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Surviving Midterms & Finals 101. Kortschak Center for Learning & Creativity Presented by: Pooja Parashar. Learning Outcomes. Visualize the desired study environment Generate materials that will help during the study process Identify different ways to prepare for exams
Surviving Midterms & Finals 101 Kortschak Center for Learning & Creativity Presented by: Pooja Parashar
Learning Outcomes • Visualize the desired study environment • Generate materials that will help during the study process • Identify different ways to prepare for exams • Discover the importance of self-care during study sessions
BEFORE: • Read through the Syllabus • Ask Professor or TA about exam/essay format • Take notes in lecture • Break down reading and assignments • Create study materials (i.e. Flashcards, Acronyms, Visuals) • Form study groups Before & During Exams Each stage is important and will look different for each individual
Create Study Plans (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.) (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
Study Prep • Create the proper “study” environment • Review: • Study plan • Lecture notes • Handouts • Midterm/Final study guides • Focus on studying • Mentally prepare for the exam (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
Importance of Self-Care • Be well-rested • Take breaks to recharge • Get a good night’s sleep before exams • Eat healthy to stimulate brain function • Make time for deep breathing (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
DURING-Exam Tips & Tricks • Get to class early and ease into exam mode • Look over the full exam before starting • (Optimal) Anxiety can be good • Alert, focused, and motivated • If stuck on a question, put pencil down, close eyes, and take three deep breaths • Create coping statements (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
Revise • Relax • Reward AFTER Exams
References Fischer, M. (2011). Steps for tackling the big test [Handout]. Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity. Howard, J. (2014, June 22). Scientists link a good night's sleep to higher test scores. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/22/sleep-hours-exam-performance_n_5516643.html Kabat-Zinn, Jon. (2013). Full catastrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness. New York :Bantam Books Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity (2013). Yerkes-dodson Law: Test anxiety. Mlstudies. (2016, January 23). Self-Care. Retrieved from http://mlstudies.tumblr.com/post/137899439759/free-printable-as-per-request-heres-a-printable O'Brien, Linda . How to get good grades in college . Dayton, OH: Woodburn Press , 2008. Print. The Organised Student. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://theorganisedstudent.tumblr.com/ Saint Mary's College. (n.d.). Test Taking Strategies. Retrieved from https://www.stmarys-ca.edu/academics/academic-resources-support/student-academic-support-services/tutorial-academic-skills-8 Smith, R. J., Arnkoff, D. B., & Wright, T. L. (1990). Test anxiety and academic competence: A comparison of alternative models. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37(3), 313-321. Retrieved from http://libproxy.usc.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.libproxy2.usc.edu/docview/617789241?accountid=14749