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North/Union vs. South/Confederacy . North’s Advantages. South’s Advantages. Defensive War- South does not have to take land Officers- planter’s sons educated at military schools Revolution/Freedom- S. believes in it’s cause N. Disadvantage- can N. overcome distances to invade S.
North/Union vs. South/Confederacy North’s Advantages South’s Advantages Defensive War- South does not have to take land Officers- planter’s sons educated at military schools Revolution/Freedom- S. believes in it’s cause N. Disadvantage- can N. overcome distances to invade S. ?Which advantage is most important to South • Navy- can blockade S. to stop European support • Industry- North can make war materials (guns, clothes, trains) • Dollars- N. has 4x’s the wealth of South • Population- 30 mil. in N vs. 8 mil. Whites in S. • ?Which advantage is most important? Why?
Failure of Compromise Kansas-Nebraska Act The American Civil WarThe Recipe for War Dred Scott Decision Uncle Tom’s Cabin John Brown’s Raid Election of Abraham Lincoln
Missouri Compromise 1- Maine becomes a free state 2- Missouri becomes a slave state 3- Slavery will be outlawed in any new state north of Missouri’s southern border
Compromise of 1850 1- California becomes a free state 2- popular sovereignty would be used to decide if slavery would be allowed in New Mexico 3-New Mexico and Utah become slave states 4- Stronger Fugitive Slave law
Uncle Tom’s Cabin(published 1852) By Harriet Beecher Stowe, (a northerner) One of the most influential books ever written, this novel, which dramatized the cruelties of slavery, sold 300,000 copies the first year
Northerners Helped change the way northerners felt about slavery. Northerners now saw slavery as a MORAL ISSUE which they could no longer ignore Southerners Outraged by the book! Southerners claimed the book, which was also made into a play, did not give a true picture of slave life An Anti-Slavery Bestseller! One of the most important books in American history!
The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 1- Louisiana Purchase divided in to 2 territories Kansas and Nebraska 2- popular sovereignty would be used to decide if slavery would be allowed in these territories
Popular sovereignty caused a small scale civil war in Kansas Battles broke out between pro-slavery settlers and anti-slavery settlers 200 died in 4 months “Bleeding Kansas” Both Nebraska and Kansas eventually became free states
The Dred Scott Decision(1857) If a slave is brought to a free state does that make him automatically free?
The Supreme Court decided that: Slaves were not citizens, so they could not bring sue Slaves were property 5th Amendment protects property, and because slaves were property, Congress could not ban slavery in the territories Scott v. Sanford Southerners were overjoyed with the decision
Abraham Lincoln opposed to slavery in the territories. no desire to interfere with slavery where it already existed Stephen Douglas popular sovereignty The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) For the position of Illinois senator
John Brown’s Raid(1859) Abolitionist who tried to raid the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry,Virginia. His plan was to arm the slaves and start a slave uprising.
The North Brown became a hero in the north. Many considered him a martyr because he was willing to give his life for his beliefs The South Southerners were outraged by Brown’s actions. Many became convinced that the North wanted to destroy slavery Hero or Villain? Northerner’s sang, “John Brown’s body lies a mold’ring in The grave, but his soul goes marching on….”
The Election of 1860 There were four candidates for president • Stephen Douglas-Northern Democrats Believed in popular sovereignty • John Breckinridge- Southern Democrats Pro-slavery • John Bell- Constitutional Union Party Wanted to keep the Union together • Abraham Lincoln- Republican Wanted to stop the spread of slavery
…And The Winner Was With less than 40% of the vote Abraham Lincoln!
Secession! To many Southerners, Lincoln’s election meant that the South no longer had a voice in government. They believed that the President and Congress were now set against their interests – especially slavery Secede- to withdraw from the country The first state to secede was South Carolina on December 20, 1860
Civil War, 1861 • Lincoln would do anything to save the Union • Lincoln believed that secession was unconstitutional • Lincoln faced a terrible dilemma when The Confederacy began seizing federal forts in the South………….
Fort Sumter, 1861 Fort Sumter guarded Charleston, South Carolina. On April 11, 1861, The Confederacy demanded that The United States troops leave the fort When Major Robert Anderson refused to surrender the Fort, Confederate guns opened fire. on April 13, 1861, Anderson surrendered the fort…marking the start of the Civil War
A House Divided… Lincoln believed that the nation could not survive if it remained divided by slavery. On June 16, 1858, he stated: “A houses divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.” What was Lincoln’s house????