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  1. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ PROJECT IS CARRIED OUT BETWEEN 2012 AND 2014 FINANCED BY THE POLISH AGENCY OF „LIFLONG LEARNING PROGRAMME” NUMBER OF THE PROJECT: 2012-1-PL1-GRU06-27793 1 PROJECT PARTNERS: Gmina CzelaDŹ –UNIWERSYTET iii WIEKU NANO NAGLE CENTRE inMallow, Co. Cork, Irland Municipality of Sant’ Angelo inVado, italy EdremitEğitimGönüllüleriDerneğiinBalıkesi, turkey THE SECOND PROJECT MEETING IN czeladŹ BETWEEN 8TH May and 11th may 2013

  2. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ ThePolishproject team – Bogusława Karecińska and Iwona Sułkowska- wrotethe program for theparticipants of theprojectmeeting: In Polish and inEnglish

  3. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ Participants of theprojectmeetingin Czeladź FromItaly: Elmo de Angelis, Maria Salvi, AlfioFedrici from Ireland: Noreen O` Brien, Karen O`Shea, Paul Quinn from Turkey: KadirOlgun, Murat TayyarGengel, Ismail Damar, Halis Dag, MuhammetHailDikici In thepicture- duringthe Meetingatthe Saturn Muzeum

  4. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ Guestswereaccommodatedatthe SZAFRAN hotel. TheItalian and Turkishgroupsweretakenfromthe Pyrzowice airport by vice mayorMr Jakub Szurdyga and Mr. Tomasz Nowak. The Irish group was taken by Mrs Iwona Sułkowska On 9th May, Thursday, theguestswerewelcomedatthe City Hall by the City MayorMrs Teresa Kosmala and the vice mayorsMrs Teresa Wąsowicz and Mr Jakub Szurdyga.

  5. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ Guestsvisitedthe interior of theMuseum and werewelcomed by thedirectorMrs Iwona Szaleniec Theweather was sunny and warm, so the walk to the Saturn Museum was a great opportunity to havefriendlytalks

  6. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ We startedourwork on theprojecttasksatthe Saturn Museum by presentingrezults of ourprojectactivities: films on theforms of education for seniors and results of thesurveysconcerningtheireduactionalneeds. Elmo De Angelis Iwona Sułkowska showedthepresentations of theproject partners made by studentsfromschoolsinCzekadź for seniors -students of theUniversity of the third Age Paul Quinn

  7. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ All partners presentedneedsanalysisreports - thesurveyswerecarried out in theirenvironments.

  8. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ Theprojectmeetingatthe Saturn Museum was reallyvibrant . ItalianSeniorshad a walk aroundthe Piaski districtaccommpanied by Mrs. Bogusława Karecińskia and Ms Anna Kapitan. One of the most exciting moment was the engagement of somePolishseniorswhoattendedthemeeting. Not onlydidthey talk withtheguestsinEnglish , but alsotoldabouttheirpassions and activitiesintheir environment. We had lunch atthe nice „Pod filarami” restaurant.

  9. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ On Thursdayafternoonthe group walked to the City Public Library to continuework on theprojecttasks. We discussedthefollowingproblems: thecontent of theon-linelibrary, and reports of theresearching strong and weak aspects of the region development influencing the elderly. Theguestswatchedthecourse for Polishseniorswhich was carried out atthelibrary.

  10. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ On the 10th May, Friday, thenext sunny day of theprojectmeeting, the international guestsvisitedtheLocalClub for seniors „Wrzos”, whereextremelywarmwelcome was prepared by themembers of theClub run by Ms Małgorzata Duda. While enjoying traditionalPolishdishes, theguestsadmiredtheexhibition of theClubmembersworks. For thefarewelltherewerePolishsongssung – theprojectparticipantsstatedintheirewaluation questionnaires thatthevisitatthe „Wrzos” Club was the most impressive for them.

