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Wales. Wales is a fairly small country, covering an area of 21,000km 2. Wales is part of Europe. It is bordered by the Irish Sea to the West and England to the East. Wales. Irish Sea. England. Wales has a population of 2.9 million. Approximately 315,000 people live in the capital Cardiff.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wales

  2. Wales is a fairly small country, covering an area of 21,000km2

  3. Wales is part of Europe. It is bordered by the Irish Sea to the West and England to the East. Wales Irish Sea England

  4. Wales has a population of 2.9 million. Approximately 315,000 people live in the capital Cardiff.

  5. Wales is a mountainous country. Its highest mountain is Snowdon which is 1085m above sea level.

  6. Wales has 53 rivers. The longest river is the River Severn. This is the new bridge crossing the Severn at it’s mouth.

  7. 2% of the population work in the agricultural industry.

  8. 3.5% of the population work in the tourist industry.

  9. Welsh and English are spoken in Wales

  10. 72% of the population are Christians

  11. There are 1,743 patients per doctor in Wales

  12. There are 492 mobile phones for every 1,000 people in Wales.

  13. 99% of the homes in Wales have a television.

  14. St. Lucia

  15. St Lucia is a very small country covering an area of 606km2 Castries

  16. St Lucia is part of the American continent. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the East. Caribbean sea Atlantic Ocean

  17. St Lucia has a population of 168,458. Approximately 63,000 people live in the capital Castries.

  18. St Lucia is a mountainous country. Its highest Mountain is Mount Gimie which rises 950m above sea level.

  19. St Lucia has 8 principal rivers, one of which is the Dennery on East of the island.

  20. 26% of the population work in the agricultural indusrty.

  21. 60% of the population work in the tourist industry.

  22. English and Patois are spoken in St Lucia.

  23. 79% of the population are Catholics.

  24. There are 2,235 patients per doctor in St Lucia

  25. There are 266 mobile phones for every 1,000 people in St Lucia.

  26. 84% of homes in St Lucia have a television.

  27. What are the similarities and differences between Wales and St Lucia? Use the whiteboard pen to fill in the table. Similar Different

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