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WALES. work-based. access to. learning through. e-services. WALES. JISC HE in FE Programme Focus on work-based learners Online delivery, both distance and blended Using the Moodle VLE Testing the use of mobile technologies and social networking software in supporting learners

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WALES work-based access to learning through e-services

  2. WALES • JISC HE in FE Programme • Focus on work-based learners • Online delivery, both distance and blended • Using the Moodle VLE • Testing the use of mobile technologies and social networking software in supporting learners • FD, MSc, HNC and NVQ4 learners were involved in the testing and evaluation

  3. Outcomes • Tutor/learner controlled usage • Benefits of immediacy, accessibility and flexibility • Learners particularly valued anytime any place communications and the speed of response • Adaptable to any Java enabled device But • Must keep up to date with mobile developments • Must deliver clear benefits for it to be adopted

  4. Social Networking Software Issue: older learners weren’t using SNS

  5. http://wales.pbwiki.com

  6. Outcomes • Learner controlled usage • Benefits for existing users of familiarity and high skill levels • Brings social element to the learning process • Excellent for group work for work based learners But • Low level of usage by older learners • Some resistance to mixing social use with work • Needs a group dynamic to be effective

  7. Lessons learned: Work-based learning • Anything that adds flexibility and accessibility to the learning process is welcomed • Most work-based learners actually study in their own time • The addition of mobile technology and social networking makes groupwork more effective and contributes a social element • The learners tend to take control and engage in peer-peer communications • The technologies must work seamlessly • A consistent experience and benefit is difficult to guarantee for all learners while there are differences in personal usage

  8. Lessons learned: HE in FE • The different management structures and processes in FE do impact on HE delivery • For projects involving technology this includes the way ICT is supported as well as the way teaching is planned • FE institutions are particularly good at supporting work-based and vocational HE • HE courses supported by FE institutions tend to be part-time and flexible and can gain particular benefits from these technologies.

  9. WALES work-based access to learning through e-services Thank you for your attention

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