  11. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ • International meetingatthe Gimnazjum no3 in Czeladź • Emotions were on the highest level in Junior High School No. 3 in Czeladź, when students and teachers met with guests, invited in effect of Grundvig project realization. • Enthusiasm among the youths was caused by the visit of 12 people from Italy, Ireland and Turkey. Students were waiting for guests with real curiosity and greeted them with passion, using it as an opportunity to try their language knowledge. • It wasn’t the only reason why our guests were creating so many positive emotions, apart from viewing school they had the occasion to see our most talented students. Visitors were charmed by the traditional Irish dance, presented by dance team from our school. There were also some music performances- two songs presented by WiktoriaBryła and Michal Wanot. Wiktoria chose the well-known and very popular song – Skyfalland Michał sang the international song, written in different languages. Peter, the last student showed us his beat boxing talent, and he surprised everyone with his skills. • We will surely remember the visit of the Grundtvig project group, because it was great opportunity and adventure for our students. They were not only good landlords, but also presented themselves as talented and open minded young people- the future of integrated Europe. Let’s hope to have more days like this and chances to present. Marta Twardowska

  12. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ In theafternoon on Friday the10th of May atthe Gimnazjum no 3 in Czeladź theprojectsparticipantstalkedoverdetails of thenextprojectvisit, which will be heldin Turkey inNovember 2013. Aftersomediscussion we conludedwhatshould be statedintheproject report afterthe first year of theprojectrealisation. TheattendeesacceptedtheItalianpartner`ssuggestions to exchange opinions among participants more often by using Facebook ( created by Elmo De Angelis) and Google mails instead of blog so all participants know what is going on in the project, and requirements to take part inon-line system of training coursecreated by Elmo de Angelis.

  13. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ On Fridayafternoon ( 10th May) theprojectparticipantswatched a part of city councils meeting in Czeladź, thenaftervisiting the Seniors House and meeting representatives from the retired people`s association Mr Tomasz Nowak, therepresentative of the City Libraryguidedtheguestsaroundthe city centre and toldthemaboutitshistory. On Saturdaythe 11th of May inthemorningtheparticipants met the City mayor Teresa Kosmala and vice mayorMr Jakub Szurdygaatthe Szafran hotel restaurant to celebratethefarewellbreakfast. We preparedthecertificates of attendance for theparticipants.

  14. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ Polish Partner prepared a questionnaire for theparticipantsin order to find out whattheiropinionsaboutthevisitin Czeladź were, and Italian partner a surveyon-line.

  15. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ Minutes from Grundtvig Project Meeting May 9th-May 10th 2013 Gmina Czeladź –UniwersytetTrzeciegoWieku (Polish Partner)made by Iwona Sułkowska • As for experiencing • Polish culture and history • and Czeladź city life: • The Irish group visited • the former German Nazi • concentration and • extermination camp • Auschwitz and then • Cracow •  The Turkish group • visited Katowice,Cracow • and the salt mine in • Wieliczka •  All partners: • met the city governing body • met Polish seniors, talked • with them and watched • the seniors` activities • Visited 8 different • institutions

  16. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ On Wednesdaythethe 8th May the Irish group with Iwona Sułkowska visitedthe former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz and then Cracow. Whilewalkingfromthe Royal castle to theCracow City centretheyadmiredmonuments. On Saturdaythe 11th May theTurkish group managed to visitthe Katowice Centre, The Salt Minein Wieliczka and theCracowcentre.

  17. Keeping pace with an everchangingworld GRUNDTVIG PROJECT FOR THE UNIWERSYTET III WIEKU IN CZELADŻ Thankyou for watching my presentation. The Project Coordinator Iwona Sułkowska May 2013. • Thepublicationreflectsthestandpoint of theauthorsonly and neithertheEuropeanCommission nor the National Agencybearresponsibility for theessentialcontentsincludedinthepresentation and for theway of usingtheenclosedinformation. .

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