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StrongerTogether. Hub employment security (before insourcing). Employment security (before insourcing). Insourcing. Employment security. 90–95% job security Job security that never existed for s-CO Secured core work in largest cities Secure UAX work in CLE, IAH, EWR, SFO and ORD

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Presentation Transcript

  1. StrongerTogether

  2. Hub employment security(before insourcing)

  3. Employment security(before insourcing)

  4. Insourcing

  5. Employment security • 90–95% job security • Job security that never existed for s-CO • Secured core work in largest cities • Secure UAX work in CLE, IAH, EWR, SFO and ORD • Expanded 1994 absolute security to June 3, 1999 • Implemented April 1, 2006 protection from outsourcing date • Ramp and Stores cannot have their status or leads changed because of outsourcing • No PT shifts in Stores where 10 hour shifts exist • Commitment to preserve FT positions with recall to FT in stations where it was displaced • Commitment from company to open currently vendored Ramp work in 10 Stations, and PCE work in IAD, HNL • Absolute protection for RES from outsourcing, and commitment to no office closures • Language to discuss protection from technology outsourcing • VSIP package • Move Package • Enhanced severance pay

  6. Economics • Full Retro pay for s-UA from 1 JAN 2010 to DOS (date of signing) • Retro for s-CO from last current raises • Improved base wage at DOS, 2.5% step increase on 1 APR 2016 • Increased longevity pay to max $0.75 • Ability to earn double time OT and implement 24-hour clock • Mid-contract bonus of 6% base on 2014 pay to be paid after 1 JAN 2015 • Red circle market differential employees • Adopt s-UA shift differential • Adopt s-CO lead pay • Premium pay for premium positions • Unpaid lunch after 5 hours for s-UA • 401-K for s-UA • Adopt pilot profit sharing • Guaranteed 15-minute paid breaks

  7. Retro pay

  8. 6% earnings

  9. Pay scale

  10. Benefits • 100% sick pay; not tied to doctor’s note • Improved Sic/Occ bank hourss-UA increased Sic/Occs-CO increased Occ • Personal emergency leave of 2 instances of 4 days for each member of immediate family • EIS extended to 6 years with benefits up to 3 years or ½ length of service • Long term disability extended to s-UA • Ability to participate in National Group Protection Plan Policies with payroll deduction • Time-and-one-half for holiday hours worked • 6 fixed holidays and 2 floating holidays • Additional paid week of vacation for s-CO • Improved accrual rate • Ability to buy an extra week of vacation or defer holidays for an additional week of vacation • Ability to bid two separate blocks of vacation on initial bid as long as consecutive • Minimum one week block bid; May float remainder of vacation to be bid as DAT • If a paid holiday falls within your vacation week, you may move it for an additional day off or choose to be paid out for that day

  11. Work rules • Delayed calling of mandatory penalty of 1.5 hours of pay if mandatory called within an hour of the end of your shift • Supervisors may no longer displace IAM members • Restrictions on supervisors working • No trade suspension • Able to bid in/out of specialty positions at least once per year • Lifetime recall for 10+ years or currently furloughed • Specialty training offered by seniority • Grievance procedure enhanced • Health and Safety committee • Overtime • Shift differential

  12. Total compensationper work hour

  13. StrongerTogether

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