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Revolution & Civil War in China; Creation of the People’s Republic of China

Revolution & Civil War in China; Creation of the People’s Republic of China. Ch. 7.2, p. 387 Ch. 10.3, p. 515 Ch. 16.1, 710. I. The Collapse of Chinese Imperialist Rule. Intro: By the early 1900s, China was ready for rev.: Internal rebellions (Taiping, White Lotus, …)

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Revolution & Civil War in China; Creation of the People’s Republic of China

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  1. Revolution & Civil War in China; Creation of the People’s Republic of China Ch. 7.2, p. 387 Ch. 10.3, p. 515 Ch. 16.1, 710

  2. I. The Collapse of Chinese Imperialist Rule Intro: By the early 1900s, China was ready for rev.: • Internal rebellions (Taiping, White Lotus, …) • Foreign control (Boxer Rebellion) Keys for survival: • Modernization - build army & navy, reform ed., modernize industry • Nationalism

  3. A. Nationalists Overthrow Qing • Kuomintang (KMT) led by Sun Yat-sen • Sun Western ed., founded Revolutionary Alliance (Nationalist Party), which overthrew Qing in 1911 & elected Sun the 1st President of the Republic of China (1912) • Sun’s Three People’s Principles: • Nationalism (end foreign & Manchu control & unite 400mn. Chinese) • Democracy (people’s rights & popularly elected gov.) • Livelihood (econ. security – land re-distribution)

  4. Sun lacked military support, forced to turn over presidency to: • General Yuan Shikai, head of Imperial army, ruled as dictator until death in 1916

  5. B. Warlord Period (1916 – 1928) • Provincial army leaders ruled over any area they conquered • No real central power, looted, destroyed roads, bridges, crops (causing famine)

  6. C. WWI & the May Fourth Movement • 1917: Beijing Gov. entered WWI w/ Allies, hoping to re-gain German controlled Chinese land • Treaty of Versailles (1919) gave land to Japan • May 4, 1919: student protests “Down w/ European Imperialists” and “Boycott Japan” • Protests spread across China, students & intellectuals began to look to Lenin’s Soviet Communism instead of Sun’s Western democracy to build a modern China

  7. II. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) • 1921: Mao Zedong helps set up CCP based on Marxism & Lenin’s USSR as model for political/economic change • KMT set up gov in S. China, but Sun disillusioned w/ W. countries b/c gave no support: KMT allies w/ CCP • Lenin sends military advisers

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