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3 Truck Driver Workouts That Take Minutes a Day

No one ever said being a truck driver was easy. But the hard work is worth it when you're earning good money and seeing beautiful landscapes. And if you have time for just a few minutes of trucker workout each day, you can keep yourself in great shape on the road. For more information visit: https://www.mothertruckeryoga.com/2020/09/15/a-truckers-workout-resistance-bands-exercises/

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3 Truck Driver Workouts That Take Minutes a Day

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  1. 3 Truck Driver Workouts That Take Minutes a Day No one ever said being a truck driver was easy. But the hard work is worth it when you're earning good money and seeing beautiful landscapes. And if you have time for just a few minutes of trucker workout each day, you can keep yourself in great shape on the road—even if your job doesn't allow for more time off! Planks Planks are a great way to build strength in your core. They'll also help you to improve your posture and balance, which is important for truck drivers who spend hours at a time driving on the road. How to Do a Plank: ● Get into push-up position with hands directly under your shoulders and feet together. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe. Squeeze your inner thighs, tip your hip bones up and in, broaden your back and press your hands wide. Mother Trucker Yoga

  2. ● Hold this position for 30 seconds without letting your hips sag or swaying side-to-side, then rest for 30 seconds before doing another set of planks (about three sets total). To make this exercise more challenging, try placing one foot on top of the other or holding onto something sturdy like an exercise ball or chair (if it's stable). Squats ●How to do a squat: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing straight ahead or slightly out. Bend your knees and lower your hips until they're at least parallel with the floor (or as low as you can go without feeling uncomfortable). Pause, then push back up to start position. ●Squat with weights: Use dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand for added resistance. ●Squat with barbell: Place one end of a barbell on racks at chest height and hold onto it with both hands at shoulder width apart; step back so there's enough room for you to bend down without hitting anything behind you--this should be about two feet away from where the rack is placed against wall/door frame if possible). Step underweight plate(s) on other side of rack so they rest on top shoulders (or use two separate bars if available). Lower into deep squatting position by bending knees until thighs are parallel with ground; pause before returning upright again using glutes muscles rather than hamstrings alone! Lunges Lunges are a great way to strengthen the legs, especially the quadriceps. You can do them anywhere there is space--even in your truck. Lunges are a good way to warm up before more intense workouts or as a cool-down after more intense workouts. Mother Trucker Yoga

  3. These exercises are easy, but they'll help you stay fit on the road These exercises are easy, but they'll help you stay fit on the road. You can do these exercises in your truck, at a truck stop or at home. They're simple and effective--easy to remember! Conclusion We know that truck drivers have to stay fit, but they also have a lot of demands on their time. That's why we've come up with three simple exercises that take just minutes each day but still deliver big results. Planks are great for building core strength and stability; squats will help improve your balance; and lunges will strengthen your legs so they can handle long hours behind the wheel without getting tired easily! Mother Trucker Yoga

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