems occurred during trip. There is a reciprocal healthcare agreement for British nationals, which entitles you to free emergency treatment in Macedonia. You will need to present your passport and an European Health Insurance Card as proof of entitlement. The health system in all parts of Macedonia is suffering from widespread shortage of medicines and other essentials and you may need to pay some of the initial costs (usually between 50 and 100 Euros). If the treatment is not deemed an emergency then you will have to pay the full cost yourself. Make sure you have adequate travel and medical insurance. Mosquito-borne diseases including West Nile virus are present in Macedonia Local time Local time is equal to GMT +1 hours. Same time zone all over the country Daylight saving time in Macedonia +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October. Electricity in Skopje220V/50Hz (European plug). Weights and Measures Metric and Kilo system. Water in MacedoniaSafe to drink in all cities since it has been chlorinated, and there are public drinking water fountains in most public places. If you prefer bottled, easily to find in the local shops. Foreign Newspapers in MacedoniaAvailable in Skopje and the tourist areas.
British Embassy information for Welsh fans in Macedonia What a Consul can do: Contact relatives and friends and ask them to help you with money or tickets Advise on how to transfer funds Refer you to local Social Services Help you to get in touch with Local Lawyers or provide information on legal aid. Arrange for next of kin to be informed of accident or a death and advise on procedures Contact and visit British Nationals under arrest or in a Serbian Prison and, in certain circumstances, arrange for messages to be sent to relatives or friends Give guidance on organisations experienced in tracing missing persons Make representations on your behalf to the local authorities in certain circumstances But a Consul cannot: Intervene in court proceedings Get you out of prison Give legal advice or instigate Court proceedings on your behalf Get better treatment for you in hospital or prison than is provided for Serbian nationals Investigate a crime Pay your hotel, legal, medical or any other bills Pay for travel tickets for you Undertake work more properly done by travel representatives, airlines, banks or motoring organisations Obtain accommodation, work or work permit for you British Embassy Salvador Aljende No. 73Skopje 1000, Macedonia Email britishembassyskopje@fco.gov.uk Telephone +389 (2) 3299 299 Fax +389 (2) 2 3179 726 Embassy opening hours Monday to Thursday, 8am to 4.30pm Friday, 8am to 1pm Consular opening hours:Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm Medical care whilst visiting Skopje Welsh fans in need of medical treatment should head for the ReMedika Hospital Open 08:00-21:00. Emergency services open 24 hours. Address: 16-ta Makedonska Brigada 18 Phone:260 31 00 or one of the polyclinics. These are open 24 hours for emergencies. Before you travel anywhere in the world outside of the United Kingdom please visit the Know before you go website http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/ Foreign and Commonwealth office
British Embassy information for Macedonia Please contact us at the FSF if possible before seeking Embassy assistance, we will be able to guide you through the process. The address of the British embassy is Salvador Aljende No. 73 Skopje 1000FSF Cymru help line number is +447905 861848 What to do if your British Passport is lost or stolen whilst in Macedonia It is vital you report a lost or stolen passport as soon as possible to the local police and to the British Embassy ,even if you don't want to replace your passport immediately. This will reduce the risk of someone using your passport or your identity. When you report the loss or theft to the Embassy, they will give you a Lost or Stolen (LS01) Notification form to fill in and sign. They will record the loss or theft of your passport and forward the information to Identity and Passport Service. The IPS will then cancel your passport to reduce the risk of someone else using your identity. You need to use form LS01 to report any loss or theft of your passport whether applying for a replacement passport or not. Once you report your passport as lost or stolen, it is electronically cancelled. If you find it, you will not be able to use it as a proof of identity, nationality, or for any other legal purpose. You must not use it as a means of identification as this may be detected as a potentially fraudulent act. You will also not be able to use it for travel. Doing so may cause the passport to be impounded by the Borders and Immigration Authority at UK ports or airports. If travelling overseas, you could face deportation or arrest. If your passport is lost or stolen the British Embassy in Skopje can issue an emergency travel document that will get you home at a cost of approximately £95 An emergency travel document allows you to leave the country you’re in and travel to your destination via a maximum of 5 countries. The emergency travel document can also cover a return journey if you’re resident in the country you’re applying from. An emergency travel document doesn’t guarantee entry to every country. You may also need a visa. Check with the embassy or consulate of the country or countries you’re intending to travel to or through. 