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New Inspection Tags, Code Data Plates and Headlines. Tools for Inspectors. Elevator Association of Florida July 8, 2008. John S. Rearick CodeDataPlate.com. TN 02-3392. TN 02-3392. Discussion. Code Data Plates. HISTORY First Introduced in 1996 Edition
New Inspection Tags, Code Data Platesand Headlines Tools for Inspectors Elevator Association of Florida July 8, 2008 John S. Rearick CodeDataPlate.com
TN 02-3392 CodeDataPlate.com
TN 02-3392 CodeDataPlate.com
Discussion CodeDataPlate.com
Code Data Plates • HISTORY • First Introduced in 1996 Edition • Special Section in 2000 Edition (8.9) • TEN YEARS OF PRACTICE • Learning Curve • Problems Encountered CodeDataPlate.com
SECTION 8.9 Requirement 8.9 contains requirements for all new and existing equipment within the Scope of this Code. 8.9.1 Required Information Data plate shall be provided and maintained that shall indicate the Code to be used forinspections and tests (see The data plate shall indicate the Code and edition in effect at the time of installation. The data plate shall also indicate the Code in effect at the time of any alteration and indicate the applicable requirements of 8.7. CodeDataPlate.com
Installation Code Edition • Original Installation Date • Elevator Permit Date • Other Dates If Unknown • Original Installation Code • Follows AHJ’s Effective Dates • Use ASME Effective Dates • AHJ has no dates • No AHJ • GSA • Format is the same as in Inspector’s Guide CodeDataPlate.com
Equipment Without Alteration • Older Installations • Use applicable ASME edition • Use Locally adopted Codes such as • Ohio Bulletin 110 (Red Book) • Massachusetts 524 CMR • Pennsylvania PA 34 Chap. 7 • Washington WAC 296-96 Min. Std. • Each AHJ addresses this issue differently • Newer Installations • Use applicable ASME edition • As required by AHJ CodeDataPlate.com
Edition Sensitive Items(85 years of code) • A17.3 applies from d-1986 through d-2000 to Part XII • Item 1.6 Car Emergency Signal there are 6 differences • Space Guards A17.1-1937 and later editions (also A17.3) • Static Control a-1988 and later editions • Glazing b-1989 and later editions & again in a-2005 • Item 1.12/13 & 3.8 (Cab items) there are 16 differences • and 16 more relating to car & hoistway doors & gates • Door Restrictors b-1980, b-1983 and b-1989 differences • Hydro RPR required for installations under c-1986 and later • Fire Service b-1973, 1981, 1984, b-1989 and 2000 CodeDataPlate.com
CDP Flow Chart CodeDataPlate.com
Custom Plates • Alterations Under A17.1-1996 Edition • Alterations Under A17.1-2000 Edition CodeDataPlate.com
Alteration Plate Door Operator Plunger Gripper Wiring Valve Re-opening Devise Tank Door Restrictor Limits Controller Replacement Top of Car Insp.. Emergency Operations Leveling CodeDataPlate.com
Websitewww.CodeDataPlate.com • Home Page • Standard Page • Order by Permit Date and AHJ • Order by Code Edition • Custom Page • Traction Choices • Hydro Choices • Contact Page CodeDataPlate.com
Custom Plates • Modernizations • Multi-mod Plate CodeDataPlate.com
Custom Plates • Add-on Plates CodeDataPlate.com
Job Information Web, e-mail, phone or fax
43 AHJ’s Data Base of Effective Dates CodeDataPlate.com
Custom Software CodeDataPlate.com
Custom Software CodeDataPlate.com
Other Types of Plates • Job Specific Plates • AHJ Specific Plates • NYC - Ohio -Iowa • Mass. - Calif. -WA • Penn. - MO -A17.3 • Add on Plates • Cross-head Plates • T/H plates CodeDataPlate.com
Minor Alterations Only Field Marked Alteration Plate Covers common alterations Instructions Provided CodeDataPlate.com
Under b-1995 and earlier Other Products Hydro Under 1996 and later Replacement Crosshead Plates CodeDataPlate.com
Other Products CodeDataPlate.com
Other Products Instructions Provided CodeDataPlate.com
Code Data Plate Kits CodeDataPlate.com
Under Development Section 2.11 of A17.7 CodeDataPlate.com
Discussion CodeDataPlate.com
Horror Headlines Don’t Miss the Details Your Inspection is Critical NAESA’s motto, In The Public Interest, is something we take seriously and all our resources are dedicated to public safety through industry education.
