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Global History : Everything Else. Communists. Karl Marx (Marxist/ Marxist Socialism/ communism) V.I. Lenin (Russia/U.S.S.R.) Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) Mikhail Gorbachev ( last communist leader of the Soviet Union) Fidel Castro (Cuba) Mao Zedong (China) Ho Chi Mihn (Vietnam)
Communists • Karl Marx (Marxist/ Marxist Socialism/ communism) • V.I. Lenin (Russia/U.S.S.R.) • Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) • Mikhail Gorbachev (last communist leader of the Soviet Union) • Fidel Castro (Cuba) • Mao Zedong(China) • Ho Chi Mihn (Vietnam) • Kim Jong-Il (North Korea)
Women • World Leaders (non-traditional roles): • Indira Gandhi (India) • Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan) • Golda Meir (Israel) • Margaret Thatcher (Great Britain) • Humanitarian Concerns: • Mother Teresa (India) • Aung San Suu Kyi (Myanmar) • Rigoberta Menchu (Guatamala) • Enlightened thinker: • Mary Wollstonecraft
Supporters of Westernization • All supported modernization • Russia: Catherine the Great, Peter the Great, Stalin • Iran: Shah Reza Pahlevi • Turkey: Kemel Ataturk • Japan: Emperor Meiji
Ruthless Leaders • Adolf Hitler leader of Nazis(Germany) • Pol Pot leader of Khmer Rouge (Cambodia) • Slobadon Milosevic leader of Serbs (Serbia) • Mao Zedong leader of Red Guard (China) • Joseph Stalin leader of network of terror (Soviet Union) Pol Pot Documentary
Human Rights Violations • Examples of Genocide (mass murder of a group of people) • Armenians during WWI • Holocaust (Jews and others) during WWII • educated persons under the Khmer Rouge • Hutus and Tutsies in Rwanda • Muslims in Bosnia by Serbs Rwanda Massacre
Apartheid in South Africa Human Rights • Examples of other violations of human rights (denial of basic political, economic and social right to which all humans are entitled): • Jews in Middle Ages/pogroms in Russia/Holocaust • Irish Potato Famine: Irish flee to America • Apartheid in South Africa: Mandela & Biko fight Untouchables in India: Gandhi fights
Human Rights Tiananmen Square Massacre • Examples of other violations of human rights (denial of basic political, economic and social right to which all humans are entitled): • Tiananmen Square massacre in China: Economic changes - no democratic reforms • Dissidents under Stalin • Women and Children during Industrial Revolution • Urban population in Cambodia under Khmer Rouge
Organizations and Groups • PLO : (Palestine Liberation Organization, led by Yasir Arafat) Its goal it to create an independent state of Palestine. (in conflict with Israeli Jews) • OPEC: (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Its goal is to control the oil industry by setting production levels and prices. • NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement: its goal is to promote trade free of tariffs (has pros and cons)
Conflicts • Israelis and Palestinians:conflict over Holy Land. Israelis believe God gave the land to them • Palestinians say they were living there. • Palestinians fled to neighboring nations after the creation of Israel. • Four wars - Israel wins all. • Palestinians have limited self-rule in Gaza Strip and West Bank and want statehood.
Nationalism • Nationalism: devotion to one’s country, especially to be independent and free from foreign control(hook up with self-determination / independence movements) • Groups seeking independence • Chechyns in Russia • Tibetans in China • Palestinians in Palestine • Kurds in Iraq • Albanians in Kosovo
Global Concern • Desertification: arable land turning to desert • Sahel region of Sahara Desert in Africa • Causes: overgrazing, cutting down forests • Effects: Sahara Desert grows 50 miles/yr, famine • Solutions: education, planting trees to reduce soil erosion, crop rotation, international aid
Global Concern • Deforestation: destruction of forests • Brazil, India, Indonesia • Cause: developing nations looking to sell lumber or clear land to grow crops, graze cattle or build homes • Effects: Losing 50 million acres of tropic forest each year, greenhouse effect, soil erosion, extinction of certain plants and animals • Solutions: education, planting trees, population control, economic development
Global Concern • Overpopulation (too many people for the available resources) • Causes: traditional values, laborers, lack of birth control • China, India, Bangladesh • Effects: World population of 6.2 billion and growing, drain on resources (including energy, education, food, farmland and water) • Solutions: education, family planning, China’s “one-child” policy