2 identical recent photographs of yourself - make sure they meet the rules for passport photo or your application will be delayed details of your intended travel plans - where and when you intend to travel (including countries you will travel through) a completed application form a police report if your passport has been lost or stolen You will have to pay a fee, equivalent to £95. Embassy or consulate staff will tell how much this is in local currency when you apply. Getting your emergency travel document The embassy or consulate staff will check that you’re eligible for an emergency travel document. If you’re not, they will tell you why. Please contact FSF Cymru we will try to assist with this process You may get the document on the day you apply if your circumstances are straightforward. If your circumstances are more complex, it can take longer. You may need to change your travel plans. Using your emergency travel document The emergency travel document will only be valid for the journey that you specified when you applied and for a specific period of time. This will be shown on the document. Your existing British passport will be cancelled in most cases. Immigration authorities may keep your emergency travel document when you arrive at your destination. You will need to get a replacement passport when back in the UK if you intend doing anymore travelling and pay the full costs, any fees that you paid for an emergency travel document will not be taken into account
Foreign and commonwealth information for Macedonia • Macedonia travel advice, travel insurance • It is even more important that fans get comprehensive travel insurance when travelling to countries outside the European Union, The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is not valid in Macedonia • Your credit card accident cover, home insurance, and private health cover is not always sufficient. An emergency abroad can be extremely expensive. If you need to be returned to the UK it could cost you thousands of pounds, unless you are adequately insured • Remember: the British Embassy or High Commission will not pay for this. • What your travel insurance policy should cover • Medical and health cover for an injury or sudden illness abroad • 24-hour emergency service and assistance • Personal liability cover in case you’re sued for causing injury or damaging property • Lost and stolen possessions cover • Cancellation and curtailment (cutting short your trip) cover • Extra cover for activities that are commonly excluded from standard policies, such as jet skiing • The policy should cover the whole time that you’re away. Multi-trip policies may specify a maximum number of days’ travel. • Your policy may also have • Personal accident cover • Legal expenses cover • Financial protection if your airline goes bankrupt before or during your trip • Many insurers will extend cover if you ask them. If not, shop around for a specialist policy. • Common travel insurance policy exclusions • Most policies will not cover drink or drug-related incidents • 60% of travel insurance policies now cover terrorism. Where possible, ensure that your policy does not exclude terrorism • You must take reasonable care of your possessions or your policy will not cover you Safety and security Crime Personal attacks against foreigners are extremely rare. Organised criminal groups are active, particularly in the north west of the country. Shooting incidents, including in Skopje do sometimes occur, but are not targeted at foreigners. Gunfire can also be heard as part of a celebration. You should be vigilant at all times. There have been several cases of pick pocketing by gangs of children and bag snatches in the main shopping and entertainment areas late at night. Foreign nationals appear to have been specifically targeted. Make sure your personal possessions are secure. Credit card fraud is widespread. Take care when using your card. Acts of intimidation and harassment against nationals of western countries have been reported. In the event of civil disorder, stay indoors as much as possible, especially after dark, and avoid crowds and demonstrations. Keep your passport in a secure place and carry other photo ID plus a copy of your passport data page for identification. If your passport is lost or stolen report it immediately to the local police and the British Embassy in Skopje FSF Cymru Fans Embassy help line + 44 7905861848