FATALITY AT OSU Elevator’s brake fails state test Wednesday, November 01, 2006 Kathy Lynn Gray THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH The dormitory elevator that killed an Ohio State University freshman had a major brake failure and couldn’t hold even the 2,500 pounds it was supposed to support, a state report released yesterday shows. Andy Polakowski, 18, was crushed by the elevator in OSU?s Stradley Hall on Oct. 20. He was trapped between the roof of the elevator and the third floor after he tried to step off the car as it unexpectedly began to descend with the doors open. CodeDataPlate.com
Horror Headlines ...in a bizarre accident a 5000 pound imaging machine used at a local hospital crashed though the 4th floor elevator shaft doors and fell two floors crushing a 26 year old man inside the elevator. Investigators reported that some of the shaft door steel safety angles that engage the elevator door sill were missing allowing the heavy machine to continue on its path. The operator of the machine apparently was distracted seconds before the accident. Hospital administrators refused comment. X-Ray Machine Crushes Man
Horror Headlines ….riding with her mother, and two other children the 3 year girl got her fingers wedged between the escalator step and the floor plate comb. The accident de-gloved all the figures of her right hand. Doctors were able to save just one of the fingers, but stated that it is doubtful she will ever regain the use of it. Investigators reported caution signs were missing and that many of the combs at the landings were missing teeth. In a related story Mall Mart has recently installed escalator safety side skirt brushes after last years tragic accident do to a step-skirt entrapment which cost a 5 year old most of his left foot. Child Loses Fingers in Escalator Accident
Horror Headlines …apparently the driving mechanism became detached from the elevator and the elevator somehow wedged itself a few feet below the top floor. A piston, like that on an auto lift, continued down without the elevator cab it had been holding to the first floor. Investigators reason the movement of the passenger within the car after it stuck may have jarred it enough to start the fall. The occupants were a 26 year old mother of two and her sons 4 and 6. The mother suffered the most serious injuries and is in the university hospital. Unsupported Elevator Falls from Top Floor
Courtesy of Elevator Inspector.com CodeDataPlate.com
Horror Headlines ...the fire started when a hastily discarded cigarette tossed between the doors of the elevator caught the oil and lint in the elevator shaft on fire. The chimney effect of the shaft quickly tuned it into an inferno. It was reported that the oil and lint condition had existed for years and hospital personnel knew of the hazard. 5 Student Nurses Burned Alive in Hospital Elevator Fire
Horror Headlines …the students had all piled on the elevator at the top floor and it attempted to stop at the 3rd floor before crashing into the elevator pit. Investigators said there had been a catastrophic failure of an underground cylinder. …in an investigation of last months accident killing 2 and seriously injuring 11 others when a packed elevator fell, it was determined oil had been leaking underground for several months before the accident, but it was not caught by inspectors who had noted on there report to the owner there was no oil usage log on the premises. …A former employee of the elevator maintenance company stated that the university had not acted on a proposal for a “Life-Jacket” safety devise which could have stopped the falling elevator. Underground Elevator Cylinder Failure Kills 2
Horror Headlines …while attempting to jump from a stalled elevator a 68 year old man fell backwards to his death. A building maintenance employee apparently opened the shaft to allow the man to get out. The elevator was stuck some five feet above the floor from which the man jumped to the floor, lost his balance and fell 13 floors to his death. Fire department rescue workers said they were called on after the man fell to his death. They stated using the ASME A17.4 rescue methods they had been instructed to use could have prevented this tragedy. ...During a follow-up investigation to last weeks tragic death to a 68 year old man in a elevator shaft fall, state elevator officials revealed a violation of the state code for elevators. The door restictor devise was not in proper working order. The official explained that this is a safety devise mandated since the mid 80’s to prevent the opening of car doors when the car is not at or very near a floor. Man Falls Down Elevator Shaft
Owner • Notice to AHJ • Investigation • Corrective Action • Return to Service Discussion • Injured Parties • Plaintiff's Attorneys • Consultants/Expert Witnesses • Defendants • Owner • Manufacturer • Maintainer/s CodeDataPlate.com