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Planning . The following slides shows the planning stages for my final magazine production. It demonstrates how I have developed my ideas and where I have got my ideas from. FRONT COVER . I will start by explaining how and why I have decided on certain features for my front page .
Planning The following slides shows the planning stages for my final magazine production. It demonstrates how I have developed my ideas and where I have got my ideas from
FRONT COVER I will start by explaining how and why I have decided on certain features for my front page • BEAT – reveals the rhythm of R&B music ( I might have the font blue to highlight the soft side of R&B) • LISTEN – reveals the calm side of R&B. R&B is perceived to be mainly slow music • BANTER – showing the livelihood and happy mood of R&B music • QUAVER – musical note • RAGE • FLAV’R What should I call my magazine?
What About Beat? How Did I come up with Beat? • I searched up synonymous to music and found several different words relating to music. As a result I found that beat may be a good idea as it reveals the rhythm of most R&B urban music.
What about Listen? How Did I come up with Listen? I told a number of students in my class to help me out and I write down what they will call an R&B music magazine. They came up with a variety of different names such as ‘Tune’ and ‘Melody’. We then had a vote that which is the best title and more of the students picked ‘Listen’. We then decided this may be a good idea because the word ‘Listen’ can be related to R&B music as this type of music plays slow and calm songs. The connotation we perceive from the phrase Listen is quite composed and peaceful
What about Quaver? How did I come up with Quaver? Based on general knowledge I noted down different words relating to sound and this was what I came up with. As well as that I also thought this will be a good idea because this is a musical note.
What about Banter? How did I come with Banter? Banter is the most common phrases that are used these days so therefore I thought this will attract the audiences attention. As well as that the phrase Banter could reflect back on the light hearted and bubbly feelings received from the magazine
What about Rage? How did I come with Rage? This name was announced in a focus group. Some people said they associate R&B with rap and loud music therefore leading them to come up with this name. Some people in the focus group even quoted that ‘Rage reminds them of artist like Lil Wayne and Kendrick Lemar’ in which their music can sometimes me associated with R&B.
What about Flav’r? How did I come with Flav’r? Flav’r was actually developed from the top of my head. I thought this would be a great idea as it can be connected with all the mixed feelings received when listening to R&B music. Researching on British magazine I have acknowledged that there is one called ‘Flavour’, so therefore I decided to change the way the phrase is being presented to Flav’r. Moreover using similar names should not be a problem as our ideologies will be quite different.
What Masthead have I decided on? QUAVER • I finally settled on this idea for several different reasons: • Based on more research I found that the word Beat has already been used for another music magazine in the media, so to make my idea more original, I decided not to use Beat as my Masthead. • If I wanted to target both a male and female audience I thought that the title Listen will not be such a good idea because as I mentioned before this title connotes peacefulness which then suggest that the magazine is targeting a female audience only, preventing males from buying the magazine which is not what I intend to do. • Banter does not reveal anything about music. As the masthead is one of the first features that attracts the audience, it is important that the Masthead reveals the genre of the music, which may be difficult if I use Banter as my Headline • Flav’r could be mistaken for a food magazine and Rage in my opinion is mostly associated with ‘rock music’. • As a result I decided on Quaver. Although people misunderstood this phrase for the crisps ‘Quaver’, I believe that this will not be the case for people that are dedicated to music who have more understanding of the phrase ‘Quaver’
More on my magazine… Converges with a website which is also going to be published frequently I am planning to have a light grey background to my front cover Publish magazine will be published every month at first Based on the colours commonly used in Vibe magazine in their front cover I am deliberating on using on of these 3 colours for my Masthead: red, blue, or white However when the business starts making profit I will increase it to every week – this should also be affordable for my target audience as they are part of the working class. Headline may be white as this is simple
What colour and font should I use? 1. QUAVER 2. Quaver 3. Quaver 4. QUAVER I showed these fonts to 15 people from my target audience and asked them to decide which Masthead appeals to them the most and the majority of them chose number 2, reason being because the font stood out to them the most and others said they liked the thickness of the font as it represents the richness of R&B. Therefore I will keep to this font for my magazine at the moment.
Why I am deciding to choose a grey background? The light grey background in the front cover allows the colour font to stand out even more and it adds a greater effect to the presentation of the main image
Why I decided to have a website? My website will include a blog allowing viewers to request for music they will like to listen to. The music that are requested will also be presented in my magazine – this can be one way to inform them that their music available online for them to listen to or download at www.quaver.co.uk These are the following magazine I have analysed and I have found that they both converge with a website. I have been on the Vibe’s magazine website and I found their website really appealing and entertaining. As well as that the website can be one way of promoting my magazine online.
I have decided to stay with 3 main colours for my front cover (this will also be the case for the contents page), to help me decide on the colours that will work well together I used the website www.colorschemedesigner.com • I have made a draft on A4 paper on my intended magazine to see if my layout and colours work well together. • After that I produced a couple of final planning piece on the next page with further adjustment, keeping the 3 main colours as: blue, red and yellow but also on the following side trying out other colours for different features.
