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The Pyramid of Science: Classification, Observation, and Knowledge

Explore the classification of science and the importance of observation in acquiring knowledge. Discover the roles of scientists, rulers, politicians, universities, and experts in the quest for understanding. Beware of the dangers of climbing the pyramid and the risks of losing oneself at the top. This classification is presented in images, symbolizing the distribution of life cycles and the challenge of reaching higher levels of knowledge. Maintain balance and avoid harmful control.

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The Pyramid of Science: Classification, Observation, and Knowledge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SCIENCE Dr.sc.Husnija Hasanbegović

  2. Terminology : • Sciencia (Latin), • Scieace (Seans – French), • Science (English), • Scieaza (Italian), • Znanost (Croatian), • Nauka (Serbian). • “Can be all of above” (Bosnian)


  4. not/desirable CLASSIFICATION 35 30 40 SCIENTISTS Rulers 25 45 Politicians 20 50 University (Master) 15 55 Experts (all profiles) Artists, actors, poets, etc. 10 60 crowd-game and entertainment Earth

  5. Explanation • This classification is presented in image format, each image has its anti-image, which in this case informing the danger of climbing vertically, because at every step of the lurking danger, a danger is greatest at the very top of the pyramid. The pyramid was introduced in the Gaussian - a normal schedule, as curve, which indicates the frequency distribution of the life cycle at about age carved time presented through the years, and warns that at a certain time interval will be done by climbing the pyramid, and to begin the life cycle has its own ending.

  6. At the bottom of the pyramid is the largest part of the human population that exists (food, water, drinking, reproduction and entertainment), and usually stays there. A number of the population, which went one step, but returns to its existence-survival. An individual in the population, eager to control existences population and prestige, to reach the fourth, fifth or sixth level, but also each other under control, take some time and dropped to the beginning.Small, very small portion of the population, went up on top of the pyramid, with a tendency to continue to progress. Do not and must not be controlled, and if the individuals are, then they counter image cleans the top, and causing harm to themselves. (For those who understand)

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