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Final Project religión. My group : Valentina Rodríguez , Martín Galván, Andrés rivera and Sara Hurtado. The islam. are the great monotheistic religions. One G od.
Final Projectreligión My group : Valentina Rodríguez , Martín Galván, Andrés rivera and Sara Hurtado .
Are thethreegreadmonotheisticreligionsoneGod , Islam has itsorigins in theArabianpeninsula in thesixthcenturyafterChrist VI .
The islam predominates : • Asia , Africa and parts of Europe .
Ishisprophet : • Prophet Mahoma wasthefounder of theislamicreligion . Born in mecca in 570 afterchrist , hisonlyGodis Ala , thecreator of theword and the and thealmight and themercifuljudge .
Muslimsbegantocountthe time fromjuly 16 day 622 of thehegiraconsidaraelsicethisisthebeginning of themusilm era .
TheirholybookistheCoranwhichrecallstheteachings of muhammand .hisbookconteins 114 chapterscalledsure , eachchapterisdividedinto 6200 verses .
Somefoods are prohibitedas pork , somedrinkssuch as alcohol .
The meca istheblakstone of a meteorite , that place is a box about 15 metersremaining a blackclothcoverispreservedblackstone .
Some of themostimportantcelebrationsthantake place are : circunticion , and othercelebrations .
Circunsticionthepractice of thefifteenyears , whichwelcomesyoutothecommunity .
Themarriagewascelebratedwhith a grandbanquethostedbythetwofamilies , involvingmanypeople .
Themostimportant festival isthe festival of sacrifice,orram in everyfamilysacrifices a sheeporlambtorememberthesacrifice of Abraham. • Theirholydayis Friday.
Itsmajesticceremonyheld in the mosque the simbol thatunitesMuslimsis a crescentappearssomeflagsonthe domes of mosques.