Eating out There is a huge selection of great food outlets throughout the city, the British embassy has kindly recommended a few below, but explore the city and you won’t be disappointed. Try the local dishes such as Tavče gravče (pic. Right.) which is considered the national dish of the Republic of Macedonia. The most popular eating areas will be found around the central area of the city, city square, Makedonija St. and Vardar Quay Pelister restaurant ( pic below ) is a great place to start especially if you like Pizza, it is rated the best pizza in town and don’t miss it’s salad bar Makedonija Street is the place to find many coffee bars and you will also find a fantastic Mexican bar here called “Amigos” Irish Pubs yes there are always Irish pubs but they are more expensive than the fantastic local bars where you should not have to pay more than £1 a pint. A pub/restaurant that has a great atmosphere, food and A variety of quality beers is the Piazza del Toros, which also shows live football matches. From the holiday Inn or the city square running parallel with the river Vardar you will find a huge shopping centre called GTC with plenty of food outlets but in particular try the Italian dishes out on the terraces. If you are looking for a classy, intimate restaurant try the Amica, which is opposite the Irish pub and finally if you fancy a taste of Arabia try the Aladin which is on the second floor of the GTC where you will find nice views of the main city square Debar Maalo is a popular part of town where you will find Chinese restaurants plus plenty of small local café and restaurants serving fine inexpensive local meals. House Koliba is the place to go for large American style steaks and various international dishes. Old Bazaar is a must visit location during your visit and there are plenty of newly opened cafes and bars in this area, do not miss the Kebabs in Pcela or the grilled lamb in Turist and for the finest wines stop at the Vinoteka. There are lots of food outlets and cake shops in the Bazaar area if you have a sweet tooth. The City Park is another area where you will find some great places to eat including the Anja City Park, the Tomce & Sofka and the Marakana restaurant famous for its Jazz and rock music and fine foods. These are just some of the many delights of Skopje
Skopje Sight seeing and places of Interest Most football fans are only in a city for a few days at most and like to try out the local bars and clubs but there is always the opportunity during the day to visit some interesting places and there are quite a few in Skopje. Although there is not much left , what does remain of the fortress Kale is worth a visit and its positioning on the top of the hill and its wide green space inside make it an interesting destination for a relaxing walk. The walls outside have been well restored and reinforced .The intern is a few old walls now surrounded by grass and nothing more but remains interesting as it is very close to the Old Bazaar which has plenty of sights and bargains within its walls. Any visit to Skopje and Macedonia Square is a must see. Huge statues and sculptures with fountains and more being built. Although work is on going it is still fantastic to visit. Bars around the edge make this a great place to sit and people watch too. The Millennium cross is a sight that you will want to visit and the public bus from Skopje costs 50p to the park on Mount Vodna from where you can get a return trip in a cable car to the top for 100 denar (£1.50p). Fantastic value, great sights from the top of Skopje, you can also chose to walk. Skopje is full of galleries and museums if you like culture and a place you must visit would be the Daut Pasha Hamam, the former bath house has been transformed into a National gallery and it can be found between the famous stone bridge and the old Bazaar
Skopje city centre map News for Supporters and the Welsh football fans’ charity Gol 14 Wales fans will be departing from Cardiff the week before the game to embark on a charitable drive for Gôl to Macedonia. Four cars will make the journey and a number of orphanages will be visited on the way with gifts donated to the children at these homes. An orphanage in Skopje will also benefit, with a visit planned for the morning of match day in Skopje. If anyone would like to attend the visit or donate some gifts such as toys, football shirts etc. in Skopje, can you please ring the FSF Helpline prior to departure. Like wise if anyone is interested in watching or playing in the supporters game in Skopje, get in touch, the kick off has yet to be confirmed but its likely to be on the Thursday evening. All abilities welcome, so if you ever wanted to play for Wales come along.
Wear Red for Wales Before you travel anywhere in the world outside of the United Kingdom please visit the Know before you go website http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/ Foreign and Commonwealth office Join the FSF for free please visit http://www.fsf.org.uk/ FSF Cymru Fans Embassy help line + 44 7905861848