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Transforming Skills Delivery in Wales National Training Federation Wales 11 th November 2010. Trevor Clark Head Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Welsh Assembly Government. Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales. Background
Transforming Skills Delivery in Wales National Training Federation Wales 11th November 2010 Trevor Clark Head Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Welsh Assembly Government
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales • Background • The Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales • Quality Assured Lifelong Learning • European Qualifications Framework • European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET • Questions
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales • Long and historic links with England • However we also have unique issues facing Wales – low Gross National Product compared with rest of UK • Important to focus on the learners and benefits to Wales • Important policy drivers: One Wales, The Learning Country, Vision into Action, Skills that Work for Wales, 14-19 Agenda CQFW - Commonality of Transferability and Progression
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales • Average gross weekly wage for FTE in Wales was £506.40 in 2009 - 86% of the UK average • 1 in 4 jobs in Wales (24%) is in the public sector- higher than the UK which is 1 in 5 (20%) • 450,000 adults (25% of working age) are at entry level or below in literacy • 980,000 (50% of working age) have entry level or below numeracy • 14% of working age adult population have no qualifications (2008) CQFW - Commonality of Transferability and Progression
Credit and Qualification Framework for WalesUK Vocational Qualification Reform • Raising interest and commitment to skills • Increasing the stature of vocational learning Ultimately: • Making the UK more productive economically • More competitive globally QCF progress: • 137 Awarding Organisations fully recognised to operate in the QCF (Figures July 2010) • 12444 qualifications in the Framework • 50,000 plus Units submitted to QCF Databank
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales The Iceberg of Learning The vision in Wales is that a system which only recognises formal learning seems to be totally inappropriate and is seriously undervaluing the worth of that society and unrecognised assets will not be used. This can and does shut out an important part of society and actually discourage too many too enter into active learning. CQFW - Commonality of Transferability and Progression
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Quality Assured Lifelong Learning Formal Learning Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning The Iceberg of Learning
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Quality Assured Lifelong Learning • Important pillar within the CQFW • Quality Assured Lifelong Learning - company training, in house training, continuous and professional development, informal and non formal learning • Greater flexibility credit based system based on credit accumulation, transfer and accreditation of prior learning
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Quality Assured Lifelong Learning • Developing a more inclusive employers framework – • NILAH • Care Council for Wales • SEMTA Engineering • Working with public sector across Wales exploring accreditation of existing management and leadership training. • Exemplar project with the National Offender Management Service to enable national recognition of learning for offenders in Wales
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales European Qualifications Framework EQF a common European Reference System which will link different countries national qualifications systems to act as a translation device to enable greater understanding and mobility. EQF based on learning outcomes and level descriptors UK Frameworks have articulated their respective frameworks to EQF in January 2010.
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales European Qualifications Framework • UK Frameworks have articulated their respective frameworks to EQF in January 2010. • CQFW – Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales • SCQF – Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework • QCF – Qualifications Credit Framework • The EQF exists alongside the meta-framework for higher education - the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area also known as the Bologna Framework.
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales European Quality Assurance Reference Framework European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF) is designed to promote better vocational education and training by providing authorities and VET providers with common tools for the management of quality in VET. Review and report for Wales to be completed by February 2011 UK Report to the commission by June 2011
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Planning Implementation Review Evaluation
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales Thank you for your attention Any questions?