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Energy and Transportation Science Division. Johney Green Jr., Ph.D. Director Presentation to: NCA&T State University November 20, 2009. Today, ORNL is DOE’s largest science and energy laboratory. Nation’s largest concentration of open source materials research
Energy and Transportation Science Division Johney Green Jr., Ph.D. Director Presentation to: NCA&T State University November 20, 2009
Today, ORNL is DOE’s largest scienceand energy laboratory • Nation’s largest concentrationof open source materials research • World’s most intense pulsed neutron sourceand a world-class research reactor • World’s most powerful open scientific computing facility • Nation’s most diverse energy portfolio • Managing the billion-dollar U.S. ITER project • $1.4B budget • 4,500 employees • 4,000 researchguests annually • $500 million investedin modernization 1 Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy
ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC A 65-year relationship with DOEand its predecessors Develops and deploys technology worldwide Manages or co-manages 6 DOE national laboratories: ORNL (with UT), Brookhaven(with SUNY-Stony Brook), Idaho, Lawrence Livermore (with UC and Bechtel), NREL (with MRI), Pacific Northwest Limited LiabilityCompany A 50-50 partnership The University of Tennessee Battelle • An ORNL partner since 1946 • State-funded Science Alliance startedin 1982, to build programs with ORNL • Shared research in many areas • Joint appointments • Joint institutes in advanced materials, biological sciences, computational sciences, neutron sciences, nuclear physics
Delivering science and technology:ORNL leads major R&D programs for DOE and other customers Ultrascale computing Energy technologies Bioenergy ITER Neutron sciences Climate Materialsat the nanoscale National security Nuclear energy
A Majority of Energy is Consumed in Transportation and Electricity Sectors ~45% of energy consumed in form of Electricity Transportation consumes 29% Industrial consumes 22% (non-electricity) Industrial consumes 22% (non-electricity)
ETSD’s S&T Agenda is Executed in Four Research Centers Energy and Transportation Science Division Johney Green, Jr. Director Embedded Support John Czachowski Teresa Ferguson Terry Heatherly Saylor Hummel Program Management Robert DeVault Patti Garland Terry Payne Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Center Ron GravesBrian West Center for Transportation Analysis Diane Davidson Glen Harrison Building Technologies Research and Integration Center Patrick Hughes Bill Craddick Power Electronics and Electrical Power Systems Research Center Mitchell Olszewski Laura Marlino Fuels and Engines Research Timothy Theiss Decision Engineering RekhaPillai Power Electronics andElectric Machinery Don Adams Building Envelopes Research Andre’ Desjarlais Transportation Policy and Planning Glen Harrison Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Energy Efficiency Julia Kelley Power and Energy Systems BurakOzpineci Emissions and Catalysis Research Jim Parks Transportation Systems Research Bill Knee Whole-Building andCommunity Integration Melissa Lapsa ETSD has over 160 staff members with a distinguished reputation supported by awards, patents, publications, and external recognition ORNL 2008-G00514 EFG
Building Technologies Research and Integration Center ORNL Main Campus Andre’ Desjarlais • Primary Customers: DOE-EERE (BTP, WIP, FEMP), TVA • FY 2009 Budget: ~$65M • R&D Focus Areas • Residential and Commercial zero-energy building integration • Industry tools and techniques to optimize energy efficiency • Whole-system evaluations of building envelope components • Characterization of cooling and heating systems and equipment • Simulation, modeling, analysis Patrick Hughes Bill Craddick Melissa Lapsa Julia Kelley
Power Electronics and Electrical Power Systems Research Center NTRC 1st Floor Don Adams ORNL Main Campus Burak Ozpineci Laura Marlino • Primary Customers: DOE-EERE VTP, Industry • FY 2009 Budget: ~$15M • R&D Focus Areas • Simulation, modeling, analysis • Prototype development • Advanced power electronics • Inverters, converters, thermal management • Adjustable speed drives • Motor controls • Novel motor topologies • Power quality & utility interconnects Mitch Olszewski
Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Center NTRC 1st Floor NTRC 1st floor Ron Graves Brian West Tim Theiss • Primary Customers: DOE-EERE VTP, Industry • FY 2009 Budget: ~$30M R&D Focus Areas • Advanced combustion regimes • Emission control devices • Fuel property effects on combustion and emissions • Stationary power engine ignition, controls and emissions • Simulation, modeling, analysis • Vehicle systems • Fuel cell characterization Jim Parks
