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Plants and Animals of Egypt

Plants and Animals of Egypt. By: Sydnie Casey. Summary. Plants and Animals Where Ra’s creation. There where many Plants and Animals on the Nile river. Plants . Some Plants of Egypt are: Papyrus and Lotus (water lilies).

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Plants and Animals of Egypt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plants and Animals of Egypt By: Sydnie Casey

  2. Summary • Plants and Animals Where Ra’s creation. There where many Plants and Animals on the Nile river.

  3. Plants • Some Plants of Egypt are: Papyrus and Lotus (water lilies). • Papyrus was used to make paper, sandals, boats, ropes and paint brushes. • There where 2 types of Lotus flower. A blue and white colored . The Lotus represented the sun because the would close and sink at night then rise and open at dawn.

  4. Pictures of Papyrus and Water Lilies The Papyrus plant was used to make many things including paper which was important to the scribes. The leaves and flowers of the Water Liles where used as cooling compresses.

  5. Animals • There where many Egyptian animals. Some animals are: Hippotami, Crocodiles, Cobras, Lions, Geese, Pintail ducks, Vultures, Falcons, Jackals, Wild dogs, Gazelles and Antelopes • Some of these animals where used to represent important gods and godesses.

  6. Hippopotami • The Hippopotami where large animals that swam in the river and could stay submerged in the river for 5-8 minutes • Fun Fact Hippopotamus means: Water Horse Hippopotami can weigh anywhere from 1,000 to 2,500 lbs

  7. Crocodiles • Crocodiles where found in marshy land They honored the god Sobek. They where mummified in honor of the Egyptian God Faiyum. The crocodile is 20 feet long and can weigh up to 1,650 lbs

  8. Cobras • The Cobra was often found in the Nile Delta. The Cobra was the symbol of the Goddess Wedjat. The Cobra is the worlds longest venomous snake

  9. Bibliography • Google • Google images • Text book • The plants and animal page from our packet • www.photos.net • www.cobras.org • www.library.thinkquest.org • www.wondersofwildlife.org • www.naturia.per

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