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Lesson 4 Part 2. Personal Relationships cont. MORIOR, MORI, MORTUUM Latin “to die”. MORIBUND. (more-ih-buhnd) (mor-i-bund), adjective Definition: about to die or end Forms: moribundity, noun “With the creation of cellular phones, the land line phone has become moribund .” . MORTIFY.
Lesson 4 Part 2 Personal Relationships cont.
MORIOR, MORI, MORTUUM Latin “to die”
MORIBUND (more-ih-buhnd) (mor-i-bund), adjective Definition: about to die or end Forms: moribundity, noun “With the creation of cellular phones, the land line phone has become moribund.”
MORTIFY (more-tih-fy)(mor-ti-fy), verb Definition: to shame Forms: mortification, noun “The best way to mortify my mother is to swear when we are out in public.”
POSTMORTEM (post-more-tum)(post-mor-tem), noun Definition: an autopsy an analysis of something that is over “The postmortem revealed that the boy had overdosed on Skittles.” “Typically in English class, there is a postmortem of the movies shown.”
THANATOS Greek “death”
EUTHANASIA (youth-in-asia)(eu-tha-na-sia), noun Definition: The act of painlessly killing a suffering person or animal “When our dog developed a painful tumor, we decided that euthanasia was a good option to put him out of his misery.”
NASCOR, NASCI, NATUM Latin “to be born”
INNATE (ih-nate) (in-nate), adjective Definition: possessed at birth, inborn Forms: innately, adverb “She had an innate talent for writing that was only made stronger by years and years of practice.”
NAIVE (ny-eve) (na-ive), adjective Definition: childlike, unsophisticated gullible Forms: naivete, noun “Her lack of life experience made her very naive for 20 years old.” “Hank is the most naive young boy; he believes everything he is told.”
NASCENT (naa-scent) (nas-cent), adjective Definition: emerging or coming into existence “Coaches support and direct the nascent talents of their players.”
RENAISSANCE (rehn-ess-ahns) (ren-ais-sance), noun Definition: a rebirth, renewal (Capitalized) a revival of humanism in 14th century Europe “In the early 2000s, down vests had a fashion renaissance & are still popular for many people.” “During the Renaissance, Shakespeare left his mark on history.”