Jay Sean Rita Ora Angel Wiley Quaver (Subheading) WIN FREE TICKETS TO SEE SKEPTA PERFORM AT O2 (HEADLINE WILL GO HERE) (Another subheading) (contemplating on whether main image should be on a girl band or a single female artist) (other subheadings)
Content Why I have made certain decisions for my Contents page?
The layout: what will I change and keep? I am contemplating to layout out my magazine similarly to Vibe magazine’s contents. I like the idea that Vibe magazine broke the title ‘content’ down in this way. To make my idea original like theirs, I am thinking of a way to present the title ‘content’ in a different rather than just having it in a straight line at the top. My content list will be by the side similarly to how Vibe is presented or maybe over the main image. I am deciding to use a main image as well that will attract the audience
Consistency The magazine is consistent as they both elicit sexual connotations so therefore I will ensure that my front cover is consistent with my contents The V is consistent with the masthead of the magazine.
What will be included in my content list? I will include gossip about celebrities in the U.K, similar to Vibe informing us about Ciara (US artist). As Vibe magazine introduced a different genre in their content list, I will also bring in another aspect of music in the magazine such as Dance as a lot of people in my questionnaires mentioned they like dancing in their free time. • I will include information about which celebrity is top in the U.K. charts. (information will be gained from MTV base online) • A bit of gossip of U.S artist that are very popular in the U.K such as Rihanna and Beyoncé
Just like my front cover I sketched on pencil how I presume my contents will look like and then again making a few changes I made a couple of final planning decisions on the next slides…
THIS MONTH… Features 59. Celebrities who are constantly on top Rihanna is setting to impress her fans with new album Unapologetic coming out on the 3rd of December 67. BOY BETTER KNOW! Skepta and his boys play dirty with their new single 74. INTERVIEW Interview with the new classy U.K girl band (Main image will go here) CONTENT Events 91. Dance Performance Diversity perform at live show… 103. 02 Skepta and Beyonce performing at o2. Turn to this page to find out how you can win tickets (IMAGE) News 112. Love Rihanna and Chris Brown. Are they seriously back together? 120. Scandals Utterly embarrassing nudes of celebrities (IMAGE)
CONT ENTS THIS MONTH… Features 59. Celebrities who are constantly on top Rihanna is setting to impress her fans with new album Unapologetic coming out on the 3rd of December 67. BOY BETTER KNOW! Skepta and his boys play dirty with their new single 74. INTERVIEW Interview with the new classy U.K girl band (Main image will go here) Events (IMAGE) 91. Dance Performance Diversity perform at live show… 103. 02 Skepta and Beyonce performing at o2. Turn to this page to find out how you can win tickets News (IMAGE) 112. Love Rihanna and Chris Brown. Are they the paramount couple? 120. Scandals Utterly embarrassing nudes of celebrities
Photo shoot • Casting:1. Male and Female models 2. Age 16 - 30 (as this is the suitable age to give informed consent from that particular person ) • Model requirements:1. Should be comfortable posing with others (including opposite sex)2. Be able to expose parts of the body. E.g. wearing dresses just above knee level • Costume:1. Casual look. Some models will wear blue colours matching the colour scheme of the magazine 2. Female: dresses and skirts, leggings, any other causal look3. Males: casually smart • Make-up: 1. Special effects make-up2. Natural make-up/not heavy • Where/When:1. The background was mainly clear and white for two reasons: the concentration of the image can be at the models, I am planning to cut out the background to my image on Photoshop so it will be easier for me when working on my front cover.2. Starting 4th February • Equipment's/Props:1. Microphones
Shot List • Close – ups will be mainly of female models as this shot is able to point out their beauty. • Long – shots of both males and females. For the females mainly because this able to display their body image. • Rule of 3 – allowing audiences to directly look towards the images • Two – shot displaying images of couples • Group – shots displaying images of bands
Audience (GRASS) • I have decided that my target audience will be between the age of 18 – 30. This is because Vibe magazine also set their target audience around this age group. As Vibe is a very successful at reaching its target audience, it shows there is a chance for me reaching this target audience. Although my magazine might be in competition with Vibe magazine as we are both producing R&B magazine, the idea of me producing my magazine to a British audience in the U.K. (which is niche) gives me a better chance of me surviving in the market. • Moreover, the reason why I also chose audience of this particular group is because they are in a working class so therefore it is likely they are able to afford the cost of the magazine • Due to my questionnaire, I have found out that R&B is popular within different ethnicity in the U.K, so therefore unlike Vibe magazine who targets mainly African Americans, I am targeting different ethnicities in the British audience.
HOW DID I DECIDE MY AUDIENCE? • At first I was thinking of targeting a younger audience that I am targeting now due to the fact that my questionnaire suggested that audiences between 15-18 are interested in R&B, however since I am researching on Vibe magazine, I decided to use a similar target audience that Vibe magazine have. Engaging with focus groups has built up my confidence on targeting Vibe’s audience as most of them said their favourite artist always appear on the front cover of the magazine. Even a couple of them mentioned ‘I order Vibe magazine online’. • Focus groups were not the only reasons why I decided on this specific audience. Distributing questionnaires allowed me to acknowledge that my specific target audience were interested in R&B music.