Center for Transportation Analysis Primary Customers: DOT, DHS, DOE-EERE FY 2009 Budget: ~$30M R&D Focus Areas Visualization & analysis of diverse data sets Tool development for data management of transportation systems Military logistics planning Policy impact analysis Decision support NTRC 2nd Floor Bill Kneé ORNL Main Campus Diane Davidson Rekha Pillai Glen Harrison NTRC 1st Floor
Energy Efficiency Improvements for Buildings CRADA partner GE on track to be first Hybrid Electric Water Heater that meets new 2009 DOE ENERGY STAR standards (by end of CY2009) Awards Night Winner – Tech Transfer 50% less energy than conventional Hybrid Electric Water Heater from ORNL-GE CRADA to Be Manufactured in Louisville, KY R&D 100 Award for first-ever fire-resistive phase change insulation material (PCM) First organic PCM that can be applied in U.S. buildings without increasing flammability Thermal Storage Insulation→Reduce/Shift Load
ZEBRAlliance DOE and TVA sponsor ORNL’s R&D Research: find affordable solutions Education: foster demand (www.zebralliance.com) First project Schaad builds 4 houses & leases them to ORNL for 30 months at $1 per month for R&D Many “firsts” Full-sized houses with ZEHcore walls, foundation heat exchangers House with an insulating system that stores solar energy, shaving peak cooling loads by day and passively heating by night Houses with ground-source integrated heat pumps, a single unit in lieu of separate heating and cooling, water heater and dehumidifier Documentary of construction for “builder’s boot camp” Kick-starts DOE’s ‘Builders Challenge’ in the region
Reducing the Petroleum Consumption of Vehicles Effects of Intermediate Ethanol Blends on Legacy Vehicles and Small Engines These data and the report are being heavily cited in industry-EPA deliberations of new fuel regulations Could change all of US gasoline ethanol content in order to meet national renewable fuel goals Cash for Clunkers CTA’s Clean Cities fuel economy team developed the software and data system for the EPA/NHTSA Car Allowance Rebate System (Cash for Clunkers) Consumer information, Dealer validation requirements, Handle the intensive traffic expected, and to ensure security from cyber attacks
TVA, ORNL Part of Core Team for Nissan Leaf EV “Roll-out” in Tennessee Nissan, eTec, and selected “team members” plan to initially deploy 4,500 electric vehicles in five strategic markets (December 2010) Arizona, California, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington State. Major population areas include: Nashville , Knoxville and Chattanooga (TN) Approximately 2,250 charging stations in Tennessee Photos from: www.nissanusa.com
Higher Power, Lower Cost Electric Components for Hybrid & Fuel-Cell Vehicles Current Source Inverter for HEVs and FCVs High-Temperature, High-Voltage Fully Integrated Gate Driver Circuit • Objectives • •Develop a 55 kW current source inverter (CSI) prototype to: • Integrate boost converter and inverter functionality • Perform regeneration functions • Improve fault tolerance • Substantially reduce capacitor requirements • Objectives • Develop a “universal” silicon-on-insulator (SOI)-based high-temperature, high-voltage gate driver • Function from -40°C to 200°C ambient without heat sinks or cooling mechanisms (major cost savings) 55 kW CSI Prototype • Status • A prototype of a 55 kW CSI was successfully built and tested • Total capacitance required was reduced by about 90% to 195 µF • A voltage boost ratio of up to 3.47 was achieved • Design of a 55 kW CSI for operating with a 105°C coolant has been completed. Status A highly integrated SOI chip has been designed, fabricated, and packaged for testing at ambient temperatures of 200ºC.
ORNL Employment Opportunities http://jobs.ornl.gov
Student Opportunities Through Partnerships:ORAU and ORISE • Undergraduate Internships • Graduate Students • Postdoctoral Appointments • Faculty Experiences http://see.orau.org/
At a Glance: Student, Postdoctoral, and Fellow Programs http://jobs.ornl.gov * ORNL employment program
Current Openings • 90+ full-time positions and 75+ postdoctoral positions currently posted • Science, Engineering, and Supporting Organizations • Competitive Salary • Attractive Benefits Package • Non-contributing Pension and 401k • 100% Matching first 2% 50% matching next 4% • Low cost of living and excellent quality of life • http://jobs.ornl.gov
Recruiting Contact Information Shelly Hunt Lohmann University Recruiting and Fellowship Programs Oak Ridge National Laboratory 865-574-7522 office 865-806-2096 mobile Email and IM: lohmannsh@ornl.gov http://jobs.ornl.gov Joshua M. Scull University Recruiter Oak Ridge National Laboratory 865-241-9030 office 865-466-6416 mobile Email and IM: sculljm@ornl.gov http://jobs.ornl.gov Follow ORNL on:
Reaching Students -Social Media Questions and Discussion • Johney Green • Phone: 865-576-3711 • E-mail: greenjbjr@ornl.gov